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Frequent visitors at the psychiatric emergency room – A literature review

Frequent visitors at the psychiatric emergency room (PER) constitute a small subgroup of patients, yet they are responsible for a disproportionate number of visits and thus claim considerable resources. Their needs are often left unmet and their repetitive visits reflect their dissatisfaction as well as that of PERs' staff. Motivated by these dilemmas, this study systematically reviews the literat

Sepsis Alert – a triage model that reduces time to antibiotics and length of hospital stay

Objective: To study if a modified triage system at an Emergency Department (ED) combined with educational efforts resulted in reduced time to antibiotics and decreased length of hospital stay (LOS) for patients with severe infection. Methods: A retrospective, observational study comparing patients before and after the start of a new triage model at the ED of a University Hospital. After the implem

On Data-driven Multistep Subspace-based Linear Predictors

The focus of this contribution is the estimation of multi-step-ahead linear multivariate predictors of the output making use of finite input-output data sequences. Different strategies will be presented, the common factor being the exploitations of geometric operations on appropriate subspaces spanned by the data. In order to test the capabilities of the proposed methods in predicting new data, a

Influence of the Uncertainties in Future Climate Scenarios on the Hygro-Thermal Simulation of an Attic : ICBEST 2010

There is much concern about the effects of possible future climate changes on buildings. The future climate scenarios are based on numerical simulations. Each scenario of a climate model is the result of some changes in the boundary or initial conditions, emission scenario, etc. Consequently each weather scenario has different sources of uncertainty which affects the building simulation results. H

Yrkesverksammas konstruktioner av asylsökande ungdomar

I det här papret undersöker jag vilka föreställningar om etnicitet och kön som professionella yrkesgrupper (lärare, boendecoacher, socialsekreterare, barn- och ungdomshandläggare) ger uttryck för i sitt arbete med asylsökande ungdomar. Jag undersöker också hur detta präglar deras arbete med ungdomarna och konsekvenserna av detta. Ungdomarna, samtliga pojkar och analfabeter, deltar i språkintrodukt

Serving 22 users in real-time with a 128-antenna massive MIMO testbed

This paper presents preliminary results for a novel 128-antenna massive Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output (MIMO) testbed developed through Bristol Is Open in collaboration with National Instruments and Lund University. We believe that the results presented here validate the adoption of massive MIMO as a key enabling technology for 5G and pave the way for further pragmatic research by the massive MIM

Long term simulation of the hygro-thermal response of buildings - Results and questions

Studying the effects of the climate change on buildings contains two major fields: energy consumption and durability. In the field of durability the moisture effects on the building play a significant role. In Sweden the last 10-15 years have been mild and wet compared to previously. Precipitation increased considerably during the period (+11 %), whereas temperature increase were weaker (+ 0.7 oC)

Analysis with the exome array identifies multiple new independent variants in lipid loci

It has been hypothesized that low frequency (1-5% minor allele frequency (MAF)) and rare ( 1000-fold more significant than the previous sentinel variant and not in close LD (six had MAF < 5%). Furthermore, conditional analysis revealed multiple independent signals (ranging from 1 to 5) in a third of the 98 lipid loci tested, including rare variants. Addition of our novel associations resulted in b

Analysis of bacterial surface interactions with mass spectrometry-based proteomics

Host–pathogen protein–protein interaction networks are highly complex and dynamic. In this experimental protocol we describe a method to isolate host proteins attached to the bacterial surface followed by quantitative mass spectrometry based proteomics analysis. This technique provides an overview of the host–pathogen interaction network, which can be used to guide directed perturbations of the sy

Different effects of Atg2 and Atg18 mutations on Atg8a and Atg9 trafficking during starvation in Drosophila

The Atg2-Atg18 complex acts in parallel to Atg8 and regulates Atg9 recycling from phagophore assembly site (PAS) during autophagy in yeast. Here we show that in Drosophila, both Atg9 and Atg18 are required for Atg8a puncta formation, unlike Atg2. Selective autophagic degradation of ubiquitinated proteins is mediated by Ref(2)P/p62. The transmembrane protein Atg9 accumulates on refractory to Sigma