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Prevalens av intensivvårdsdelirium hos vuxna patienter

Bakgrund: Intensivvårdspatienter kan utveckla ett tillstånd med konfusion på intensivvårdsavdelningen. Tillståndet kallas intensivvårdsdelirium och bakomliggande orsaker har sedan tidigare inte varit helt klarlagda. Under de senaste åren har intensivvårdsdelirium blivit mer uppmärksammat genom forskning. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie som inkluderar studier med kvantitativ ansats. Studie

Social hållbarhet, offentliga platser och segregering - Tillämpade strategier och metoder i Göteborgs Jubileumspark

Segregation is a counteracting process for social sustainability. Planning practice and the pertinence of social aspects raise public participation as important. Public space, as a meeting place for people to interact, play great significance in exclusionary and inclusionary processes, with relational impacts regarding access and the right to develop the city and themselves. Gothenburg, facing com

Differentiation Therapy of Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is characterized by a differentiation block in the myeloid lineages of the hematopoiesis. After the success of the all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) differentiation therapy which overcomes this differentiation block for AML subtype acute promyelocytic leukemia, attempts have been made to find similar therapies for the remaining subtypes. Differentiation therapy candidate

Träpulverbränsle istället för naturgas i industriprocesser

För att de globala utsläppen av CO2 ska minska bör industrier se över sin användning av olja och gas i sina processer och byta det till något som är CO2-neutralt. Om detta ska vara möjligt bör ersättningsbränslet vara förnyelsebart och samtidigt ha liknande förbränningsegenskaper som kan förväntas av olja och gas. Träpulver är ett bränsle som anses ha potential att uppfylla dessa krav. Denna rapTo reduce the global emissions of CO2, industries have to do an overview of their oil and gas usage in their processes and substitute it to something CO2-neutral. To implement this, the new fuel has to be renewable and have similar combustion properties as oil and natural gas. Pulverised wood is a fuel that is believed to fulfill these qualifications. This report is a investigation, based on a l

Value Creation with Lean Accounting

The study adapts on the cybernetic controls part of the framework of Malmi and Brown (2008) elaborating the discussion to resolve the limitations of traditional accounting practices with the combination of modern accounting techniques. Since some conventional practices of accounting are no longer commensurate to the contemporary lean manufacturing environment, the emerging techniques come in place

Grönytefaktor i praktiken

Dagens stadsbyggnadsprojekt är komplexa och många funktioner ska trängas på en liten yta i våra städer. I ett försök att ge grönstruktur i städer större plats har flera kommuner runt om i landet börjat ställa krav kring grönytefaktor; ett sätt att mäta mängden grönska på tomter i staden. I denna studie undersöktes vilken effekt detta krav har på samhällsbyggandet och hur det fungerar i samspelet mAbstract Title: Green Area Factor in affect – How does the implementation of Green Area Factor requirements work in Sweden today? Author: Johanna Hallberg Supervisors: Anne Landin – Professor, Department of Construction Management, Lund University Dagmar Gormsen – Social development leader at Sustainable Business Development at Skanska Sweden AB Examiner: Stefan Olander – Docent, Department of C

”Poppa upp och poppa bort” - en kvalitativ intervjustudie om att arbeta förebyggande mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck.

Projektformen som länge varit en utbredd verksamhetsform inom exempelvis byggindustrin har kommit att bli allt vanligare även i arbetet med sociala frågor. Resursteam Heder är ett ettårigt projekt som arbetar förebyggande mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Projektets syfte är både att vara ett metodstöd till yrkesverksamma som i sitt yrke möter ungdomar i en hederskontext samt att utgöra en fl

The Impact of Public Policy on Fertility Rates in OECD Countries: A Comparative Study

Since the 1980s, fertility rates in OECD countries stayed almost stable at levels below replacement (2.1 children on average per woman), which can have significant feedback effects on the social welfare system. While females still have the desire to form a family, this wish competes with career ambitions, leading to persistently low fertility rates due to the potential incompatibility of family an

Rethinking Individual Customer Journeys: Exploration Across Age Groups In A Digitised Retail Industry

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to rethink the meaningfulness of abstract customer journey concepts, which are employed as a means of explaining consumer behaviour. Consumer behaviour however becomes more and more diverse. This study thus aimed to create knowledge about the individuality of actual customer journeys from the viewpoints of individual customers of different age groups. Theore

