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Being Creative With and Within Frames: A Case Study of How Organisational Structure Influences Creativity in a Non-Managerial Consultancy Firm

The aim of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding of how organisational structure influences creativity within a presumed non-managerial organisation. Our data was collected through in-depth interviews with employees from a non-managerial consultancy firm, where our participants came from various positions, where our theoretical framework draws on previous research on creativity as well as

Balansering av Sveriges elsystem år 2040 – En teknoekonomisk analys

Sveriges framtida elsystem står inför en stor omställning, där kärnkraft successivt kommer att fasas ut, samtidigt som det sker en stor utbyggnad av vindkraft. Vindkraftens sjunkande priser, tillsammans med Sveriges mål om ett 100 % förnybart elsystem år 2040, gör det till en attraktiv resurs. En omställning från en leveranstrygg elproduktion baserad på kärnkraft, till en mer variabel med vindkrafSweden's future electricity system is facing a transformation, where nuclear power will gradually be phased out, while there is a large expansion of wind power. The declining wind power prices, together with Sweden's goal of a 100% renewable electricity system in 2040, makes it an attractive resource. However, a change from a secure supply of energy from nuclear production, to a more varia

Taking the Bitterness Out of Coffee: A Case Study of Value Chain Transformation in Ugandan Coffee Companies

The international trade in coffee is widely acknowledged to perpetuate unequal structures between producing and consuming countries. While coffee is largely grown in and provides a large proportion of income for developing countries, most of the value-added activities are performed in developed countries. This paradox is exemplified in the case of Uganda where coffee is exported almost exclusively

Tillväxt - på liv eller död?

This paper examines the relationship between population growth and economic growth in the European Union during 1962-2017. By combining earlier research and economic growth theory a combined model is presented, which attempts to capture both positive and negative outcomes of population growth on economic growth. The aim of the study is to contribute to earlier research by focusing on the general e

Assessment of the circadian stimulus potential of an integrative lighting system in an office area

Nowadays, people spend 90% of their time indoors, thus creating a healthy indoor environment for occupants is of great importance. Lighting in office spaces is an important aspect when it comes to occupant health and well-being. Research in the field of lighting has mostly been focusing on the visible light spectrum and image-forming (IF) processes. However, with the discovery of melanopsin contai

Hijacking an Organizational Crisis: A multiple case study on how organizational crises can be used to highlight narratives about Sweden

This study analyzes the influence techniques applied when hijacking an organizational crisis in order to construct a larger narrative about Sweden. By applying the concepts of narration, mythical speech and moral culture, the study investigates which narrative techniques are applied to generate engagement in disinformation narratives. This was done through conducting a qualitative content analysis

An Investigation of how Digital BIM-objects can be a Competitive Strategy for Material Suppliers in the Construction Industry.

Jämfört med många andra industrier så har byggnadsindustrin halkat efter med att implementera digitala lösningar. I dagsläget är det enbart ett fåtal materialleverantörer och tillverkare som erbjuder en tjänst av så kallade digitala BIM-objekt till sina produkter. Dessa digitala produkt kopior kan nyttjas för flera syften i projektmodeller vilket exempelvis gynnar desing-team och entreprenörer. DeThe construction industry has in general been rather slow in its implementation of new digital solutions compared to other industries. To date, only a handful of material suppliers are offering a service of so-called digital BIM-objects of their products. These 'digital product copies' can be utilized in projects' BIM-models for several purposes, being favorable to the design team and

Using Opaque AI for Smart Grids

Deep learning is an emerging machine learning technique which can find complex patterns in large amounts of data. This makes it useful for several applications in smart grids, which often involve the processing of large amounts of data. However, there are reasons to be sceptical of its suitability as the black-box nature of deep learning could be a problem since power grids are important infrastru

Framtidens Projektledare, i en digital och global byggbransch

Titel: Framtidens Projektledare, i en digital och global byggbransch. Författare: Sebastian Larsson Handledare: Radhlinah Aulin, universitetslektor på̊ institutionen för bygg- och miljöteknologi, avdelningen för byggproduktion, Lunds Universitet. Examinator: Anne Landin, professor på̊ institutionen för bygg- och miljöteknologi, avdelningen för byggproduktion, Lunds Universitet. Syfte: Syftet mTitle: The Future Project Manager, in a globalized and digitized construction industry. Author: Sebastian Larsson Supervisor: Radhlinah Aulin, Senior lecturer at the Department of Building and Environmental Technology, Division of Construction Management, Lund University. Examinator: Anne Landin, Professor at the Department of Building and Environmental Technology, Division of Construction Mana

Barnperspektiv vid vårdnadstvister: En studie av domar med föräldrar med missburk

The aim of this study was to create an understanding how verdicts in the Swedish appeal court describes the best interest of the child, child’s will and the risks around children when theres is a parent with addiction problems. This study was based on a qualitative content analysis of twelve verdict from the appeal court. The verdicts did not have any geographical boundaries and the verdicts were

