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Network Expectations as a Driver for Networking Behavior - Exploring the Expectations of Incubated Entrepreneurs on the Business Incubators’ Network Offering

Problem: Literature yields ambiguous results regarding the effectiveness of the business incubators’ role as network intermediaries, which is reflected in the varying networking behavior of entrepreneurs. Network expectations as a driver for the networking behavior of entrepreneurs have not been studied within this context and present a void in current literature. Purpose: This study seeks to exp

Skyltdocka eller vän? En kvalitativ intervjustudie om virtuella influencers som marknadsförare på Instagram

I takt med att konsumenter får allt större valmöjligheter ställs också högre krav på varumärken att arbeta strategiskt med sin varumärkeskommunikation. Influencer marketing i sociala medier har därför de senaste åren ökat i popularitet, med förhoppning att det inflytande en influencer har ska påverka konsumenters attityd gentemot varumärket positivt. Men en ny trend inom influencer marketing, specAs the choices for consumers increases, higher demands are placed on brands to work strategically with their brand communication. Therefore, influencer marketing has gained popularity in recent years, with the hope that the influence an influencer has will have a positive impact on consumers' attitude towards the brand. But a new trend in influencer marketing, specifically popular for fashion

Calibaner i folkdräkt - En kritisk studie av hur de populistiska väljarna konstrueras i svensk medial opinionsbildning i samband med Storbritanniens folkomröstning om EU-medlemskap och USA:s presidentval 2016

Storbritanniens folkomröstning om EU-medlemskap och USA:s presidentval 2016 represente-rar ett skifte i västvärldens politik. Denna förändring har, enligt många, lett till en polariserad och osäker samtid. De politiska konflikterna präglas av, å ena sidan, de som försvarar ett mit-tenorienterat samarbete och, å andra sidan, de vänster- och högerpopulister som på olika sätt försöker utmana rådande Unlike most research on populism and post-democracy that have examined the current politi-cal conjuncture, the aim of this thesis is to understand and explain how populist voters are constructed. To do this, the opinion and cultural pages of Sweden's six largest newspapers are studied during the time of the 2016 United Kingdom European membership referendum and the 2016 United States president

Online firestorm: Hot eller möjlighet?

Befintlig forskning kring online firestorms utgår vanligtvis från det gemensamma antagandet att fenomenet utgör ett hot för varumärken, som till varje pris behöver förhindras, mildras eller förintas. I denna studie erbjuder vi ett annorlunda per- spektiv och hävdar att en online firestorm inte nödvändigtvis behöver motarbetas utan snarare kan stärka ett varumärke. Genom att undersöka en värderingsExisting research on online firestorms is usually based on the common assumpt- ion that the phenomenon poses a threat to brands, which at all costs need to be prevented, mitigated or eliminated. In this study we offer a different perspective of the preconceived notion of an online firestorm and argue that an online firestorm does not necessarily have to be counteracted, but rather can strengthen a

Imprints and Memories of Jews in Modern Thessaloniki: An analysis of the causes why the city hides its past

Thessaloniki is a city with a very rich and multicultural history. Among the different groups of people living in the city for centuries, the largest one was the group of the Sephardi Jews. Unfortunately, in modern Thessaloniki the rich Jewish past is not that evident. Aim of this thesis is to search for imprints and memories of the Jewish past in today's city and tries to unfold the reasons w

”Jag skulle aldrig svika ett barn” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om kuratorers resonemang kring att orosanmäla vid misstanke om att barn far illa.

How do professional counselors understand and rationalize their responsibility to report child maltreatment when worried about a child? The aim of this study was to analyze how school counselors and health care counselors talk about their obligation to report child maltreatment to the social services, and how their reasoning affects the protection of children in Sweden. The method chosen was quali

What is the Function of the University?

The purpose of this thesis is to explore how differences in morality polarizes the debate of what the function of the university should be, and how that might indicate a potential organizational crisis for Lund University. The study is primarily based on the case concerning the removal of teacher Johan Grant, that took place at Lund University in the fall of 2019. The thesis intends to expand know

Petrografisk beskrivning av Prekambriska ortognejser i den undre delen av Särvskollan, mellersta skollenheten, Kaledonska orognen

Den Kaledonska bergskedjan i Skandinavien bildades under tidsperioderna Ordovicium och Silur och är uppbyggd av ett avancerat skollkomplex. En av skollorna heter Särvskollan. Den består i huvudsak av Prekambrisk lågmetamorf sandsten, vilken genomskärs av en Prekambrisk diabassvärm som på vissa platser inte visar någon metamorfos. På ett av fjällen i Särvskollan som heter Svansjökläppen hittas högm

Observing the untold stories about digital behavior

The Danish social workers in the Job Centers holds the key to shaping the public policy, at the frontline. The way they choose to facilitate their tasks practicing digital tools impacts the client’s security and how the profession is being shaped. Policies reforms regarding digital tools aim at providing efficiency for the work processes and actively ensure the clients' legal rights. Polices a

