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Liberal vändning, Hur och varför har Liberalernas valmanifest ändrats inför valet 2018 - en jämförande analys

The purpose of this report is to build on the knowledge of how parties facing poor election results make changes in their election manifesto. The case in question is the Swedish party Liberalerna, in English referred to as The Liberals. The empirical data that is used is two of the parties election manifestos from 2014 together with 2018. These are coded by Manifesto Project Database. Using three

A Leap of Faith and Luck. An empirical investigation how the financial inclusion and coping strategies of Kosovo’s SMEs are scaling up the local development

SMEs represent the majority of business activity among almost all economies. However, the financial market rarely meets them with appropriate financial products. This study investigates and provides empirical evidence on SMEs' financial inclusion in Kosovo and its impact on the community they operate. The research employs sequential explanatory mixed methods by utilising the World Bank Enterpr

The UX of AI-Augmented Question Generation

Efterfrågan av bättre digitala läroverktyg har ökat de senaste åren, och fick en ytterligare höjning av Covid-19-pandemin. Många företag använder artificiell intelligens för att förbättra sina system, där ett användarfall är frågegenerering. Teknologin inom artificiell intelligens har dock avancerat så snabbt att andra forskningsområden inte har hunnit ikapp. Målet med denna uppsats - vilken är The demand for improved digital learning tools has increased over the recent years, and got an additional boost from the Covid-19-pandemic. Many companies use artificial intelligence to improve their systems, one use case being question generation. However, artificial intelligence technology has advanced so quickly that other research fields such as user experience has not been able to keep up.

Memory integration and Context overlap-Does an Overlap in Context Facilitate Better Memory Integration?

Tidigare forskning har visat att ett överlapp i kontext påverkar minnet. Vårt minne tenderar att vara bättre när miljön vi lär oss i liknar den miljö vi testas i. Vi har också en tendens att minnas liknande information som ett enhetligt minne, vilket kallas minnesintegraion. Syftet med studien var att undersöka huruvida ett överlapp i kontext skulle öka minnesintegrering. Studien genomfördes via Previous research has shown that context overlap affects memory. Our memory tends to be better when the learning environment is similar to the test environment. We also tend to integrate related information that has been experienced in different occasions into one unified memory, called memory integration. The aim of this study was to investigate if context overlaps helps to facilitate memory inte

Arbetsrelaterad stress hos nyexaminerade sjuksköterskor - En litteraturstudie om påverkande och motverkande faktorer

Bakgrund: Nyexaminerade sjuksköterskor upplever höga nivåer av arbetsrelaterad stress i sitt arbete inom hälso- och sjukvård vilket resulterar i att många väljer att byta yrke inom de första 12 månaderna. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa faktorer som påverkar arbetsrelaterad stress samt faktorer som kan motverka arbetsrelaterad stress hos nyexaminerade sjuksköterskor. Metod: En induktiv li

An Affordable Proposal for an Urban Development in Mexico

Mexico will need to provide about 26 million housing units by 2030 and it is only through the understanding of the current situation and the awareness of the main challenges that affect the housing problems, that appropriate responses to the context can be proposed. By providing decent, secure and affordable housing, social problems can be reduced improving health and security, local economies can

Can electrical pulses be adapted to create life-like perceptions?

The next big step to improve prosthetics and make the lives of people living with certain physical disabilities less restricted is to provide them with sensory feedback. Today most feedback systems used in prosthetics are mechanical but with the recent developments in sensors and the processing of their input electrical stimulation is becoming an increasingly promising way to convey touch, pressur

Image-based anomaly detection using β -Variational Autoencoder for surface vehicle collision avoidance

Unmanned vehicles need robust systems to ensure the safety of the vehicle and its environment. Being able to find and avoid perilous situations is paramount to such a system. In this paper we suggest an unsupervised image-based anomaly detection algorithm using a variational autoencoder and a superpixel segmentation algorithm, which is adapted to the maritime obstacle detection task. The algorithm

Arbetsallians, stöd och dess meningsfullhet inom familjehemsvård : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om familjehemsföräldrars beskrivning av stödets betydelse under placeringstid

As a foster parent, within the Swedish foster care system, you are granted support and have access to interventions such as educational programs and counselling. Considering this, past research still suggests that a substantial number of foster carers express how these types of interventions can lack a sense of meaningfulness and/or be inadequate. With our research we’ve ventured to better underst

