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The Extracellular Matrix of diseased lung scaffolds and its role in 3D Bioprinting

Lösningen till det globala underskottet tranplanterbara lungor finns kanske i återanvändandet av sjuk lungvävnad. Över hela världens finns patienter som väntar på att få nya organ transplanterade. För de med kroniska lungsjukdomar finns ofta inga botemedel, och förhoppningen om att få nya lungor transplanterade präglas av långa väntelistor och bara ungefär hälften av de som faktiskt får transplanChronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is currently the third leading cause of death worldwide and for patients with end-stage disease, the only viable treatment is lung transplantation. In order to meet this clinical need, novel approaches of tissue engineering have emerged. 3D bioprinting technologies are one such rapidly evolving approach and show promising results in terms of biocompatib

Stories of persistence and desistance: A study on Maltese ex-inmates’ pathways in and out of crime

This thesis investigates five ex-inmates’ narratives on their pathways in and out of crime in Malta. In-depth interviews were conducted to generate their stories. Previous studies on criminal pathways tend to prioritise either the persistence or desistance path and present each path as a linear process. Within this context, the complexities of a criminal path and barriers towards desistance tend t

Interprofessionell samverkan på en vårdcentral som använder organisationsmodellen Integrerad beteendehälsa (IBH)

The aim of this study was to examine the interprofessional teamwork at a primary healthcare center that uses the IBH model concerning how the different professions interact in the care of people with mental illness. The method chosen was seven semi-structured interviews with different professions that work at a primary health care center in Southern Sweden that uses the organizational model IBH.

Finding common ground : an approach to pairing the communities' and researchers' interests

Research concerning endangered languages has evolved from research on such languages, to research for their speaker communities, and more recently to research with speakers of endangered languages (Grinevald & Bert 2011:62). Such collaborations between communities and linguists are by now considered best practice and an idealized goal (Leonard & Haynes 2010) to foster more equitable relati

Spinning a Budding Industry

The 2018 Farm Bill federally legalized industrial hemp in the United States following four years of state and tribal pilot programs. Industry actors have since been building a hemp industry from the ground up and have been met with many trials and tribulations that have been due to red tape policies, a lack of infrastructure, and broken supply chains. The weakest point in the supply chain is the p

Analysis of the water quality dynamics of Lake Vomb; Interactions between water quality profile and cyanobacterial bloom in a eutrophic lake in Sweden

Lake Vomb, located in Sk˚ane, Sweden, provides water for groundwater infiltration, used for the drinking water supply of several municipalities, including Malm¨o. The lake is in a bad ecological condition with intense algae blooms during summer. Cyanobacteria dominate mentioned blooms in 2021 posing the threat of releasing cyanotoxins. The goal of this work is to asses the water quality dynamics t


For every cosmetic product a consumer buys, a new packaging (often plastic) is purchased together with it. Every year, this single-use behavior stands for 120 billion units of cosmetic packaging. For Europe alone, this is the equivalent of 5 packed Avicii Arenas. There is also a problem in the transparency of eco-friendly products today, where the recyclable packaging still ends up in lan

Implementering av en intervention för småbarnsfamiljer i Sverige - En feasabilitystudie av Attachment & Biobehavioral Catch-up (ABC)

This feasabilitystudie aims to investigate fidelity and effect during the implementation process of an imported intervention in Sweden. Attachment & Biobehavioral Catch-up (ABC) is a 10-session, evidence-based parenting program. The current paper describes the implementation effort, including cultural adaptation and pandemic effect of switching from physical home visiting to digital home visit

Rheological characterization of typical food products

The projects main goal is to increase the knowledge about food rheology at Tetra Pak and towards its’ customers. Rheology is something that affects us everyday whether we think about it or not. To the texture of the food we eat to the process design and the choice of process equipment. The project focuses on understanding viscosity related data and its importance in calculating process design rela

Att öka skolviljan är väl ingen rocket science, eller? En studie om hur ungdomar beskriver de förhållanden och interaktioner som gynnar skolnärvaro

School compliance is affected by several interactions and circumstances according to young people. Previous research has mostly limited its focus on the underlying reasons of school refusal and school truancy; researchers have primarily gathered information and data from observations, literature studies or by interviewing professionals. In this study we have chosen to focus on school attendance in

Vad blir bäst för barnet? En studie kring kuratorers handlingsutrymme och dilemman i förhållande till anmälningsskyldigheten inom barn- och ungdomshabiliteringen

The purpose of the study was to examine counselors experiences and challenges regarding the work with the child perspective within child and adolescent habilitation in relation to the obligation to report. The study was conducted through interviews with seven counselors from various habilitation clinics in Region Skåne. The results indicate that counselors have an advisory and supportive role towa

Gentrifying Practices Affecting Youths’ Habitats

While Sweden falls short in integrating youths growing up in segregated areas, these disadvantaged neighborhoods are more frequently imposed to profit-driven strategies that result in gentrification. This thesis aims to uncover how gentrification affects the lived experience that youths from disadvantaged areas have of their habitat. Choosing the case of Järva, Stockholm, the ways youths perceive

The relationship between price and wage frequency changes for Sweden

Nominal rigidity is a central question in the debates to address better models to predict the outcome of certain policies. However, there is little empirical evidence that gives a deeper understanding of the mechanism that transmits this friction into the economy. This paper aims to understand the relationship between price rigidity and wage rigidity in the Swedish economy. I found a positive rela

Human CIDEC transgene improves lipid metabolism and protects against high-fat diet–induced glucose intolerance in mice

Cell death–inducing DNA fragmentation factor-like effector C (CIDEC) expression in adipose tissue positively correlates with insulin sensitivity in obese humans. Further, E186X, a single-nucleotide CIDEC variant is associated with lipodystrophy, hypertriglyceridemia, and insulin resistance. To establish the unknown mechanistic link between CIDEC and maintenance of systemic glucose homeostasis, we

Low-Frequency Noise in Vertical InAs/InGaAs Gate-All-Around MOSFETs at 15 K for Cryogenic Applications

Low-frequency noise (LFN), or 1/ f -noise, can be used effectively to evaluate device reliability which is a major concern in analog as well as digital circuits. In this work, we present 1/ f -noise characterization of vertical InAs/InGaAs gate-all-around (GAA) MOSFETs with a 70-nm gate length ( LG ) measured at cryogenic temperatures down to 15 K. The measurements at cryogenic temperatures reveal

Laminar burning velocities of pyrrole/air flames : Experimental and comprehensive modeling study

Adiabatic laminar burning velocities for pyrrole/air flames were experimentally determined using the heat flux method, over equivalence ratios ranging from 0.6 to 1.3, at atmospheric pressure and initial temperature of 338 K. The detailed kinetic model of the authors was extended by the reactions of pyrrole and its intermediates based on previous theoretical studies and analogies to reactions of s

Svenska kyrkans anpassning till ett "sekulariserat" samhälle i kris - ett förändrat klimat?

This essay analyses the three climate documents published by the Swedish Council of the Bishops between 1989 and 2019. The documents are analysed from a sociological perspective on religion that focuses on the Church of Sweden's role from a crisis perspective in a secularised society. My interest in this subject is based on the common perception that Sweden is the most secular country in the w

Proteomic analysis of food allergens

Food allergies are a growing health problem that generate high costs for health systems. Food allergies have a prevalence of 6-8% in children and 2-3% in adults, which is increasing in the last 10 years due to industrialization. The wide variety of ingredients containing food allergens, in combination with the high number of product formulations and processing methods to produce food makes allerge