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Methods for numerical analysis of soil-structure interaction

När grundläggningen för en byggnad ska dimensioneras är snittkrafter och sättningar som kommer att uppstå i konstruktionen av stor betydelse. Det finns därför ett behov av att kunna beräkna dessa krafter och sättningar på ett säkert och relativt enkelt sätt.All buildings need a foundation that supports the structure. Since a layer of soil is most often in between a structure and the bedrock, a soil-structure interaction between the foundation and the soil beneath occurs. This interaction is of great importance when it comes to predicting the sectional forces that will arise in a structure, along with the settlement that occurs. Therefore the need to

Bellahøj all year round. Unifying through urban nature using a time-based approach.

Bellahøj is an area situated in the northwestern part of Copenhagen, Denmark, 5 km away from the inner city. Considering its architectural heritage, abundance of green capital, a wide variety of resident groups and a convenient location, it has a great potential for being a well-functioning neighbourhood, yet, there seems to be a missing piece of puzzle that causes Bellahøj to feel fragmented and

Plats för välbefinnande - rummets påverkan på känslor, syn på välbefinnande och meningen med livet.

Vi rör oss ständigt i offentliga rum som på olika sätt är utformade för att påverka oss. Denna studie undersöker om människors känslor, syn på välbefinnande och syn på meningen med livet påverkas av att befinna sig i olika rum, i detta fall en kyrka (N=51) och ett köpcenter (N=51). Två verktyg, semantiska mått och Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) används för att undersöka om det finnsWe are constantly moving between environments that are designed to affect us in one way or another. The purpose of this study is to investigate if the room has an influence on people's feelings, and their views on well-being and meaning of life. In a randomised experiment, the study explores whether there is a measurable difference in the participants’ feelings and thoughts in a church (n=51)

Angular dependence of the Raman active phonon modes of Black Phosphorus

This Master’s project presents on the angular dependence of the intensity of the Raman active phonon modes of Black Phosphorus (BP), a layered 2D material with unique and attractive characteristics to the scientific and engineering community. Raman spectroscopy is an indispensable tool in quick and unobtrusive analysis of chemical structures. In this Master project, the structure of BP is analyzed

Incorporating Risk Communication into Flood Resilience Planning: Challenges and Solutions in Belfast

Risk communication, the flow of information between decision-makers, risk experts and the public, can be a valuable tool in societal resilience building. Risk communication can be used both to inform the resilience planning process as well as to directly build resilience at all societal scales. The city of Belfast is currently developing a resilience strategy that addresses flooding in the city as

Deep Learning techniques for classification of data with missing values

Two deep learning techniques for classification on corrupt data are investigated and compared by performance. A simple imputation before classification is compared to imputation using a Variational Autoencoder (VAE). Both single and multiple imputation using the VAE are considered and compared in classification performance for different types and levels of corruption, and for different sample size

Det praktiska förnuftet

Uppsatsen behandlar det praktiska förnuftets första principer enligt St. Thomas rättsfilosofiska teori. Den tar sin utgångspunkt i två nutida författares tolkningar av denna och jämför dessa bådas tolkningar av St. Thomas originaltexter. De båda författarna är Jean Porter respektive Germain Grisez. Uppsatsen finner att de främst är eniga, men punkter där de tycker olika hittas också. Uppsatsen böThis paper covers the subject of the first principle of practical reason in the legal and moral theory of St. Thomas of Aquinas. It takes its starting point from the two Contemporary authors Jean Porter and Germain Grisez. It compares these two authors view of the operations and function of the practicla reason in the theory of St. Thomas. It focuses on similarities and differencis between the two

Red English: Duality and Representation in Contemporary Native American Poetics

This thesis explores representations of duality across the work of contemporary Native American poets. Through the use of several analytic methods and postcolonial theories, this thesis will analyse representations of language, place, and identity, and argue that they are constructed in the border between Native American and American consciousness. Firstly, Tommy Pico’s Nature Poem will be read a

Effektivare byggprocess vid byggnation av en mötesstation

The purpose of the study is to investigate how the construction process for building a meeting station on a railway can be made more efficient. Today many railways in Sweden have bad capacity which means that meeting stations are necessary. In 2018 one meeting station was build in Skruv on “Kust till kust” line by NRC Group. This project has been studied in the case study and interviews has been d

No title

The present study examines in a quantitative manner the relationship between the attitudes toward gender equality and those toward gender-inclusive language. It also studies how a text written with gender-inclusive language is evaluated and observes what factors can act thereupon. The influence of gender, linguistic area and an argumentation promoting this kind of language on attitudes and on the

Embarking upon circular construction

The building industry consumes approximately 40 per cent of materials entering the global economy while facing significant challenges related to unsustainable consumption of natural resources and greenhouse gas emissions. The concept of the circular economy is gaining momentum as a solution which addresses these issues while generating economic benefits. To transition towards a circular economy, s

