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Abandonering av miljöfarligt avfall - ur ett konkursrättsligt perspektiv

Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka abandoneringsförfarandet inom den svenska konkursrätten, i synnerhet möjligheten att abandonera miljöfarligt avfall och rättsverkningar förknippade med sådant förfarande. Med abandonering avses ett förfarande där en konkursförvaltare under pågående konkurs låter egendom med negativt eller försumbart värde utgå ur konkursboets förmögenhetsmassa till förmån för The aim of this essay is to investigate the abandonment procedure in Swedish bankruptcy law, in particular the possibility to abandon environmentally hazardous waste and the legal effects associated with such procedure. Abandonment refers to a procedure where a receiver, during an ongoing bankruptcy, excludes property with negative or negligible value from the bankruptcy estate's assets for th

Education Projects in Ethiopia: are they democratic? A case study on Official Development Assistance

It would be difficult to argue that an uneducated society in today’s world would persevere beyond that of an educated; education has become an essential key to survival. It has been considered “a foundational driver of development which furthermore helps create self-reliance, economic growth, direction to better health and even democratic societies” (, 2019). If one considers that claim a

Coal-land, the way forward for Poland? - A within-case research on the national interests influencing the Polish implementation of the EU Renewable Energy Directive

The study aims to understand and map the influential factors affecting the degree of implementation of the EU Renewable Energy Directive, RED, in Poland, which sets individual national goals for all member states of the total share of renewable energy sources, RES, by the year 2020, a goal Poland is anticipated to fail to reach. The study is a within-case study conducted through a process-tracing

Polisens omorganisation

In early 2015, one of the largest organizational reforms within public administration in Sweden was implemented - the reorganization of the Swedish Police Authority. The new organizational structure was intended to minimize the significant differences between the various regions’ results, by establishing one unified organization. The Swedish Agency for Public Management has since then evaluated th

Surrogatmödraskap i svensk partipolitik - en beskrivande idéanalys av Moderaternas och Socialdemokraternas idéutveckling under 2010-talet

Surrogate motherhood is a relatively controversial method of assisted reproduction, as it raises ethical questions about the potential risk of exploitation versus the right to self-determination, if it is done with the child’s best in mind and whether or not it is problematic for the family constellation. The purpose of this paper is to examine the approach to altruistic surrogate motherhood in Sw

Europe’s Twin Continent Retroliberalism in EU Development Policy targeting Africa – a Narrative Study

This study analyses the constitutive power of narratives in relation to a retroliberal paradigm shift in EU development policy by focusing on blended finance targeting sub-Saharan Africa. This study builds on the claims of Mawdsley (2015) that a reconfiguration of global development policy has challenged the North ontologically, which have been accompanied with the emergence of retroliberalism. Th

The Acceptance of Unacceptable Behaviour - The Case of Donald Trump

This thesis aims to bring a greater understanding of the recent rise in right-wing populism by analysing the authoritarian populist discourse used by Donald Trump when he speaks to his base. In the study, the transcript of his speech at the Minnesota Rally in October 2019 is studied with the method critical discourse psychology. The theoretical framework is a combination of post-structuralism and

Contextualizing for a smarter future

Title: Contextualizing for a smarter future – A comparative study on technological startups’ value delivery in the agriculture sector. Seminar date: 2021-06-02 Course: FEKH99, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 ECTS. Authors: Anna Goffhé and Lisa Klofsten Advisor: Devrim Göktepe-Hultén Key words: Digitalization, Context, Agriculture, Smart agr

#Det_digitala_galleriet, En kvalitativ fallstudie inom konstgalleribranschen & dess påverkan av digitaliseringen

Titel: #Det_digitala_galleriet - En kvalitativ fallstudie inom konstgalleribranschen & dess påverkan av digitaliseringen Författare: Alice Löfqvist, Charlotte Cederqvist & Pauline Bräutigam Handledare: Peter Svensson Problematisering: Konstbranschen har de senaste årtiondena präglats av en starkt digitalisering. Digitaliseringen har påverkat branscher genom förändrat kundbeteende, konkuTitle: #The_digital_gallery - A qualitative case study of the art gallery industry & how the industry has been affected by the digitalization Authors: Alice Löfqvist, Charlotte Cederqvist & Pauline Bräutigam Supervisor: Peter Svensson Background: In recent years the art industry has been characterized by strong digitalization. Digitalization has affected industries through shifting cust

A water quality assessment and environmental impact analysis of the local mining along the Zambezi River in Tete, Mozambique

Dammet målar landskapet svart. Mark och vatten förorenas, samtidigt som dagbrotten bara blir större och större. Kolbrytning är vida sett som en av de värsta sorternas utvinning av naturresurser då det kan ha negativ inverkan på både människors hälsa och miljön. Vetskap finns om byar vars invånare klagar på att deras dricksvatten har förändrats all eftersom fler kolgruvor etablerats. Nu smakar vattThe access to safe and clean drinking water is a major concern throughout the world. The recent discovery of coal and gas in Mozambique has increased the economic growth lately and large international companies have been attracted to Tete province in central Mozambique. Coal mining is widely recognized as one of the most hazardous forms of natural resource extraction for human health and the envir

