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Your search for "*" yielded 532238 hits

Smart Contracts, Insurtechs and the Future of Insurance

The insurance industry is notoriously conservative and has seen comparably few technological improvements in the last fifty years. A wave of new technology- driven insurance firms, or insurtechs, is changing that. By leveraging new technology and offering more customer-centric and innovative products, these firms have captured shares in many insurance markets. One technology — yet to be broadly a

Handlandets kraft — Konsumentens roll som ekonomisk och politisk varelse i Kooperativa Förbundet, ca. 1898 — 1924

The power of the buyers: the consumer’s role as an economic and political being in Kooperativa Förbundet, c. 1898 — 1924 The aim of this study is to present the role of the consumer in the Swedish consumer cooperative union, Kooperativa Förbundet, c. 1898 — 1924. The study follows three of KF:s most prominent figures during the period: G.H. von Koch, Martin Sundell and Anders Örne, referred to in

Spindeln i nätet – en analys av personaladministratörers yrkesroll på Lunds tekniska högskola

Uppsatsen härstammar från intresset att undersöka de varierande uppfattningar som finns om vad HR-yrket innebär. Syftet är att beskriva och analysera personaladministratörers och personalsamordnares uppfattningar om personaladministratörernas roll i organisationen. Data har samlats in med hjälp av fokusgrupper och analyserats med grundad teori som analysmetod. Resultatet visar att personaladminist

“Så som jag inte vill svika er kan jag inte heller svika mig själv” : Influencers användning av YouTube för att kommunicera i fråga om psykisk ohälsa

Den här uppsatsen bygger på fallstudier av 17 YouTubevideor publicerade av fyra kvinnliga influencers med egna erfarenheter av psykisk ohälsa. Syftet är att undersöka kommunikationen som ett uttryck för en ökad benägenhet bland offentliga personer att utnyttjar sina sociala kanaler för att tala om personliga upplevelser och hur detta påverkar diskursen kring psykisk ohälsa. Materialet har granskat

It’s a Fucking Revolution

Bakgrund: Kvinnors hantering av menstruation har skiftat genom åren. Engångsskydd har stor miljöbelastning och är dyra i inköp. Menskopp är ett till synes miljövänligt och ekonomiskt skydd som ökar i popularitet. Egenmakt eller empowerment är ett yttryck för styrka och att ta ansvar för sin egen kropp och hälsa. Egenmakt kan förstärkas genom att kvinnor upplever kontroll över sin menstruation. Syf

En studie om IPOs och hur uppmärksamhet påverkar aktiekursen och dess prisutveckling

Börsintroduktioner sker årligen vilka uppmärksammas i media i olika utsträckningar. Dessa medievågor mäts av ett så kallat Search Volume Index vilket vi använt oss av för att se hur aktiekursen och avkastningarna påverkats av uppmärksamheten bolagen får vid börsintroduktion. Prisutvecklingen baseras också på om aktien är under- eller överprissatt vilket också undersöks i studien. Indexet har sats

A Comparison Between FDS and the Multi-Zone Fire Model Regarding Gas Temperature and Visibility in Enclosure Fires

When designing large buildings with complex geometry there is often a need for performance-based design and the use of computer models. CFD models like FDS that are available and validated for this purpose are typically time consuming and require large amounts of computing power. Zone models which are often faster and require less computing power are limited to simple geometries and smaller sized

Constraining double neutron star binary evolution from the spatial distribution of short gamma-ray bursts

Bland de mest kraftfulla händelser som människor har observerat är gammablixtar. Blixtarna är korta utbrott av gammastråalning som ibland dyker upp i rymden. Forskare har länge misstänkt att kollisioner mellan neutronstjärnor ligger bakom en kategori av blixtar, de korta gammablixtarna. För några år sedan bekräftades forskarnas misstankar. De kunde då, med det nya LIGO-observatoriet, observera graShort gamma-ray bursts are often observed at large spatial offsets from their host galaxies. Neutron star mergers in double neutron star binaries have also recently been confirmed as a progenitor of short gamma-ray bursts (Abbott et al. 2017). We attempt to constrain uncertainties in the evolution of burst-producing neutron star binaries by generating a distribution of burst offsets from the neutr

ROI Calculation on Online Controlled Experiment

As online services such as e-commerce and mobile applications keeps growing, the need of optimizing the user experience does as well. By conducting Online Controlled Experiments, companies can get an insight to which features, design choices and implementations that users enjoy the most. This projects explores two areas in relation to Return on Investment (ROI) calculations for Online Controlled E


CERN operates the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator. The LHC was built to advance the state of knowledge in particle physics by increasing the energy of colliding particles to the TeV range. With this increase in capability comes increased fire safety challenges, including the need for more accurate assessment of fire-induced release of radioac

