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Cirrus Clouds; Study of Microphyscial Properties and Their Seasonal & Temperature Dependence in the Tropics and Mid-latitudes

Cirrus clouds are high-level ice clouds covering ≈ 30% of Earth’s surface. The cirrus clouds ice crystals can be formed by heterogeneous or homogeneous nucleation, where temperatures for heterogeneous nucleation was set to -38 - -30 °C and for homogeneous nucleation below -42 °C. The study will focus on microphysical properties of cirrus clouds in the tropics, 0-30°, and the mid-latitudes, 30-60°,

Circular Business Models in the Dairy Industry - Analyzing a consumer's propensity to buy a firm's product depending on the level of circularity of its business model

Following a brief introduction on the history of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the concept of the Circular Economy (CE), the impact of the dairy industry on the environment is introduced. This study then focuses on the gaps in research and the problem of implementing CE practices in the dairy industry. After a review of the literature on the Circular Economy and the Business Model, thi

Research on Herding Effect in Emergencies

In this paper, herding effect among pandemic emergencies, natural disaster emergencies and terrorist attacks emergencies is studied. This paper uses quantile regression with the approach proposed by Chiang and Zheng (2010) to detect herding during the time period 2001-2020. In terms of event types, herding is captured in every event group. More specifically, the pandemic group shows the most signi

Detection of slush on the Greenland Ice Sheet using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite imagery

Sea Level Rise (SLR) is a growing global concern that is heavily influenced by a warming climate. Because of a potentially large added mass to the ocean through ice melt, the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) plays an important role in the contribution to SLR. The presence of slush on Greenland is the result of melting processes and it can work as an indicator of surface mass balance (SMB) patterns on th

Monetära nyttor för buller och luftföroreningar vid ett reducerat lastbilsflöde

I Helsingborg stad finns idag en önskan att använda mer hållbara transportmedel vid godstransporter. Staden har fem industrispår som används i liten utsträckning, mestadels av godstransportarbetet sker med lastbilar. I ett samråd med Helsingborgs stadskontor vill de ha svar på vad för nyttor gällande miljöeffekter det blir vid ett reducerat lastbilsflöde. Syftet med denna studie är att studera buIn Helsingborg city, there is today a desire to use more sustainable options of freight transport. The city has five industrial tracks that are used to a small extent, most of the freight transport are done by trucks. In consultation with the City of Helsingborg, they wanted answers to what the benefits of environmental effects a reduced truck flow contributed to. The purpose of this essay is to

The significance of inhibiting sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) generation for immune responses during experimental hypertension

A reduction of a small molecule might lower blood pressure by affecting T cells Hypertension, also called high blood pressure, is becoming a more and more serious global health issue. According to a survey by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2019, about 1.13 billion people around the world suffering from hypertension. It is an important factor contributing to diseases involves heart and ves

eSIM Re-Selling on Mobile App

In recent years many devices such as smartphones, smart watches and laptops have started being equipped with embedded SIM cards called eSIM, which have the possibility to be reprogrammed with new subscription data through a process called remote SIM provisioning. To enable the eSIM in these devices, the mobile operators have had to implement new systems for the remote SIM provisioning process, and

Capture of interstellar objects in the Solar system

Forskning inom interstellära objekt, det vill säga objekt som har sitt ursprung utanför vårt solsystem, har pågått under decennier, men det var inte förrän 2017 som det första interstellära objektet i solsystemet upptäcktes. Det fick namnet 1I/'Oumuamua och skapade ett stort intresse både inom forskarvärlden och hos allmänheten. Två år senare, 2019, upptäcktes det andra och senaste interstelläResearch on InterStellar Objects (ISOs) has been done for several decades, however, the first observed ISO in the Solar system was only recently discovered in 2017. It was named 1I/'Oumuamua and was only passing though the Solar system, but this may not be the case for all objects of its kind. For instance, one could gain a bound orbit around the Sun if the right amount of nudge is acquired wh

Portraying Compound Returns

The results confirm the general claim that extreme skewness is a result of long-term com-pounding induced by a single period standard deviation. The results confirm that the Swedish stock market has the same characteristics as that of the US market. I estimate that the Swe-dish stock market produced 1.2tnSEK wealth 1984 – 2018 – with an extreme concentration of 28 stocks representing all wealth cr

A study of the legal protection for elderly employees - A narrative and comparative study between the Kingdom of Sweden and the People’s Republic of China

Äldre anställdas ställning på arbetsmarknaden är onekligen osäker. I detta arbete försöker jag att räta ut och förstå hur äldre arbetstagare är skyddade på arbetsmarknaden genom att undersöka hur gällande rätt är designat. Detta görs genom en komparativ studie mellan Sverige och Kina, där en rad olika undersökningsområden kopplat till anställningsskydd för äldre bearbetas. Arbetet berör och förklaThe status of the elderly on the labour market is undeniably precarious. In this thesis, I am trying to straighten out how the elderly are protected on the labour market and how the legislation to protect them is designed. This is done through a comparative study between Sweden and China, where a number of research areas associated with employment protection for elderly are processed. I am, in thi

From Diversity to Inclusion. A qualitative Case Study of a Swedish Hospitality Organization

