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Effects on Gambling Activity From Coronavirus Disease 2019—An Analysis of Revenue-Based Taxation of Online- and Land-Based Gambling Operators During the Pandemic

Background: Concerns have been raised about increased gambling problems during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) crisis, particularly in settings with high online gambling and risks of migration from land-based to riskier online-based gambling types. However, few non-self-reported data sources are hitherto available. The present study aimed to assess changes in the online- and land-based gambling

Multilinear operator-valued Calderón-Zygmund theory

We develop a general theory of multilinear singular integrals with operator-valued kernels, acting on tuples of UMD Banach spaces. This, in particular, involves investigating multilinear variants of the R-boundedness condition naturally arising in operator-valued theory. We proceed by establishing a suitable representation of multilinear, operator-valued singular integrals in terms of operator-val

Theoretical formulation of phase space microbunching instability in the presence of intrabeam scattering for single-pass or recirculation accelerators

Microbunching instability (MBI) has been one of the most challenging issues in designs of high-brightness beam transport lines for single-pass or recirculating accelerators. Although the intrabeam scattering (IBS) has long been studied in lepton or hadron storage rings as a slow diffusion process or in high-intensity proton linear accelerators as one mechanism for the beam halo, the effects of IBS

Exploring limited capacity in the grid : Actors, problems and solutions

An extensive and reliable electricity grid is essential for all sectors of society. In parts of Sweden, the electricity grid has been suffering from a lack of capacity. This is something affecting all sectors and all people in these regions. The capacity problems have however so far mainly been analyzed in a technical system perspective, focusing on incumbent actors, whereas other actors have beenAn extensive and reliable electricity grid is essential for all sectors of society. In parts of Sweden, the electricity grid has been suffering from a lack of capacity. This is something affecting all sectors and all people in these regions. The capacity problems have however so far mainly been analyzed in a technical system perspective, focusing on incumbent actors, whereas other actors have been

Continuous Experimentation with Product-Led Business Models : A Comparative Case Study

Context. Continuous experimentation is used by many companies to improve their products with users data. In this study, the efficacy of continuous experimentation as used in two different types of business models (product-led or sales-led). Method. Two case companies with a product-led business model and three companies with sales-led business model were compared against each other. 14 interviewee

Sinonasal Symptoms and Self-Reported Health before and after Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery-A Prospective Study

Objectives Despite the limited invasiveness of endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery (ETSS), some degree of nasal structure destruction is unavoidable. Our objective was to evaluate sinonasal morbidity and self-reported health before and 6 months after ETSS for pituitary tumors, and to identify possible predictive factors for deterioration in sinonasal health. Design Prospective observational cohort

Genome-wide association meta-analysis identifies pleiotropic risk loci for aerodigestive squamous cell cancers

Squamous cell carcinomas (SqCC) of the aerodigestive tract have similar etiological risk factors. Although genetic risk variants for individual cancers have been identified, an agnostic, genome-wide search for shared genetic susceptibility has not been performed. To identify novel and pleotropic SqCC risk variants, we performed a meta-analysis of GWAS data on lung SqCC (LuSqCC), oro/pharyngeal SqC

Towards an optimal separation of space and length in resolution

Most state-of-the-art satisfiability algorithms today are variants of the DPLL procedure augmented with clause learning. The main bottleneck for such algorithms, other than the obvious one of time, is the amount of memory used, fn the field of proof complexity, the resources of time and memory correspond to the length and space of resolution proofs. There has been a long line of research trying to

Hur kan den gymnasiala yrkesutbildningens låga attraktionskraft förklaras?

Syftet med detta kapitel är att förklara yrkesutbildningens låga attraktionskraft genom att illustrera framväxten av det utbildnings-politiska paradigm som lagt grunden för den svenska utbildningspolitikens ideologiska grundvalar. Detta görs genom att studera utbildningspolitiska texter samt analysera föreställningar om yrkesutbildningar bland utbildningsforskare och skolrepresentanter på kommunal

Assessment of Pulmonary Blood Flow in Heart Failure. Using Novel and Non-Invasive Diagnostic Methods.

In heart failure (HF), the heart is unable to pump effectively in order to satisfy the demands of the body. The elevated filling pressure seen in HF leads to accumulation of fluid in the lungs, i.e pulmonary congestion. While investigation with chest X-ray is recommended, it has limitations in detecting pulmonary congestion. Ventilation/perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography (V/P SPE