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Hydrogen, an Energy Carrier of the Future

The climate is changing, something that many scientists correlate to increased emissions of greenhouse gases. The effluent that is considered to have the highest impact on global warming is carbon dioxide, when effect and quantity are taken into account. Most projections however, show that the effect is reversible if the amount of carbon dioxide emissions discharged to the atmosphere is decreased.

Biologically inspired enhancement of dim light video

In this chapter a technology for the enhancement of video data obtained at low light levels is presented. The method was inspired by the way in which nocturnal animals adaptively sum intensities, spatially and temporally, to improve vision at night. Due to the low photon count under these conditions the visual input is dark and unreliable, which leads to noisy low contrast images. The noise become

Trellis Source Coding Methods for Low Rates and Short Blocks

Trellis quantization is a finite state machine based method for data compression. It is mainly applied to quantizing noise-like sources. In this thesis new trellis codes suitable for low rate quantization are derived. Rate-distortion theory predicts source coding performance, but unfortunately provides only limited insight in how to construct good codes. In general, good trellis source codes combi

Impedance and Instabilities in the MAX IV 3 GeV Ring

Popular Abstract in Swedish Laddade partiklar är kända för att sända ut ljus när de rör sig i en krökt bana. Detta ljus kallas synkrotronljus och upptäcktes i mitten av 1900-talet. Sedan dess har det använts i forskning inom kemi, biologi, medicin och materialvetenskap. Utveckling av speciella maskiner för att producera synkrotronljus blev nödvändig för att fortsätta att tillgodose behoven inom deTo ensure the beam with an ultralow emittance and high current the possible effects deteriorating the beam stability must be investigated. When ultrarelativistic particles travel in the vacuum chamber they induce electromagnetic fields which can act back on them and the following particles. The interaction of the beam with the surrounding environment can be described by wakefields in time domain a

Collaboration in the Absence of Communication

On a software development project many people collaborate to build a product contributing different pieces of the final product. Often people on a development team will work in parallel, either on different parts or on the same parts of the product, and follow processes to co-ordinate their work with other people on the team. When teams are distributed this co-ordination becomes more difficult sin

Modeling of evolving anisotropy at finite elasto-plastic strain

Simulation tools are used to a wide extent in the product development process today, both to obtain better products and to reduce the development time required. Anisotropic materials are utilized in many engineering applications. Material models for materials of these types are needed in order to obtain accurate results from the simulations undertaken. In the thesis, a constitutive framework for

An alarm reduction application at a district heating plant

The proper handling of alarms is crucial to any automated process control. In practice, many alarms are only distractive and do not represent a fault situation. In an ongoing project a computerized tool is applied, that aims to remove such nuisance alarms, a so-called alarm cleanup. This is a general, systematic approach that takes advantage of the control system's built-in functions, and is a fir

Optimal sidelobes under linear and faster-than-Nyquist modulation

We minimize the frequency and time occupancy of multicarrier binary linear modulation based on two-dimensional faster than Nyquist (FTN) signaling. FTN analysis provides the asymptotic time–frequency consumption per bit and prolate spheroidal wave analysis minimizes the side lobe occupancy. For both problems, an excellent choice is a Gaussian pulse, with some adjustment of the side lobes.