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Malmö is a city that has been struggling with social segregation for years, with inequality gaps growing even as the genereal standard of living improves. Reports indicate that to break this trend long term social investments are needed, rather than quick fixes. Sensitive interventions that have an integrating effect. Southern Rosengård, established during the miljonprogram years, faces challenge

Fuel meter of the future

Bränslepumpar rör sig mot en allt mer teknisk framtid. Det här arbetet har jämfört flera olika tekniker som kan finnas i nästa generations bränslepumpar. Fokus har riktiats mot spektroskopi, som har möjligheten att kontrollera kvalitén på bränslet. Tekniken har potential att bland annat verifiera bränslets oktanhalt och mäta vatteninnehåll. Det blir allt viktigare att kunna verifiera kvalitén på bThe purpose of this master thesis is to evaluate technologies that could measure parameters of interest to Dover Fueling Solutions, a fuel pump company. A list of interesting measuring technologies has been compiled and compared. Spectrometry was chosen as extra interesting, as it had the potential to differentiate fuels by different octane ratings, but also measure concentrations of different con

Gaming as a Service (GaaS) :Investigating if GaaS is a business model or strategy, the potential definition and design and its long- term strategic impact

Gaming as a Service is not defined in existing research. The lack of a formal definition leads to an ambiguity between its function as a business model and the long-term strategy of the firm. The purpose and aim of this study is to investigate the definition of GaaS business model, distinguishing its function from the strategy. Furthermore, the key components of the model are established based on

Strategier vid överdoser : En kvalitativ studie om vad naloxonspray har för betydelse för patienter med substitutionsbehandling

Title: Drug overdose strategies. A qualitative study about the significance of the Naloxone Take Home Programme. Supervisor: Mats Hilte Assessor: Alexandru Panican The purpose of this study was to depict and analyze how patients in Swedish methadone maintenance clinics deal with overdose. The aim of the study was also to depict and analyze how the newly implemented Naloxone Take Home Programme i

Effects of blanching, drying and fermentation on nutrient content and physio-chemical properties of Norwegian Saccharina latissima and Alaria esculenta for application in meat-based products

Brown seaweeds are marine macro algae, which are quite unexplored for their potential uses in food products in Europe. Saccharina latissima and Alaria esculenta are fast growing brown seaweeds species in European countries, mainly found in Norway and cold waters of the North Atlantic. These species are known to be rich sources of iodine, protein, polyphenols, carbohydrates and micronutrients like

Från Patient till Kund - En kvalitativ studie av kundbegreppet med fokus på sjukhus som bolag

The comprising reform of the public sector has led to businesses increasingly been identified and considered as organizations. Organizations are characterized by being bound to the current business environment, can be measured with quantitative and qualitative measures against other organizations and controlled strategies against set targets. Research has since the mid 90's studied the New Pub

Fostering Inclusive Innovation. The Role of Universities and Private Businesses

Inclusive innovation is seen as a means to counteract the issue of growing global inequality. Particularly universities and private businesses are engaged with its promotion. However, the concept of inclusive innovation has deficiencies concerning the operationalisation and measurement. In default of extensive primary data, a set of a hundred and two inclusive innovations has been gathered from tw

Ontological (In)Security and Gender - Anti-Feminism and Anti-Genderism in German Right-Wing Populism

Many of the right-wing populist forces currently on the rise across the world have anti-feminist and anti-genderist agendas and narratives. This thesis investigates such narratives from an ontological security perspective by conducting a frame analysis. To build the theoretical framework, a gendered approach to ontological security theory that considers changing gender relations a trigger of ontol

En cross-check i nacken, hör det till ishockey? En studie om normaliserat hockeyvåld och rättspluralism

The aim for this study is to examine and analyse the two legal systems controlling hockey violence from a legal pluralism point of view and examine why the hockey violence exists. The questions this study aims to answer are; Are the legal norms considered to properly deal with hockey violence? How is the relation between the two legal systems? What do hockey players think of the legal norms and wh

Accelerating growth - Determinants of revenue growth in technology startups

In today’s competitive market landscape, companies in an early phase with a business model that in the long term is expected to generate revenues from a global customer base, are facing increasing challenges to realise their growth targets. At the same time, global economical, technological, and societal megatrends forces incumbents and new challengers alike to adapt their modus operandi. The purp