Barnen och demokratin - En kritisk studie av den svenska rösträttsåldern

Diskussionen om vem som ska få vara en del av den demokratiska beslutsprocessen har varit aktuell sedan demokratins födelse. Vilka medborgare som setts som fullvärdiga har varierat beroende på tid och plats. Begränsningar har, bland annat, gjorts baserat på kön, inkomst och ålder. Idag i Sverige är ålder den enda omfattande begränsningen av rösträtten som finns kvar för svenska medborgare. Den senThe discussion about who should be able to take part in the democratic process has been relevant since democracy was in its infancy. Which citizens has had full rights has varied depending on the time and place. Limitations has been based on, among other things, sex, income, and age. At the moment, in Sweden, age is the only substantial limitation of the right to vote for swedish citizens. The las

“Operation Peace Spring”: How lawful? - Understanding Turkey’s Military Operation Through Restrictive and Expansive Interpretations of Article 51

Turkiets senaste militära operation i norra Syrien, Operation Peace Spring, har gett upphov till en pågående debatt om innehållet i FN-stadgans artikel 51 och rätten till självförsvar. Med denna militära operation kan ännu ett fall läggas till på listan över stater som utvidgar tolkningen av artikel 51. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka om de argument Turkiet framfört i sitt brev till säkerhTurkey’s recent military operation in northern Syria, Operation Peace Spring, has fuelled an ongoing debate with regards to the content of Article 51 of the UN Charter and the right to self-defence. Adding yet another case to the list of states expanding the Interpretation of Article 51. This thesis aims to examine if the arguments put forth by Turkey, in their letter to the Security Council, meet

Demokratisk stadsförnyelse? – En kritisk utvärdering av bostadspolitiska beslutsprocesser i Malmö stad

This essay highlights the increasingly complex decision-making process surrounding urban renewal. The essay critically evaluates Malmö municipality and their implementation of two decision-making models within urban renewal. In particular, the essay highlights the importance of the democratic values inclusion and public accountability. The analytical framework consists of democratic theory as well

Reseförbud för barn som riskerar att föras ut ur landet – en kritisk analys av lagförslaget om utreseförbud (SOU:2018:69) och dess förenlighet med rörelsefriheten

I betänkandet ”Ökat skydd mot hedersrelaterad brottslighet” (SOU 2018:69), som för närvarande ligger under beredning hos regeringskansliet, finns ett lagförslag om att barn som riskerar att föras ut ur landet för att ingå äktenskap eller könstympas ska kunna meddelas ett utreseförbud. Lagförslaget går i korthet ut på att förvaltningsrätten, i huvudsak efter ansökan från socialtjänsten, ska kunnaIn the report “Ökat skydd mot hedersrelaterad brottslighet” (SOU 2018:69), (translation: Increased protection against honor-related crime) which is currently under preparation by the government offices, there is a legislative proposal that children who are at risk of being brought out of the country to enter into marriage or to undergo female genital mutilation should be given a travel ban. In e

Kronvittnessystem - ett hot mot rättssäkerheten eller ett hot mot den organiserade brottsligheten?

Det har blivit vardag för allmänheten att dagligen läsa rubriker om sprängningar, skjutningar, mord och narkotikabrott. Dessa brott har ökat de senaste åren, så pass mycket att många inte längre höjer på ögonbrynen när man läser om det i medierna. Osäkerheten och otryggheten i samhället har ökat i takt med att den organiserade brottsligheten har ökat. De senaste åren har den organiserade brottsliIt has become commonplace for the general public in Sweden to read daily news reports about explosions, shootings, homicides, and narcotics related crimes. These types of crimes have increased during the last years, to such an extent that many people do not feel safe. With rising crime rates, there is an increased sense of insecurity and uncertainty. The criminals have adopted new technologies, a

Den bittra rivaliteten mellan Iran och Saudiarabien

Iran and Saudi Arabia have major impact in the Middle East and their bitter rivalry has led to multiple proxy wars in the area. The Middle East has experienced multiple conflicts throughout the years, especially Yemen. Iran and Saudi Arabia’ involvement intensified with the “Arab Spring” and have made the situation more complex. The overarching purpose of this study is to understand the rivalry be

Trafficking as Terrorism: A Theory-testing Case Study on the Islamic State’s Human Trafficking of the Yazidi

Human trafficking is considered one of the gravest violations of human rights. It dramatically deprives people of their humanity, dignity and freedom but is also considered a serious threat against national security and international peace. From traditionally being the crime of choice for criminal networks, human trafficking has been increasingly incorporated as a strategy by terrorist organisatio

To survive or to thrive? - En kritisk diskursanalys av Maldivernas internationella klimatdiskurs

In 2009 when President Nasheed began his presidency in the Maldives, he launched a unique environmental project that put the country at the fore front of international environmental politics and the battle against climate change. However, in the past ten years a new picture of the Maldives has occurred where those in power seem to put more effort into development and economic growth than environme

Decentralized Decision-making and Conflict of Interest in International Cooperation Organizations

In the context of international cooperation organizations, decentralizing decision-making authority can accompany many complexities. Most such organizations do it in the hopes to deliver services, whatever they may be, efficiently. This research attempts at unraveling some of these complexities through the formation of two problems. Firstly, the research seeks to discover the necessary conditions

CSR Communication in Covid-19 — a Case Study of Nordic Aviation Company SAS

Purpose: This paper aims to explore the CSR communication in the natural crisis, with investigation of SAS, a Nordic aviation company who suffers huge negative impact during the pandemic. Methodology /Approach: The paper presents a case study where it uses thematic approach to identify the CSR communication content, then by the light of semiotic analysis, the semiotic analysis is conducted to inte