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Likvärdig betygssättning vid Lunds grundskolor? Jämförelse mellan grundskolebetyg i matematik och diagnosresultat vid gymnasiestarten

I dagens samhälle är det av högsta vikt att betyg sätts likvärdigt. För att undersöka likvärdigheten i betygssättning används ofta de nationella proven men detta kan vara problematiskt då de nationella proven rättas internt och är en del av det betygsgrundande materialet. I detta arbete har istället ett diagnostiskt test i matematik som utförs av elever i början av årskurs ett på Lunds kommunala g

Ending the practice of child marriages in Nepal: viewpoints and suggestions from children’s rights activists

The thesis aimed to answer the research question: ‘What are the possible interventions measures to prevent child marriages in Nepal?’ by analyzing six in-depth semi structured interviews of people working for children’s rights. The earlier studies of child marriages and discussions of children and human rights has been used to analyse the data. Child marriage is a practice that occurs across regio

Circular economy for a rock and ore transportation equipment manufacturer - A step towards changes in the business model?

Moving towards circular economy is considered as a fundamental way to achieve sustainable development, but practices and tools that can support businesses in implementing this concept are still underdeveloped. Moreover, there is uncertainty about the impact that the adoption of circularity has on the current way of working of a company. With the adoption of aspects of action research on a rock and

Impact is a Two-Way Conversation

Sustainability researchers are facing increasing pressure to improve their scientific communication and to achieve impacts in wider society with their research. Knowledge mobilisation (KMB) is a key component of both challenges, as it relates to efforts undertaken by researchers to achieve impacts with their research. This study seeks to identify some of the KMB practices being undertaken by exper

Hellre fria än fälla? - En uppsats om polisers brott som grund för avskedande

Denna uppsats behandlar polisers anställningsskydd och de avvägningar som gjorts i fall då poliser gjort sig skyldiga till brott, i förhållande till allmänhetens förtroende. Vid bedömningen har särskild vikt lagts vid att undersöka de aspekter som föranlett avsked och hur bedömningen gjorts för att fastslå avskedet. I uppsatsen har den rättsdogmatiska metoden använts för att utreda rättsläget. SoThis essay aims to discuss the Swedish legislation regarding dismissal of policemen on the grounds of a criminal offence. Furthermore, the considerations made by the Labour Court and personalansvarsnämnden vid polismyndigheten (PAN) in relation to public confidence will be discussed. In the assessment, particular emphasis has been placed on examining the aspects that prompted the dismissal. The tr

Vulkanisk inverkan på klimatet och atmosfärcirkulationen : en litteraturstudie som jämför vulkanism på låg respektive hög latitud

Vulkanisk aktivitet har sedan längre observerats ha en stor påverkan på klimatet. Svavelaerosoler från utbrott bildar molntäcken som kan sprida sig runt globen och hindrar en del solstrålar från att nå markytan. Till följd av detta sker en temperaturminskning av marknära luft under det område som molnet täcker. Den här kandidatuppsatsen reder ut skillnaden mellan inverkan på klimatet samt atmosfärVolcanic activity has long been observed to have a great impact on climate. Sulfate aerosols from an eruption form aerosol clouds that can spread around the globe and prevent some solar radiation from reaching the surface of the Earth. As a result, there will be a reduction of the surface air temperature below the aerosol cloud. This bachelor thesis discusses the difference between the impact on t

Welcoming Change? An Individual- and Prefecture- Level Analysis of Public Opinion towards Immigration in Japan

In April of 2019, Japan implemented a new visa system projected to bring in approximately 345,000 semi-skilled foreign workers into the country over several years. As the Japanese society also faces an ageing population and simultaneously a diminishing workforce, it has turned to immigrant workers to fill labor shortages. This influx of foreigners may result in cultural, societal, and economic iss

Probabilistic ecological risk assessment of secondary poisoning from DDT

Fallstudie av en skogsplantskola – rester av DDT i jorden utgör än idag en hög risk för rovfåglar och rovdjur. Trots att användningen av insektsgiftet diklordifenyltrikloretan (DDT) sedan länge varit förbjuden i Sverige finns rester kvar i jorden på platser där det använts. Anledningen till att det finns kvar är att DDT är mycket svårnedbrytbart. Eftersom detta ämne även har förmåga att bioackumuAlthough prohibited since decades, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and its metabolites still remain in the soil and pose a threat to ecosystems, where especially birds are susceptible to toxic effects. In this thesis, a model developed in the 1990s was used and updated in order to estimate the risks of DDT to top predators at a forest-plant nursery site. Unusually high concentrations of DDT

The Museum in Helsinki

The Museum in Helsinki explores the architectural challenges in adding properties to a culturally significant site without disturbing it. The framework for this thesis is given by an open architectural competition with the objective to find a suitable extension to the National Museum in Helsinki. How does one design a suitable extension to a culturally significant and fragile site?