Svensk mutlagstiftning - lite för lagom? En rättsvetenskaplig studie om svensk mutlagstiftning ur ett EU-rättsligt perspektiv

Sverige, ett av de minst korrupta länderna i världen, har fått återkommande internationell kritik gällande ineffektivitet i svensk mutlagstiftning när det kommer till straffrättsliga sanktioner mot företag som begått mutbrott. Detta på grund av bristen på rättspraxis där företag gjort sig skyldiga till vårdslös finansiering av mutbrott. Kritiken har bland annat kommit från EU-kommissionen då SveriSweden, as one of the least corrupt countries in the world, has been subject to recurrent critique regarding inefficiency in its bribery legislation, especially regarding sanctions against corporates. The reason behind this is due to the lack of case-law when it comes to companies being directly or indirectly responsible for bribery. The European Commission have criticised Sweden due to the fact t

Management Control Tools and Firm Ambidexterity

Abstract Title: ​Management control tools and firm ambidexterity Seminar date: ​2020-06-03 Course: ​BUSN79 - Business Administration: Degree project in Accounting and Finance. Authors: ​Gabriel Aniol & Semi Serifi Advisors: ​Anders Anell Key words: ​PSFs, MCS, Management control tools, audit firm, IT firm, reuse economics, expert economics, explore, exploit. Purpose: ​The purpose of this thesi

Upplevelse av dagliga aktiviteters värde och mening

Bakgrund: Långvarig psykisk sjukdom är ett växande problem, främst i form av depression och ångest. Höga krav och hög arbetsbelastning är bidragande orsaker. Det leder i många fall till minskad aktivitet. Meningsfulla aktiviteter bidrar till hälsa och har en rehabiliterande kraft. Vad som är meningsfullt är en subjektiv upplevelse och kan beskrivas I värde och meningsdimensioner. Syfte: är att und

Conflicts and the possibility for coexistence between offshore wind power and national defence

Sweden has set a goal to produce 100% renewable electricity in 2040. In order to accomplish this, a transition towards renewable energy (RE) is necessary. However, the development of RE needs to coexist with other interests of the nation, as RE typically occupies large areas of land or off shore water. This has resulted in conflicts, for instance, between offshore wind power development and nation

Kan våra jordar rädda klimatet?

Visste du att våra jordar står för 20% av världens koldioxidutsläpp? För att förhindra global uppvärmning och ödesdigra klimatförändringar måste åtgärder vidtas! Som tur är kan jordarna även fånga koldioxid och omvandla det till markbundet organiskt kol, då agerar de biologiska kolsänkor. Forskningsområdet är nytt och komplext men denna studie ger en översiktlig bild över svenska åkermarkers, skogReducing greenhouse gas emissions from land use, and increasing carbon storage in soils, is an important climate mitigation strategy. I conducted a literature study based on 174 articles to investigate the potential of temperate forest-, agricultural- and pasture land and urban parks to store carbon in soils; identified measures that could increase their storage potential by increasing the rate of

Sociala medier som verktyg för screening: Beaktandet av utmaningar inom e-rekrytering

I samband med rekrytering blir potentiella kandidater ofta granskade på sociala medier. Praxisen kallas screening och informationen som framkommer utgör ett underlag för rekryterarens beslut om huruvida en viss kandidat bör gå vidare i rekryteringsprocessen eller inte. Användandet av sociala medier inom urvalsprocessen kan dock kopplas till sex olika markanta utmaningar. Dessa utmaningar gäller in

En hermeneutik värdig Gud? : En undersökning av Maximos Bekännarens hermeneutik och dess potentiella bidrag till dagens bibeltolkning

Some theological schools consider the human conscience to be subordinate as a means to revelation of God’s nature compared to the biblical text. This can lead the reader of these texts to do violence to their own conscience by conforming it to the perceived biblical witness, although the two (the reader’s conscience and the biblical witness) can appear as in stark contrast to one another. A cognit

Förvärvsfinansiering i samband med 21:5 - Efter förvärvstidpunkten

I Aktiebolagslagen (2005:551) 21 kap 5§ finner man förvärvslåneförbudet. Förvärvslåneförbudet stipulerar att ett aktiebolag inte får lämna lån, ge förskott eller ställa säkerhet i syfte att mottagaren av detta ska förvärva aktier i det långivande bolaget. De huvudsakliga frågeställningarna i uppsatsen var; hur förhåller sig förvärvslåneförbudet till efterföljande finansiering och minutenlån och huIn the Swedish limited company act chapter 21 section 5 (Aktiebolagslag 2005:551) there is a prohibition that limits the ability to issue loans, give anything in advance or provide collateral with the purpose that the receiver is going to acquire shares in that same company. The main questions of this essay are to bring clarity to the following things. Can the prohibition loans against acquisition