Changing the current fashion system: Paving the way towards a sustainable production and consumption of clothing in Spain

The fashion industry has always been a synonym of new trends, creativity, design and a form of expression and individuality. Notwithstanding, the impact on the environment and the development of societies derived from the production and consumption of fashion has been underestimated. The current system is extremely polluting and wasteful, and it is closely related to poverty, gender issues and exp

The impact of Transnational Corporations through their activities across Global Value Chains: New Evidence for Mexico

This paper analyses the economic impact of Transnational Corporations through their activities across Global Value Chains (GVCs), using Mexico as baseline country. By exploiting the UNCTAD-Eora Global Value Chain database, we conduct an exploratory research methodology. We first unfold the relationship between GVC trade and economic development by disaggregating GVC trade into its two components (

Visitationszoner – den svenska modellen – En studie av kroppsvisitation i brottsförebyggande syfte och visitationszoner i relation till skyddet för privatlivet i artikel 8 EKMR

Den utbredda gängkriminaliteten och bruket av vapen eller andra farliga föremål på offentliga platser är ständigt närvarande i den politiska debatten i Sverige. Frågor rörande vilka medel och befogenheter polisen har och bör ha återkommer frekvent och i diskussionen framkommer ofta referenser till Danmark och systemet med visitationszoner som där finns. En liknande, men inte identisk, lagstiftningThe widespread gang violence and the use of weapons in public spaces are often focal points in Swedish political debate. Questions regarding which means and authorities the police have and should have are raised frequently and references to Denmark and their system with ‘stop and search’ zones are often mentioned in the discussions. A similar, but not identical, legislation to the one in Denmark h

Role of coiled-coil protein encoded by vnz_14450 in polar growth of Streptomyces venezuelae

“The code that guides the Path” Geosmin is a volatile metabolite that smells like the earthy odorant that is mostly predominant after a heavy rain fall; what produces this intensive surge of geosmin in the air is from the spore producing family streptomycetaceae. Not only do these bacteria produce a scent that most people find pleasant to smell, they also play a key role in modern society. Why th

Expression of connexin 43 gap junctions and hemichannels following cerebral ischemia in near-term fetal sheep

Connexins are proteins that make up the gap junctions that directly link the intracellular spaces of neighboring cells. Each gap junction is formed by the joining up or docking of two hemichannels in the cell membranes. It has been proposed that the gap junctions themselves or opening of hemichannels to the extracellular space may allow the spread of cytotoxic signals after injury, leading to prog

Predicting Pro-environmental Behaviours with Locus of Control and Ecoanxiety

The climate crisis is not only affecting the physical world, but individuals’ mental health. The concept of ecoanxiety has reached major attention in the public discourse and more individuals report psychological consequences as a result of climate change. The call for action is urgent, but what are individuals doing to prevent further harm to the planet? Does the experience of ecoanxiety leave th

Patientens transition från intensivvårdsavdelningen - en litteraturstudie om upplevelsen av förändring

Bakgrund: Mellan 10 och 27% av intensivvårdspatienterna överlever IVA men dör innan de blir utskrivna från sjukhuset. Några av dessa dödsfall kan undvikas. Patienter som skrivs ut för tidigt från IVA kännetecknas av sårbarhet och hjälplöshet då de inte är tillräckligt förberedda inför omständigheterna på en vårdavdelning vilket både försvårar och förlänger återhämtningsprocessen. Syftet: Syftet me

#metoo - now what? - En komparativ studie mellan svenska och amerikanska arbetsgivares ansvar vid sexuella trakasserier i arbetslivet

I samband med att hashtagen #metoo blev viral världen över hösten 2017 uppmärksammades sexuella trakasserier i arbetslivet under ett nytt ljus. Arbetstagarens skydd mot sexuella trakasserier ifrågasattes och frågor gällande arbetsgivarens skyldigheter väcktes. Detta ligger till grund för uppsatsens frågeställning huruvida dessa frågor behandlas och regleras i arbetsrättslig lagstiftning. I jämföreAs the hashtag #metoo went viral around the world in fall 2017, the issue of sexual harassment at work was shed a light on. The employee protection against sexual harassment was questioned in terms of employer liability regarding preventive and repressive measures. This matter is underlying the following question at issue: how sexual harassment and employer liability is regulated in employment law

Living by Rails- Developing Cultural Identity in the Post-communist Country

The fall of communism in East-Central European countries brought various changes in the political, economic and social sphere influencing urban structures of cities. The transition from industrial to commercially oriented cities has left a trace in the form of abandoned brownfield sites. The thesis project is mostly research-based. The research was carried on five existing transportation brownfi