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Your search for "*" yielded 532519 hits

An efficient full-wave solver for eddy currents

An integral equation reformulation of the Maxwell transmission problem is presented. The reformulation uses techniques such as tuning of free parameters and augmentation of close-to-rank-deficient operators. It is designed for the eddy current regime and works both for surfaces of genus 0 and 1. Well-conditioned systems and field representations are obtained despite the Maxwell transmission proble

Statistical uncertainty analysis-based precipitation merging (SUPER) : A new framework for improved global precipitation estimation

Multi-source merging is an established tool for improving large-scale precipitation estimates. Existing merging frameworks typically use gauge-based precipitation error statistics and neglect the inter-dependence of various precipitation products. However, gauge-observation uncertainties at daily and sub-daily time scales can bias merging weights and yield sub-optimal precipitation estimates, part

The study of evolution is fracturing – and that may be a good thing

How will life on Earth and the ecosystems that support it adapt to climate change? Which species will go extinct – or evolve into something new? How will microbes develop further resistance to antibiotics?These kinds of questions, which are of fundamental importance to our way of life, are all a focus for researchers who study evolution and will prove increasingly important as the planet heats up.

Developmental cues license megakaryocyte priming in murine hematopoietic stem cells

The fetal to adult switch in hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) behavior is characterized by alterations in lineage output and entry into deep quiescence. Here we identify the emergence of megakaryocyte (Mk) biased HSCs as an event coinciding with this developmental switch. Single-cell chromatin accessibility analysis reveals a ubiquitous acquisition of Mk lineage priming signatures in HSCs during the

Evaluating new evacuation systems related to human behaviour using a situational awareness approach – A study of the implementation of evacuation elevators in an underground facility

Elevator evacuation is associated with several safety benefits and can be a cost-efficient evacuation strategy in many buildings or facilities. Despite the advantages, elevator evacuation is not yet a common strategy in the built environment. In this paper, a design strategy that allows the designer to consider information needs of evacuees when designing the information and guidance measures for

The Gaia-ESO survey : The selection function of the Milky Way field stars

The Gaia-ESO Survey was designed to target all major Galactic components (i.e. bulge, thin and thick discs, halo and clusters), with the goal of constraining the chemical and dynamical evolution of the MilkyWay. This paper presents the methodology and considerations that drive the selection of the targeted, allocated and successfully observed Milky Way field stars. The detailed understanding of th

A Mouse Model for the Transition of Streptococcus pneumoniae from Colonizer to Pathogen upon Viral Co-Infection Recapitulates Age-Exacerbated Illness

Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is an asymptomatic colonizer of the nasopharynx in most individuals but can progress to a pulmonary and systemic pathogen upon influenza A virus (IAV) infection. Advanced age enhances host susceptibility to secondary pneumococcal pneumonia and is associated with worsened disease outcomes. The host factors driving those processes are not well defined, in part

Pharmacological interventions for pain and sedation management in newborn infants undergoing therapeutic hypothermia

Background: Newborn infants affected by hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) undergo therapeutic hypothermia. As this treatment seems to be associated with pain, and intensive and invasive care is needed, pharmacological interventions are often used. Moreover, painful procedures in the newborn period can affect pain responses later in life, impair brain development, and possibly have a long-term

Source-sink dynamics drove punctuated adoption of early pottery in Arctic Europe under diverging socioecological conditions

What drives the adoption of pottery amongst prehistoric foragers in high-latitude environments? Following the long-running interests of archaeology in explaining the origin and dispersal of new technologies, recent years have seen growing efforts to understand what drove the emergence and expansion of early hunter-gatherer pottery use across northern Eurasia. However, many regional dimensions to t

What is Medieval European Literature?

The editors of Interfaces: A Journal of Medieval European Literatures explain the scope and purpose of the new journal by mapping out the significance and possible meanings of the three key terms of the subtitle: ‘literature,’ ‘medieval,’ ‘Europe.’ The specific theme of Issue 1 is introduced: ‘Histories of Medieval European Literatures: New Patterns of Representation and Explanation.’ With respect

Applying Climate Services to Transformative Adaptation in Agriculture

As climate change increasingly affects agriculture around the world, reliable, timely, and targeted information about weather and climate conditions is becoming an ever more urgent requirement for adaptation decision-making.This paper considers how transformative adaptation – long-term, systemic change to fundamental aspects of systems in response to or anticipation of severe climate change impact

Psykiatrisk tvångsvård vid självskadebeteende – kan en person ha ett oundgängligt behov av en vård som inte hjälper?

Personer med upprepat självskadebeteende är inte sällan föremål för psykiatrisk tvångsvård. Tvångsvården motiveras vanligen med att personen löper risk att allvarligt skada sig själv, och därför har ett oundgängligt behov av psykiatrisk heldygnsvård. Det finns emellertid inget tydligt vetenskapligt stöd för att sådan vård effektivt förhindrar självskadehandlingar i dessa fall. Medicinska studier p

SARS-CoV-2 spike protein aggregation is triggered by bacterial lipopolysaccharide

SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein is crucial for virus invasion in COVID-19. Here, we showed that lipopolysaccharide (LPS) can trigger S protein aggregation at high doses of LPS and S protein. We demonstrated the formation of S protein aggregates by microscopy analyses, aggregation and gel shift assays. LPS at high levels boosts the formation of S protein aggregates as detected by amytracker and thiofl

Unveiling the role of Ag-Sb bimetallic S-scheme heterojunction for vis-NIR-light driven selective photoreduction CO2 to CH4

The construction of interfacial engineered heterojunctions is an effective strategy to broaden the optical response and facilitate charge separation. Herein, a novel 0D/1D Ag2S/Sb2S3 heterojunction is prepared by in-situ growth of Ag2S quantum dots on Sb2S3 nanorods using a simple hydrothermal approach. The 10% Ag2S/Sb2S3 (10AS) heterojunction exhibited efficient CO2 photoreduction activity with a

Opportunities for Crop Research, Development and Adoption to Drive Transformative Adaptation in Agriculture

Climate change is already affecting crop production, and in some cases is undermining the viability of current crop systems.Crop research and development plays a critical role in developing the technologies and practices farmers need to maximize productivity and manage the increasing risks they face. This paper investigates how transformative adaptation - long-term, systemic change to fundamental