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The Paradoxes of Good Intentions : The theory and practice of reforms reflected in teachers´ experiences

Popular AbstractAvhandlingens titel Den goda viljans paradoxer skall förstås på följande sätt. I utredningar och propositioner hävdar utredare, skolpolitiker och administratörer att lärarna skall bemyndigas, det vill säga de skall tillskrivas ett mandat i skolan. Detta mandat skall ge lärarna ett visst självständigt beslutsfattande i en ny mötesform som kallas arbetsenheter. Denna mötesform stipulThe theory and practice of reform as reflected in teachers’ experience of meetings in schools. This empirical study has been carried out in a coeducational school for pupils up to the age of 16 ("grundskola") during the school years 1988-89 up to and including 1991/92. In this study 26 teachers and five school administrators - head teachers and deputy-head teachers - have been interviewed. Person

Ultrasound enhanced thrombolysis in experimental retinal vein occlusion in the rabbit

AIMS: To investigate if it was possible to lower the dose of streptokinase and maintain an effective thrombolysis by adding pulsed low energy ultrasound. METHODS: 53 retinal veins in 27 rabbits were occluded by rose bengal enhanced laser treatment. Six rabbits were treated with streptokinase (50,000 IU/kg), 10 rabbits were treated with a low dose of streptokinase (25,000 IU/kg), and 11 rabbits wer

A general method for bead-enhanced quantitation by flow cytometry

Flow cytometry provides accurate relative cellular quantitation (percent abundance) of cells from diverse samples, but technical limitations of most flow cytometers preclude accurate absolute quantitation. Several quantitation standards are now commercially available which, when added to samples, permit absolute quantitation of CD4+ T cells. However, these reagents are limited by their cost, techn

Epidemiology of diabetes in a well defined population in Sweden: the Skaraborg Diabetes Registry

Popular Abstract in Swedish Tidstrender i prevalens, incidens och mortalitet följdes för 15000 diabetespatienter under 1991-2005. Kliniska fynd, C-peptidanalyser och öcellsantikroppar jämfördes med avseende på förmågan att särskilja typ 1 från typ 2 diabetes och faktorer som påverkade prognosen undersöktes. Incidens och ålder vid insjuknandet förhöll sig oförändrade över tid, men prevalensen ökadTime trends in prevalence, incidence and mortality was followed in 15000 diabetic patients in 1991?2005. Clinical findings, C-peptide protocols, and islet antibodies were compared in their ability to distinguish type 1 from type 2 diabetes, and factors associated with the prognosis of diabetes were explored. The incidence and the age at onset remained stable but the prevalence of diabetes increas

Abundances of vanadium and bromine in 3 Centauri A - Additional odd-Z anomalies

We report abundance excesses of 1.2 and 2.6 dex, respectively, for vanadium and bromine in the hot, peculiar star 3 Cen A. Abundances for these two odd-Z elements have not been previously reported for this star. Taken with previous work, they strengthen the case of the origin of the abundance peculiarities by diffusion.

Food and secretagogue stimulation decrease the digestive enzyme content remaining in the rat pancreas

The aim of the study reported here was to investigate changes in the digestive enzyme content in the pancreas after food and secretagogue stimulation. Rats from which food had been withheld overnight were either fed (between 6 and 8 a.m.) or not before euthanasia and pancreatic excision (at 8 a.m.: 21 not fed and 21 fed) and at 4 (12 p.m.: six not fed and six fed) and 8 h later (4 p.m.: six not fe

The genus Pilosella in the Nordic countries

An unprejudiced revision of the genus Pilosella (Asteraceae) in the Nordic countries has been attempted. A completely new system for the taxonomy of these mostly facultative apomicts is presented. It is argued that all existing systems are inappropriate in the light of the complicated, and largely unknown, reproductive biology of these taxa. Previous systems have either treated these taxa as oblig

Interactions between SH2 and SH3 domains

Src homology 2 (SH2) and SH3 domains are abundant protein and peptide binding modules in signalling molecules. Certain SH2 and SH3 domains have been shown to form functional and physical interactions. The structural basis of dimer formation was studied by docking three dimensional structures of the domains and by analysing structural and functional properties of the dimers. The experimentally veri

The relationship between annual varve thickness and maximum annual discharge (1909-1971)

Annually laminated (varved) sediments from the River Angermanalven, mid-central Sweden, have been used to construct an annual 2000-year long record of varve thickness. Maximum daily annual discharge and mean varve thickness for the years 1909-1971 are significantly correlated (r = 0.87). A relationship between maximum daily annual discharge for the observed period (1909-1971) and varve thickness w

Island magic and the making of a transnational region

How can an artificial island and a bridge-building project shape the dreams and plans for a transnational region? In this article I examine the making of the Oresund region of Denmark and Sweden by analyzing the intertwining of bridge construction and region building, from the early dreams and plans, to the actual construction phase, to the ceremonial opening in 2000, and to the difficult transiti

Inter-population variations in concentrations, determinants of and correlations between 2,2',4,4',5,5'-hexachlorobiphenyl (CB-153) and 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis (p-chlorophenyl)-ethylene (p,p'-DDE): a cross-sectional study of 3161 men and women from Inuit and European populations

BACKGROUND: The study is part of a collaborative project (Inuendo), aiming to assess the impact of dietary persistent organochlorine pollutants (POPs) on human fertility. The aims with the present study are to analyze inter-population variations in serum concentrations of 2,2',4,4',5,5'-hexachlorobiphenyl (CB-153) and 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis (p-chlorophenyl)-ethylene (p,p'-DDE), to assess inter-popul

Automated subject classification of textual Web documents

Purpose - To provide an integrated perspective to similarities and differences between approaches to automated classification in different research communities (machine learning, information retrieval and library science), and point to problems with the approaches and automated classification as such. Design/methodology/approach - A range of works dealing with automated classification of full-text

X-ray data on the temporal coordination of speech gestures

Preliminary results are reported from a study of speech gestures analyzed from an x-ray motion film of a southern Swedish speaker. The gestures analyzed here are taken from one utterance from the film. Frame-by-frame analysis of the presence or absence of articulator movement provided information about temporal coordination & segmental simultaneity & sequencing. The data suggest challenges

Descriptive study and pharmacotherapeutic intervention in patients with epilepsy or Parkinson's disease at nursing homes in southern Sweden.

OBJECTIVES: To describe the drug use in epilepsy and Parkinson's patients living in nursing homes and to evaluate the impact of multi-speciality team intervention on health-related quality of life, activities of daily living (ADL) and confusion state. METHODS: Nursing home residents with epilepsy or Parkinson's disease in the county of Skåne in Sweden were identified. From 119 nursing homes, 262 p

Effects of Meditation on Respiration and the Temporal Lobes : An Exploratory and Meta-Analytic Study

Two assertions made by the Eastern meditation traditions were investigated: (a) breath regulation is a prerequisite for attaining altered states of consciousness, (b) meditation leads to changes in cognitive processes and in personality. A deconditioning process was conceptualized involving the temporal lobes and the amygdala. Analyses of (a) the effects of carbon dioxide (CO2) inhalation and (b)

Psychosocial stress in relation to blood pressure and cardivascular disease - epidemiological and genetic aspects

Psychosocial stress has been linked to both hypertension and cardiovascular disease (CVD), and hypertension has been proposed to be one mediator of the increased CVD risk in subjects reporting stress. Genetic susceptibility for blood pressure elevation in relation to stress has been proposed, but so far there is little evidence. We aimed to study the prospective CVD risk of chronic stress (Pap