Factor Premiums in Developing Stock Markets: Evidence from Nairobi Securities Exchange

This study tests the Fama-French 5-factor asset pricing model in a developing stock market. The purpose is to investigate whether the size, value, profitability, and investment factor premiums exist in the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE). The test results of the Fama-French 5-factor model are compared with those of the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). Using monthly stock data for July 2009 to

"A Corona a day, keeps the virus away” - En diskursiv studie om pandemins oväntade offer

Denna studie ämnar att undersöka fenomenet parakris och dess bidragande diskurser för att förstå intressenternas bidrag till parakrisen. Den studerade parakrisen utspelade sig i ölvarumärket Coronas Instagram kommentarsfält vid pandemiutbrottet av viruset Covid-19. Det empiriska materialet består av kommentarer från ovan nämnda kommentarsfält som vi analyserade med analytiska och teoretiska verktyThis thesis aims to investigate the phenomenon of a paracrisis and the discourses constituting it to understand the stakeholder’s contribution to the paracrisis. The studied paracrisis unfolded in the comment section of the mexican beer brand Coronas Instagram during the global outbreak of the Covid-19 virus. The empirical material consists of comments that were analyzed with analytical and theore

Virtual Reality – a solution for sustainable travel?

Denna studie har som syfte att undersöka hur Generation Y, en demografisk grupp som kännetecknas av miljöomtanke, teknologianvändning och resande betraktar den avancerade och multisensoriska kommunikationsformen Virtual Reality (VR) ur ett perspektiv av resande och hållbarhet. Målet är att förstå vilka faktorer som påverkar Generation Y att acceptera och använda VR för resande, samt att undersöka The purpose of this study is to examine how Generation Y, a cohort characterized by environmental care, technology utilization, and traveling, perceives the advanced mode of multisensory communication Virtual Reality (VR) from a perspective of traveling and environmental sustainability. The aim is to understand what important factors and drivers exist for Generation Y to accept and use VR-travelin

"Vi är här för att skydda barnet" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om förskollärares perspektiv på orosanmälningar

The aim of this study was to get a greater understanding of how preschool teachers describe and handle mandatory reporting and suspicions of child maltreatment. The study was based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with six pre-school teachers. Profession theory and a dramaturgical perspective were used in the analysis. The results in the study found that preschool teachers frequently use

Sex, Love and Moral Control: Exploring the effectiveness and limitations of international and regional human rights law relevant to SOGIESC diverse groups in the quest to invalidate Zimbabwe’s “sodomy” law

“Only in the most technical sense is this a case about who may penetrate whom where. At a practical and symbolical level it is about the status, moral citizenship and sense of self-worth of a significant section of the community.” Justice Albie Sachs, National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality and Another v Minister of Justice and Others 1999 (1) SA 6, para. 107 More than 70 years after th

Bacterial and fungal responses to drying and rewetting using bronopol or cycloheximide as inhibitors

Microbial decomposers breakdown soil organic matter, releasing carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere. This release of CO2 could therefore contribute to future climate change. However, microbial decomposers might also be affected by climate change, as for example the intensity and frequency of drought and rainfall events are expected to increase, resulting in more drying-rewetting (D/RW) events in

Anden, Luther och feminism. En studie i pneumatologi utifrån Svenska kyrkans bekännelse och en feministisk kritik.

This thesis aims to contribute to the theological discussion of how a critical and constructive pneumatology could be seen in the context of the Church of Sweden today. To achieve this purpose, I analyze a Lutheran view of the Holy Spirit in the confession of the Church of Sweden and a feminist criticism. The questions asked are: How does a Lutheran view of the Holy Spirit look according to the co

Between a rock and a hard place. Assessing policy coherence of energy, climate, and biodiversity policies in relation to hydropower developments in Slovenia.

This research is exploring policy coherence of energy, climate, and biodiversity policies on the case study of new hydropower developments in the Republic of Slovenia. A qualitative case-study approach utilising policy document analysis and interviews was chosen to conduct this research. This analysis revealed that policy objectives were coherent within policy sectors but not across policy sectors

GDP: here today, (maybe) gone tomorrow - A study of the impact of increased flows of services and goods on Swedish GDP

This thesis investigates if GDP as a measurement still is useful to explain the economy as new trade flows and new goods and services appear on the market. This is done by estimating the impact of merchanting, processing and royalties and licenses on Swedish GDP. The estimates used are the imports and exports of these goods and services and their share of GDP growth as well as how much these econo

Identifying Different Motions Using Statistical Methods

This bachelor thesis aims to explore how well one can classify different types of motions using only data gathered from a mobile phones gyroscope and accelerometer. The methods includes extracting features from the covariance estimations of each signal and taking timefrequency transforms of the data and classify the transforms with a convolutional neural network. The results are positive and shows