Drivkrafter för hållbart byggande - byggherrars syn på framtidssäkra lösningar

Syftet med detta arbete är att ta reda på vad som motiverar byggherrar att välja mer hållbara och framtidssäkra lösningar. Genom att identifiera de trender som byggherrarna känner är mest relevanta samt ta reda på vad de skulle kunna tjäna genom att agera mer hållbart ur de olika hållbarhetsperspektiven kan man hitta de drivkrafter som finns för att bygga mer hållbart. Dessa insikter kan sedan genThe purpose of this study is to find out what motivates developers to choose More sustainable solutions. By identifying trends that are most relevant for developers and find out what developers could gain by acting more futureoriented from the three perspectives of sustainability this study aims to find out what drives developers to build more sustainably. These insights can by comparison with the

Kompetens och kvalifikationer - det moderna anställningsskyddet? Om utökade undantag från turordningsreglerna och ansvarsfördelningen för kompetensutveckling

Arbetsmarknaden är under snabb och ständig förändring. Faktorer såsom globalisering, digitalisering, teknisk utveckling, ökade utbildningsnivåer och att jobben blivit mer kunskapsintensiva gör att nya kvalifikationskrav ständigt uppkommer. Att arbetstagare sägs upp på grund av att de saknar tillräckliga kvalifikationer blir allt mer vanligt. Samtidigt förespråkar politiker ändringar av turordningsThe labour market is undergoing rapid and constant change. Factors such as globalization, digitalisation, technological development, increased educational levels and the fact that jobs have become more knowledge intensive mean that new qualification requirements are constantly emerging. The dismissal of workers due to lack of sufficient qualifications is becoming more common. At the same time, pol

En Säker Digital Resa

Allt fler organisationer genomför digitala transformationer för att kunna effektivisera och för-bättra interna affärsprocesser. Denna studie fokuserar på hur komponenter från CIA-triaden och den mänskliga faktorn påverkar informationssäkerhet och varför dessa är viktiga att ta i beaktning vid genomförandet av digital förändring. Vidare definieras digital transformation i studien som en digital för

Bringing AI to business intelligence and analytics

Today, the use of business intelligence and analytics (BI&A) is an important factor to the success of organizations. There is a need to effectively analyze data in order to gain a competitive advantage and not lose its place in the market. With digitalization the amounts of data are rapidly increasing, leading to new challenges for to be able to handle it in a cost-effective way. At the same t

Public diplomacy in times of crisis: A closer look at Sweden's governmental communication and mass media frames during the coronavirus pandemic

Public diplomacy in times of crisis: A closer look at Sweden’s governmental communication and mass media frames during the coronavirus pandemic. Public diplomacy is an important concept in the literature of strategic communication. It the one that allows governments around the world to promote a positive image about their country and increase their country’s reputation. However, during times of

Stakeholders’ perceptions of purpose-driven brands: The case of Nike’s “Dream Crazy” advertising campaign

The present study aims to contribute to the research on stakeholders’ perceptions of brands that take a stand on social issues and by doing so, express their social brand purpose. Social brand purpose is at the core of a brand, and it reflects the brand’s ideal as well as intent to make people’s lives better. To explore how stakeholders perceive stances on social issues that are taken by purpose-d

Political, yet Neutral? - A Case Study of the Pressures on Humanitarian Aid Provision in Venezuela

This thesis explores the nature of the challenges local NGOs face when responding to the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela. In doing so, it draws on material collected from distance interviews with Venezuelan NGOs involved in delivering humanitarian aid and on qualitative analysis of political statements from members of the Venezuelan government. Further, it investigates whether and how identified

Conflicting interests in European Union copyright law: A socio-legal analysis of what problem representations Article 17 DSMD is grounded in

For many years, critics of the European Union copyright framework have raised concerns about the lack of legal recognition of exceptions and limitations to copyright-protected works and other protected subject matter, and argued that the European Union copyright framework favours the protection of intellectual property over fundamental rights. The debate about this imbalance reached new heights wh

Äldre vuxna och datainsamling via Facebook: En undersökning av äldre vuxnas upplevelse av datainsamling på Facebook

Denna uppsats ämnar undersöka hur äldre vuxna i Sverige mellan åldrarna 50-65 år upplever den datainsamling som sker på Facebook och de potentiella risker som finns med hur deras data hanteras. Undersökning genomfördes med hjälp av fyra semistrukturerade telefonintervjuer med äldre vuxna inom de åldersgränser som uppsatsen ämnar undersöka. Tre olika delområden för vår undersökning har identifierat

Cirrus Clouds; Study of Microphyscial Properties and Their Seasonal & Temperature Dependence in the Tropics and Mid-latitudes

Cirrus clouds are high-level ice clouds covering ≈ 30% of Earth’s surface. The cirrus clouds ice crystals can be formed by heterogeneous or homogeneous nucleation, where temperatures for heterogeneous nucleation was set to -38 - -30 °C and for homogeneous nucleation below -42 °C. The study will focus on microphysical properties of cirrus clouds in the tropics, 0-30°, and the mid-latitudes, 30-60°,