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Toward a statistical description of methane emissions from arctic wetlands

Methane (CH4) emissions from arctic tundra typically follow relations with soil temperature and water table depth, but these process-based descriptions can be difficult to apply to areas where no measurements exist. We formulated a description of the broader temporal flux pattern in the growing season based on two distinct CH4 source components from slow and fast-turnover carbon. We used automatic

Health Effects of PCBs in Residences and Schools (HESPERUS) : PCB - Health Cohort Profile

Polychlorinated-biphenyls (PCBs) were introduced in the late 1920s and used until the 1970s when they were banned in most countries due to evidence of environmental build-up and possible adverse health effects. However they still persist in the environment, indoors and in humans. Indoor air in contaminated buildings may confer airborne exposure markedly above background regional PCB levels. To dat

Occupational lung diseases : From old and novel exposures to effective preventive strategies

Occupational exposure is an important, global cause of respiratory disease. Unlike many other non-communicable lung diseases, the proximal causes of many occupational lung diseases are well understood and they should be amenable to control with use of established and effective approaches. Therefore, the risks arising from exposure to silica and asbestos are well known, as are the means of their pr

Sex differences in asthma in swimmers and tennis players

Background: Elite athletes, independent of sport, have increased risk of developing asthma, but little is known about sex difference among adolescent athletes. Objective: To investigate and compare sex-related differences according to symptoms and treatment of asthma, allergy, and health among elite athletes and a reference group. Methods: Adolescent elite swimmers (n = 101), tennis players (n = 8

Joint improvisation in the arts practices : Entrainment, engagement and expert skill

To improvise together for the pure curiosity, joy, and beauty of it constitutes a central but often neglected ability of human beings. Integrating pragmatic, practical, and technical skills with conceptual understanding, improvisation is adaptive and collaborative. It seems made to counter the challenges of living in a fleeting present, unconstrained by physical and historical boundaries, and very

Beyond knowledge management : understanding how to share knowledge through logic and practice

The aim of this paper is to develop our understanding of how knowledge is shared within a professional service firm. Insights from a 1-year ethnographic study suggest that it is important to go beyond the ‘theoretical limitations’ of knowledge management in order to understand how to manage knowledge within a firm. From the analysis of how knowledge is shared in practice, three logics emerge that

En integrationist? JaVIsst!

Vi skulle alla tjäna på mer samverkan och mindre motverkan. Särskilt i ett litet land som Sverige. För att möta de globala samhällsutmaningar vi står inför har behovet av integrerad forskning förts fram i den forskningspolitiska debatten. För hållbar utveckling behöver forskningen bättre och i ett tidigare skede inkludera samhället i arbetet med hur vi ska möta dessa utmaningar. Men för att verkli

Efficient Time Integration of IMEX Type using Exponential Integrators for Compressible, Viscous Flow Simulation

We investigate the adaption of the recently developed exponential integrators called EPIRK in the so-called domain-based implicit-explicit (IMEX) setting of spatially discretized PDE's. The EPIRK schemes were shown to be efficient for sufficiently stiff problems and offer high precision and good stability properties like A- and L-stability in theory. In practice, however, we can show that these st

Convergence Analysis of the Dirichlet-Neumann Iteration for Finite Element Discretizations

We analyze the convergence rate of the Dirichlet-Neumann iteration for the fully discretized unsteady transmission problem. Specifically, we consider the coupling of two linear heat equations on two identical non overlapping domains with jumps in the material coefficients across these. In this context, we derive the iteration matrix of the coupled problem. In the 1D case, the spectral radius of th

The damping of transverse coherent instabilities by harmonic cavities

At nonzero chromaticity, the threshold current due to transverse coupled bunch instabilities in an electron storage ring is defined by intrabunch head-tail motion of higher than zeroth order. Multibunch tracking simulations predict that this threshold can be increased to several times its original value through the introduction of bunch lengthening harmonic cavities. One previously suggested expla

Parental estimation of their child's increased type 1 diabetes risk during the first 2 years of participation in an international observational study : Results from the TEDDY study

This study assessed mothers' and fathers' perception of their child's risk of getting type I diabetes (TID) during the first 2 years of their participation in The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) study. TEDDY parents were informed of their child's increased genetic risk for Tl D at study inception. Parent perception of the child's risk was assessed at 3, 6, 15, and 27 mo

In-beam background suppression shield

The long (3 ms) proton pulse of the European Spallation Source (ESS) gives rise to unique and potentially high backgrounds for the instrument suite. In such a source an instrument's capabilities will be limited by its Signal to Noise (S/N) ratio. The instruments with a direct view of the moderator, which do not use a bender to help mitigate the fast neutron background, are the most challenging. Fo

Do the CAP subsidies increase employment in Sweden? estimating the effects of government transfers using an exogenous change in the CAP

This study evaluates the impact of agricultural subsidies (CAP) on employment outside the agricultural sector. A side-effect of the decoupling reform in 2005 was that Sweden introduced a grassland support which caused a redistribution of payments among regions. This heterogeneity in transfers is used to identify the effects of government transfers on regional labour markets. The effect on employme

Development of in situ product removal strategies in biocatalysis applying scaled-down unit operations

An experimental platform based on scaled-down unit operations combined in a plug-and-play manner enables easy and highly flexible testing of advanced biocatalytic process options such as in situ product removal (ISPR) process strategies. In such a platform, it is possible to compartmentalize different process steps while operating it as a combined system, giving the possibility to test and charact

Relationship between platinum-bearing ultramafic-mafic intrusions and large igneous provinces (exemplified by the Siberian Craton)

This study aims at summarizing available geological and geochemical data on known Proterozoic platinum-bearing ultramafic-mafic massifs in the south of Siberia. Considering new data on geochemistry and geochronology of some intrusions, it was feasible to compare ore-bearing complexes of different time spans and areas and to follow their relationships with the recognized large igneous provinces. In

Language Learning : Volume 56, Issue Supplement s1. The neurocognition of second language acquisition

The papers in this volume explore the cognitive neuroscience of second language acquisition from the perspectives of critical/sensitive periods, maturational effects, individual differences, neural regions involved, and processing characteristics. The research methodologies used include functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), positron emission tomography (PET), and event related potentials (

Pediatric T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

The most common pediatric malignancy is acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), of which T-cell ALL (T-ALL) comprises 10–15% of cases. T-ALL arises in the thymus from an immature thymocyte as a consequence of a stepwise accumulation of genetic and epigenetic aberrations. Crucial biological processes, such as differentiation, self-renewal capacity, proliferation, and apoptosis, are targeted and derange