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Your search for "*" yielded 532593 hits

L-DOPA and graft-induced dyskinesia : different treatment, same story?

One of the well-recognized problems of long-term L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) therapy in the treatment of Parkinson's disease is the development of L-DOPA induced dyskinesia. These abnormal movements cause significant disability and narrow the therapeutic window of L-DOPA. Cell transplantation is one of the most promising upcoming therapies for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, and ma

RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, p-Isopropylbenzyl acetate, CAS Registry Number 59230-57-8

The use of this material under current use conditions is supported by the existing information.This material was evaluated for genotoxicity, repeated dose toxicity, developmental toxicity, reproductive toxicity, local respiratory toxicity, phototoxicity, skin sensitization, as well as environmental safety. Data from the suitable read across analog, benzyl acetate (CAS # 140-11-4), show that this m

Tribology of flexible and sliding spinal implants: development of experimental and numerical models

New fusionless devices are being developed to get over the limits of actual spinal surgical treatment, based on arthrodesis. However, due to their recentness, no standards exist to test and validate those devices, especially concerning the wear. A new tribological first approach to the definition of an in vitro wear protocol to study wear of flexible and sliding spinal devices is presented in this

Berkeley Innovation Index: An approach for measuring and diagnosing individual’s and organizations’ innovation capabilities

Innovation is widely recognized as an important variable to create competitive advantage and drive economic growth. Innovation is also a relatively vague concept, but the absence of it results in stagnation and loss of competitive behaviors. Innovation capability is the ability to be innovative, and is a characteristic of individuals as well as organizations. The issue with learning and executing

A broadband SiGe Power Amplifier for E-band communication applications

This work presents a broadband SiGe Power Amplifier (PA) for operation between 60-90 GHz covering both 71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz E-Band sub-bands. It consists of a two-stage differential cascode amplifier using an LC-interstage matching network in the interface between the stages. Single-ended to differential conversion is accomplished by the use of two stacked 1-To-1 transformers, achieving a simul

What does resilience mean for urban water services?

Disasters and climate change impacts, as well as increased water demand, pose serious risks to the provision of sustainable urban water services, e.g., drinking water, sanitation, and safe drainage, especially in cities. These challenges call for a transition toward improved water management, including considerations of “resilience.” However, because the resilience concept has multidisciplinary or

Kinetics and Mechanism of the Reaction between Tetrachloroaurate(III) and Tetraabromoaurate((III) and Thiocyanate

The kinetics and mechanism for the overall reaction (i) (X = Cl or Br) have been studied at 25.0 °C using stopped-flow spectrophotometry. 3[AuX4]–+ 7SCN–+ 4H2O → 3[Au(SCN)2]–+ HSO4–+ HCN + 12X–+ 6H+ (i), The reaction takes place in two kinetically well separated steps. The initial, rapid process can be identified as stepwise ligand substitutions (ii) (n= 0–3) which take place via direct ligand disThe kinetics and mechanism for the overall reaction (i) (X = Cl or Br) have been studied at 25.0 °C using stopped-flow spectrophotometry. 3[AuX4]–+ 7SCN–+ 4H2O → 3[Au(SCN)2]–+ HSO4–+ HCN + 12X–+ 6H+ (i) The reaction takes place in two kinetically well separated steps. The initial, rapid process can be identified as stepwise ligand substitutions (ii) (n= 0–3) which take place via direct ligand disp

What's trending in social media analytics area? A retrospective

A sub-area of business analytics increasingly growing in prominence is social media analytics (SMA), which is not surprising given the large volume of data and content generated daily in social media. Despite the growing interest, given the vastness of the area, there is little understanding of the topics and issues with respect to SMA that should be investigated by IS researchers. In an effort to

Accelerated creep in solid oxide fuel cell anode supports during reduction

To evaluate the reliability of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) stacks during operation, the stress field in the stack must be known. During operation the stress field will depend on time as creep processes relax stresses. The creep of reduced Ni-YSZ anode support at operating conditions has been studied previously. In this work a newly discovered creep phenomenon taking place during the reduction is

Lär studenter hur IT-tekniken påverkar deras yrken

Digitaliseringen är inte bara en teknikfråga, utan bör handla om hur verktygen ska användas. Det menar Carola Aili, lektor i pedagogik vid Lunds universitet, i en kommentar till Darja Isaksson som tidigare intervjuats i Curie. Studenterna behöver kompetens att hantera frågor om IT-stöd i sin kommande yrkesutövning.

Nostalghia: A Nordic International Law

Is there a Nordic approach to international law? I argue that a substantive Nordic approach to international law is absent today, and go on to explore, in an essayistic form, why the question of a Nordic international law would emerge today and how the craving for Nordic identity might be overcome. In a first step, I look into select evidence relating to the use of force, to international recognit

Dramatic Subtlety: Exploring Anger and Strategic Niceness in the Courtroom

Traditionally, the law has been considered as devoid of emotions, however recent research has begun to analyze the courtroom as an emotional scene. The emotion norms of the courtroom are thus interesting to explore and, as the courtroom work and emotions of de- fense lawyers have received little sociological attention, this will be the focus of this paper. The aim here is to show the emotions that

Temporally Consistent Tone Mapping of Images and Video Using Optimal K-means Clustering

The field of high dynamic range imaging addresses the problem of capturing and displaying the large range of luminance levels found in the world, using devices with limited dynamic range. In this paper we present a novel tone mapping algorithm that is based on K-means clustering. Using dynamic programming we are able to not only solve the clustering problem efficiently, but also find the global op

Life satisfaction and associated factors in persons with mild to moderate Parkinson's disease

BACKGROUND: Life satisfaction (LS) is an overall goal in the long-term management and rehabilitation of persons with Parkinson's disease (PD). However, very little is known about LS in persons with PD and no study has examined factors associated with their LS. OBJECTIVE: To describe LS in persons with mild to moderate PD and to evaluate the association with gender, age, years since diagnosis, and