The Development-Security Nexus

The increasingly interwoven landscape of development and security (often referred to as the ‘development-security nexus’) has become a salient feature of contemporary international relations. This thesis will investigate what this nexus entails and how it impacts the reality of developmental projects ‘on the ground’. From a theoretical perspective, this thesis will utilize the Foucauldian inspired

“Hope is passion for what is possible”: A Case Study of the Development Program with a Territorial-based Focus (DPTF) in Tolima, Colombia

This study is a qualitative case analysis based on fieldwork and multiple semi-structured interviews in Tolima, Colombia. It investigates the community level of the Development Program with a Territorial-based Focus (DPTF) in the south of the department. The program is a result of the peace agreement that was signed between the Colombian government and the guerrilla group the Revolutionary Armed F

Rörsjöskolan Zenith, Akustik - Transformation - Skolmiljö

I mitt examensarbete har jag arbetat med att transformera om en gammal spårvagnsverkstad till en högstadieskola - en idé som kanske inte är särskilt unik då byggnaden redan har byggts om till skola. Jag försöker på nytt ge byggnaden en mer relevant funktion i hopp om att avsaknaden av stram budget och krav på ett snabbt genomförande ska resultera i ett mer inspirerande projekt. Målet är ett proj

Early life exposure to recessions and adult mental health

Mental illness has increasingly become a problem throughout the world and is believed to cost the global economy $16 trillion by 2030. Consequently, a growing body of literature investigates the possible causes of mental illness and more specifically, possible early life circumstances which may affect adult mental health. Limited research exists though in terms of exposure to recessions in utero a

Anchoring effects in state-of-the-art personnel selection processes: How artificial intelligence influences people’s decision-making

The robustness of anchoring effects underlines the importance of investigating its repercussions in various situations, including personnel selection. Additionally, technological developments and the planned implementation of artificially intelligent (AI) systems in personnel selection create a new decision-making process offering another possibility for anchoring effects to occur. This study inve

The influence of culture on Swedish-Chinese inter-organizational relationship in supply chain context

The purpose of this master thesis is to contribute to the field of strategic supply chain management by examining inter-organizational relationships in supply chain context between actors coming from different cultures More precisely, to gain deeper understating on those factors of national culture that are influencing the relationship between Swedish and Chinese organizations along the supply cha

Studies of Possible QGP Estimators in proton-proton Collisions

Forskning inom partikelfysik grundar sig i att försöka förstå naturens lagar vilket har givit oss insikt i den fundamentala strukturen av materia. Man trodde länge att atomen var den minsta byggsten av materian runt omkring oss (där atom kommer från grekiskans átomos och betyder odelbar), men forskning visade att detta inte stämde. En förenklad modell är att atomen består av elektroner som kretsarThis thesis presents studies of three different Quark-Gluon Plasma estimators in proton-proton collisions using what is currently believed to be quark-gluon plasma observables; radial flow, elliptic flow and strangeness enhancement. The three tested estimators were Transverse Spherocity, an altered version of Transverse Spherocity where all p_T was put to one, and a newly developed estimator calle

Vattenlivräddning inom räddningstjänst

The objective of this thesis is to be used by rescue services in order to gain a deeper understanding regarding drowning and water rescue operations. By compiling research data from previous studies, statistics and opinions from rescue personal as well as experts in the field a basis is provided on which further queries within developing water rescue can be looked into for rescue services. Rescue

Optimization of Simultaneous Multi Slice EPI for clinical fMRI

I funktionell MR (fMRI) studeras aktivering i hjärnan som respons på stimuli. Detta stimuli kan bestå av flera olika uppgifter som patienten gör under bildtagningen, där uppgifterna är beroende av vilken funktion eller del av hjärnan som ska undersökas. Funktionell MR är en teknik som till exempel kan användas innan en operation av hjärnan för att i största mån undvika att skada funktionellt viktiFunctional MRI is a method used to map brain functionality, where the blood oxygen level (BOLD) imaging method is frequently used. Stimulation of neurons leads to an increase in energy and oxygen consumption and signal can be detected since oxygen changes the magnetic properties of the blood. In order to measure the signal variation, a fast pulse sequence is required. The purpose of this master th

Investigating result quality indicators in industry foundation classes to city geography markup language conversion

Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) models from the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) -industries can contain information on building life-cycle entities. Urban planning and related domains are interested in data conversions between IFC and City Geography Markup Language (CityGML) because of this. However, the maintenance and versioning of CityGML life-cycle building data poses a s