The purpose of this thesis is to develop a comprehensive understanding of the distinction between diversity and inclusion in managing diversity, thereby elucidating the effects of workforce diversity in the organization. We drew upon the combination of two frameworks regarding diversity perspective and diversity climate to examine the reflections of diversity and inclusion in the organization. The

Samtyckeslagen – den arketypiska kvinnliga begränsningen: en könad kritik av förarbetena till Samtyckeslagen och dess diskursiva element

Mitt syfte med denna uppsats är att synliggöra problematiska maktrelationer som föreligger till synes neutralt framställda inom viljediskursen. Jag diskuterar hur SOU 2016:60, det vill säga förarbetena till Samtyckeslagen, diskursivt framställer rättsskyddssubjektet, samt hur denna konstruktion kan ses som en begränsning gentemot kvinnan. För att uppnå detta brukar jag en foucauldiansk diskursanalMy purpose throughout is to render visible certain problematic relations of power which are seemingly portrayed neutral within the discourse of will. I discuss how the discursive formations of SOU 2016:60, i.e. the preparatory works to the Samtyckeslagen , constructs a protected subject of law, and through the constitution of the subject acts limitingly towards her. To achieve this I am using a Fo

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av C-huset vid Linköpings Universitet under NärCon-festivalen

Rapporten är en brandteknisk riskvärdering med avseende på personsäkerhet i C-huset på campus Valla vid Linköpings universitet, under cosplayfestivalen NärCon som anordnas varje sommar. Syftet med rapporten var att förse ansvariga vid universitetet med underlag för att kunna säkerställa tillfredsställande brandsäkerhet med avseende på personers liv och hälsa. Målen som ansattes för att uppfylla syThe report was authored primarily for educational aims as part of the course Brandteknisk riskvärdering (VBRN70) at Lund University. The scope of the report entails the C building at campus Valla of Linköping University, during the annually held cosplay festival NärCon. The festival presents conditions differing from the building’s intended use. The purpose of the report was to provide university

A Proactive Approach Towards Environmental Legislation

A proactive approach towards law is becoming more common in competitive industries. While literature urges a causal relationship between a proactive approach and business success, it does not mention how future managers should adopt such an approach. In cases of environmental legislative restrictions, which are often disruptive and unpredictable for companies, it is difficult to anticipate and tur

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Sunnerbogymnasiet

Denna rapport behandlar en riskanalys gjord för Sunnerbogymnasiet i Ljungby kommun. Det är en gymnasieskola som rymmer många olika utbildningar, både yrkesförberedande och högskoleförberedande samt Svenska för Invandrare och gymnasiesärskola. Byggnaden är uppförd 1968 och tillbyggd i etapper 1978 och 2005, lokalerna omfattar i skrivande stund 21 000 m2 och bedriver verksamhet för 1400 elever. MåleThe following report is an evaluation of the fire safety at Sunnerbogymnasiet in Ljungby. The main focus is on evacuation safety. By analyzing likely fire scenarios, simulating the evacuation and when the hazardous criterias are reached, comparing the available safe egress time with the required safe egress time to assess if the safety levels are satisfactory. Three scenarios were analysed in deta

Betyg och bedömning på det estetiska programmet - En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare uppfattar att betyg och bedömning inverkar på elevernas musikaliska lärande

Under mina fem år av pedagogiska studier på Malmö Musikhögskola, och med ett stort egenintresse i ämnet har jag observerat en trend där mätbara värden alltmer eftersöks i skolans värld. I den trenden har jag sett en fara i att låta den enkelhet samt ensidighet som mätbara faktorer ofta genomsyras utav låta påverka musikundervisningen på gymnasiet i alltför stor utsträckning. Att försöka säkra kvalDuring my five years of educational studies at Malmö Academy of Music, and with a great personal interest in the subject, I have observed a trend where measureable factors are increasingly sought after within the educational school system. Within that trend I have noticed a risk in letting the simplicity and bias, that so often permeates measurable factors, influence musical education to a large e

Jump Estimation of Hidden Markov Models with Time-Varying Transition Probabilities

En Dold Markovmodell (HMM) kan användas för modellera tidsserier på ett sätt som beskriver olika beteenden under olika perioder; till exempel kan den beskriva finansiella tidsseriers benägenhet att plötsligt ändra riktning då marknadssentimentet förändras, exempelvis på grund av en pandemi. Givet en tidsserie, tänker man sig att den antar olika tillstånd som ej går att observera men som reflekteraThe Hidden Markov model is applicable to a wide variety of fields. Applied to financial time series, its assumed underlying state sequence can reflect the time series' tendency to behave differently over different periods of time. In many situations, models could be improved by including exogenous data. However, that may in some cases be inappropriate in practice as the model could get too mat

Will plastic ever go away? : an analysis of how social movements can shift the framing of the plastic issue from consumption reduction to production as the driver of the plastic problem in Taiwan

Globally, the production and consumption of plastic has increased exponentially. As plastic items are produced using fossil fuels, the plastic industry is intrinsically tied to the petrochemical industry. One unique case of this dilemma lies in the petrochemical industry’s role in plastic production in Taiwan. Despite its reputation for recycling, Taiwan is satiated with ineffective sustainability