"Den kan aldrig vara empatisk" - RPAs intåg på HR-avdelningar

Den här rapporten siktar till att förklara hur och varför organisationer väljer att implementera eller inte implementera RPA inom HR samt hur påverkan upplevs i det dagliga HR-arbetet. Rapporten genomfördes genom intervjuer med tre olika HR-chefer och två HR-konsulter på globala/nationella organisationer. Totalt bedrevs fem semistrukturerade intervjuer. HR-chefernas funktion var interna beslutsfatThis paper aims to explain how and why organizations choose to implement or not implement RPA within HR and how it affects the daily work of the HR department. The paper was conducted through interviewing three kinds of HR-managers and two HR-consultants at global/national business organizations. In total five semi-structured interviews were held. The HR-manager's functions were internal decis

The perceived innovativeness of the manufacturing process and perceived product quality. The case of creative and technology-intensive industries.

Title: The perceived innovativeness of the manufacturing process and perceived product quality. The case of creative and technology-intensive industries. Course: BUSN39 Degree Project in Global Marketing Authors: Federica Piccone & Joanna Pilawa Supervisor: Javier Cenamor Keywords: manufacturing process; perceived innovativeness; perceived quality Thesis Purpose: The main purpose is to

Den underhållande polisen

Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur anställdas privata kommunikation på underhållningsforumet TikTok bidrar till att bygga förtroenderelationer mellan medborgare och myndigheter. Genom en kvalitativ forskningsmetod har vi analyserat en fallstudie av polisen Patrik Widells inlägg på TikTok. I analysen har vi tillämpat en multimodal socialsemiotisk metod där vi identifierat hur olika visuellaThis study aims to show how employees' private use of the entertainment app TikTok can contribute to build a relationship of trust between citizens and public institutions. Through a qualitative approach and by conducting a case study we have analysed the communication of the swedish policeman, Patrik Widell, on TikTok. In the analysis we have applied a multimodal social semiotic method, where

"Ett sällsynt sadistiskt beteende" - En kritisk granskning av förslaget att kriminalisera uppmuntran, hets och psykisk påverkan till självmord

Under de senaste årtiondena har media rapporterat om fall där personer begått, eller försökt begå, självmord efter vad som tillsynes verkar vara uppmuntran eller påverkan av andra. Den 12 juni 2019 kom utredningen ”Straffrättsligt skydd för barn som bevittnar brott mellan närstående samt mot uppmaning och annan psykisk påverkan att begå självmord” med ett betänkande. I betänkandet läggs ett förfatIn recent decades, the media has reported cases of people committing, or attempting to commit suicide after what appears to be by abetting or encouragement from others. On the 12th of June 2019, the Swedish investigation “Criminal protection for children who witness domestic violence and against abetting or by other means influencing others to commit suicide”, came with a report. The report propos

Rule of Law as shadow of EU law - an analysis regarding the interaction between the Charter, article 19(1) TEU and the principle of conferral

The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union has been a legally binding act for ten years. However, ever since entering into the force, it has not been quite clear when the Charter in fact is applicable. During the past years, the EU has been faced by the Rule of law crisis, as called in the academic debate. This thesis aims to clarify when the Charter is applicable and examine whether

The potential civil liability of innocent subsidiaries as a consequence of the notion of undertaking in EU Competition Law - an implication from the recent case Skanska

In EU Competition Law, the addressee of the prohibition indicated in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) is the undertaking. The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has applied the notion of undertaking using an economic and functional approach, determining that undertaking, as a single economic entity, may consist with several separate legal entities, including na

Optimization of information sharing in entrepreneurial heterogeneous teams

Research has shown that the heterogeneity of entrepreneurial teams, in terms of educational background, has a positive impact on venture performance as a result of the access to diverse skill sets and perspectives. However, the heterogeneity of the team can also lead to communication inefficiencies due to the diverse viewpoints and cognitive differences. Forewarning methods, understood as the prep

Kisslak - Small Home

The architectural heritage of Hungarian towns has been damaged due to various events in the past sixty years. During this architectural design project, the intention was to create a heritage conscious home for a small family, that intends to get bigger in the future, host family members frequently and put family unity in the center. It takes into consideration the rituals of families and people as

Portfolio Optimization using the Entropic Value-at-Risk: An Investor Preference Approach

It is very important for an investor to choose an accurate and effective risk measure when optimizing a portfolio of different assets. Recently, in addition to the standard risk measures such as variance or Value-at-Risk (VaR), more developed risk measures have emerged and one of them is the entropic Value-at-Risk (EVaR). This paper is testing the hypothesis stated by Ahmadi-Javid and Fallah-Tafti