Ägarstrukturens påverkan på börsintroduktioners långsiktiga prestation - En jämförande studie av familjeägda vs Private Equity-backade börsnoteringar genomförda under åren 2011-2013

TITEL: Ägarstrukturens påverkan på börsintroduktioners långsiktiga prestation - En jämförande studie av familjeägda vs Private Equity-backade börsnoteringar under åren 2011-2013 SEMINARIEDATUM: 2017-06-01 KURS: FEKH89, Examensarbete i finansiering på kandidatnivå, 15 HP FÖRFATTARE: Erik Will Johansson, Oscar Will Johansson, Kajsa Öström HANDLEDARE: Tore Eriksson NYCKELORD: Börsintroduktion, långsiTITLE: The effect of ownership on IPO’s long-run performance - A comparing study of family-owned vs Private Equity-backed IPO’s issued during the period 2011-2013 SEMINAR DATE: 2017-06-01 COURSE: FEKH89, Degree Project in Corporate Finance, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 ECTS AUTHORS: Erik Will Johansson, Oscar Will Johansson, Kajsa Öström ADVISOR: Tore Eriksson KEY WORDS: IPO, l

Paradoxical Consumption Practices and Creative Identity Work in Consumption Styles – The Concept of Reflexive Bricolage

Purpose The purpose of this study was to explore the underlying reasons that drive consumers, belonging to a particular consumption style, to engage in paradoxical consumption practices and attempt to explain these practices. For the purpose of this study, the non-static hipster youth style was used as the empirical example of a postmodern consumption style. Methodology This study is based on e

Refugee Integration – A new field of CSR?

The refugee crisis of 2015/2016, has not only challenged the political actors and the civil society of Germany, but also its businesses. Appealed by politicians, few German companies have started contributing to the integration of refugees into the labour market, mainly in form of donations, employee commitment and occupational preparation courses. This constitutes a new field of Corporate Social

Smart Water - a collaboration with Wapro AB

The company has specialized at making check valves and flow regulators and wanted to develop their products further by implementing technology and creating a system where their customers can monitor the water flow in real time. My task was to look at the different opportunities of what and how this could be done and from that make a concept fully adapted for their needs. From interviews and resea

Incidence of reoperation for ventriculo-peritoneal shunt in adult patients in relation to challenges of the perioperative nurse

Background: Ventriculo-peritoneal (VP) shunt is a catheter which circulate flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the lateral ventricle to the abdomen and it is the most commonly used shunt in modern neurosurgery. Complications of VP shunts are very common and often require emergency services. For the perioperative nurse this means that theVP shunt reoperation is one of the most often performed em

Persondata på Facebook

Sociala medier har blivit en del av de flesta svenskars vardag, där Facebook står ut som det största sociala nätverket. Facebook används främst av yngre människor av vilka en klar majo- ritet använder Facebook dagligen. Facebook uppfattas som gratis, men i verkligheten betalar användarna med data som samlas in för att bland annat sälja vidare till tredje part. Har svenskar kunskap om hur deras

Investigating the Effects of Negative Affect on Creativity

Prominent research of creativity and affect has historically illuminated the relationship between positive affect and creativity, whereas little is known about the effects- influence of negative affect on creativity. The present study aimed to investigate how negative affect influenced creativity by using a divergent and convergent creativity task. A sample of 54 participants was recruited and ran

Markanvisningssystemets påverkan på kommunala markförsäljningar

Uppsatsen undersöker markanvisningssystemet i nio kommuner i storstadsregionerna Göteborg, Malmö och Stockholm. Syftet är att genomföra en kartläggning av vilka tilldelningssätt de olika kommunerna använder sig av inför en försäljning av ett markområde samt vilken påverkan det har på pris, transparens och kostnader. Samtidigt studeras byggherrar och kommuners strategier och agerande i de olika tilThis thesis researches the Swedish municipality system for choosing whom will be allowed to buy and develop land owned by the municipality. With focus on the three largest cities, Gothenburg, Malmö and Stockholm, and the region surrounding them. The purpose of the thesis is to survey the methods used by the municipalities to sell land for developing. How the chosen method affects pricing of land,

The politics of multilingualism : A critical discourse analysis of Europeanisation of language policy in the Netherlands

European measures and agreements regarding language policy within Europe and its member states have benefited many language communities, but many linguistic issues within the European Union remain unresolved. The European language policy involves many political, cultural and economic challenges for the Union. It is therefore important to not only point out the significance of a European language