Awaken, My Love!

After recieving the diplomas from the idea competition win together with two colleagues nothing really happened in the Granite Castle in Itäsatama, Hanko. Some makeshift flea markets and coffee booths were put in the empty shell of the previous granite quarry but in the greater scale it remained a shadow from its former past. Hanko’s unequable tourist season concentrates during peak summer leaving

Comparative study of compression algorithms on time series data for IoT devices

This Master’s thesis evaluates the performance of lightweight compression algorithm aimed for IoT sensor devices. These devices are most often battery driven and produce large amounts of sensor data which is sent wirelessly. Compressing the data could be a tool in decreasing the power usage of these devices. The algorithms were evaluated based on their compression ratio, memory consumption and CPU

The Periscope Above the Surface: A Study of Auteur Themes in John Ford Films Featuring Submarines

This thesis conducts an auteur analysis of John Ford films containing submarines with the method of textual analysis. The films that are being analyzed are The Blue Eagle (1926), Men Without Women (1930), Seas Beneath (1931), Submarine Patrol (1938) and The Growler Story (1958). The purpose is to find out which distinctive auteur themes that can be identified in each of these films. The results in

Threat or Possibility: Land Rights & Disaster-Vulnerability - A qualitative study on land rights, tenure security and disaster-vulnerability in light of the 2018 land law amendment in Myanmar

Secured land tenure is considered to play a crucial role in decreasing disaster-vulnerability. By signing the Sendai Framework, Myanmar Government agreed to focus its policies on reducing risks of natural disasters. However, in 2018 it issued an amendment to the Vacant, Fallow and Virgin Land Management Law, criminalizing tenure without land certificates, affecting particularly ethnic farmers. To

Derivation of Improved K^0_L Response Uncertainty for use in the Jet Energy Scale Calibration at ATLAS

Ökad noggrannhet vid ATLAS experimentet Var kommer vi ifrån? Vad hände i Big Bang? Detta är exempel på några av många obesvarade frågor inom fysik. ATLAS är ett experiment vid CERN (Europeiska organisationen för kärnforskning), där tusentals forskare samarbetar med att undersöka produkterna från högenergetiska protonkollisioner, för att få svar på dessa frågor. En vanligt förekommande produkt The Standard Model of particle physics (SM) attempts to describe the fundamental particles and how they interact with each other. This model is however incomplete, as shown by various experimental observations. ATLAS is one of the experiments currently in operation at the Large Hadron Collider, which aims to search for new physics beyond the SM. To perform these searches, many ATLAS analyses look

Mental disorders and Mobile cell phone usage - An international comparison

Mental health disorders and the cost associated with them for have long been a global burden. Recently a rise in mental disorders especially among the younger generations have been seen in a number of studies while the same group have seen a rapid change in mobile cell phone habits. This paper therefore aims to investigate potential connections between the mobile phone internet usage and mental di

Two sides of a coin: Analyzing benefits and limitations of payment for water ecosystem services in Lima´s water fund

Payment for water ecosystem services has been gaining attention in Latin America because of the direct response for environmental conservation through economic mechanisms. By connecting nature services with people who benefit from them, it creates a sustainable intervention for the ecosystem’s management while enhancing human well-being according to policy implementers. Nevertheless, these initiat

China Enters the Arctic : Icelandic Newspapers and Their Coverage on China’s Arctic Policy

This thesis draws attention to China’s information management of its Arctic policy, and the way in which China has left out information in official English-language publications that could be deemed sensitive by Western actors. This thesis examines how the news media of Iceland has reported on China’s Arctic policy over two different periods, dating from 2012 - 2013 and 2018 - 2019, in order to me


What is the function of a lamp when it’s turned off? It is, in most cases, to lighten up a space that has no light. In this project, I wanted the lamp to earn its place in the room even though it’s turned off. Flora is a lamp designed for the Swedish company Klong. Through brand studies, research of Scandinavian design and exploration of my own design preferences, the lamp has been created