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Your search for "*" yielded 532522 hits

Optimization of SLIPI–polarization ratio imaging for droplets sizing in dense sprays

In this article, structured laser illumination planar imaging and polarization ratio techniques are successfully combined to size droplets in various optically dense sprays. The polarization ratio approach is based on the acquisition of the perpendicular and parallel polarized components of Lorenz–Mie scattered light, for which the ratio is proportional to the surface mean diameter, D21. One of th

RUST (e. 109) : this tattoo of hunters’ boots and rifle bolts

#109_RUST this tattoo of hunters’ boots and rifle bolts, for sinfonietta."RUST, this tattoo of hunters' boots and rifle bolts" is inspired by Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon. This inspiration is more than a poetic tone painting of the Pynchon text. Rather, the music relates to both the materiality and the mixture of low & high art found in g.r.This piece uses many recent advances in contem

Vineland (e. 110)

#110. VinelandTITLE: VinelandCAT# (YEAR COMPOSED): 110 (2022/23)INSTRUMENTATION: solo voice with 2-3 microphones (one on throat), lo-fi spoken text, 3D scenographyPAGES: 26DURATION (APPROX): 12’30PUBLICATION:PREMIERE: 2023-01-20 by Angela Wingerath. Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, 19:00.

Multiphase Flow Dynamics: Insights from Single Microchannels to Porous Media with Uniform and Hierarchical Microchannel Networks

Multiphase flow in porous media are widespread in emerging subsurface application including geological carbon sequestration and underground hydrogen storage. Multiple fluid interactions introduce more complexity compared to single phase flow. On the gas-liquid interface, mass transfer and interfacial instability may arise. The study of multi-phase interaction behaviour allows the insights gained t

History of exclusion Historical evolution of the Italian bilateral agreements with third countries for the management of illegal migration (1990s-2024)

Refugees have been arriving in Europe from North Africa for years, but it wasn't until 2015 that the issue gained widespread public attention. That year saw a significant increase in the number of refugees and migrants, with 911,000 individuals reaching European shores via perilous routes across the Mediterranean Sea, particularly between Italy and Libya, and between Turkey and Greece. This th

Social Networks and Reputation Incentives: Does Directorship Prestige Influence Effort?

Using social network theory, we measure the reputation of boards and directors based on the centrality of their respective networks. Directors commit greater effort, as measured by actual director attendance rates, to directorships they consider more prestigious. Results are robust to controlling for standard proxies of reputation as well as using alternative measures of centrality to identify pre

Conceptualization of a minority between a strategical mechanism of absorption and a tactical tool for recognition: The Constitutional Court judgements on the political party bans in Turkey

This chapter analyzes five cases in which the Turkish Constitutional Court banned political parties, advocating for equal citizenship rights for the Kurdish people, based on their alleged violation of the law on political parties, which prohibits claims of the existence of minorities. The chapter aims to explore the conceptualization of minority rights within the juridico-political realm of Turkey

Situating and Disentangling Practices concerning Robots for Health Care in HRI: A Critical Scoping Review within the HRI Conference Works

Background: As the field of Human-Robot Interaction aims to develop and deploy robot applications for/in health care, it is important to disentangle research practices to understand who is (i) investigated, (ii) involved and (iii) how. Objectives: The principal aim is to identify and synthesise how articles in HRI for/in health care generally include various stakeholders in their studies. The seco

Reaction Mechanism for CO Reduction by Mo-Nitrogenase Studied by QM/MM

We have studied the conversion of two molecules of carbon monoxide to ethylene catalyzed by nitrogenase. We start from a recent crystal structure showing the binding of two carbon monoxide molecules to nitrogenase and employ the combined quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics approach. Our results indicate that the reaction is possible only if S2B dissociates as H2S (i.e., the charge of the FeM

Effective interactions in protein solutions with and without clustering

Protein interactions in solution and the question of cluster formation are of paramount importance to a wide range of research fields and industrial applications. Protein clustering can arise due to a delicate interplay between the short-range attraction and the long-range repulsion in the interaction potential. This study employs small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) to examine the clustering behav

The System Within : Addressing the inner dimensions of sustainability and systems change

Published 2024 – As part of the Earth4All project, collaborators have submitted deep-dive papers to delve further into the issues and solutions needed to transform our economic system and provide an equitable future for all on a finite planet. This paper highlights the overlooked inner dimension of system change, and offers systems thinkers the language to advocate for psychological, social and sp

Trä eller betong som stommaterial för flerbostadshus - En jämförelse ur ett miljö-, energi- och kostnadsperspektiv

Klimatpåverkan och dess effekter är ett högaktuellt ämne för alla branscher och industrier särskilt för bygg- och fastighetsbranschen som år 2021 stod för 22% av utsläppen av växthusgaser i Sverige (Boverket, 2024a). Visserligen har det skett en minskning av utsläppen för branschen sedan 2008 men behovet av att bygga nya bostäder är stort samtidigt som byggkostnaderna i Sverige blir dyrare och dyrThe impact of climate change and its effects is a current topic for all industries, especially the construction and real estate sectors, which accounted for 22% of greenhouse gas emissions in Swedenin 2021 (Boverket, 2024a). Although emissions from the sector have decreased since 2008, the need for new housing is significant, and construction costs in Sweden are rising more and more every year. T

Cluster Formation Induced by Local Dielectric Saturation in Restricted Primitive Model Electrolytes

Experiments using the Surface Force Apparatus (SFA) have found anomalously long-ranged charge–charge underscreening in concentrated salt solutions. Meanwhile, theory and simulations have suggested ion clustering to be a possible origin of this behavior. The popular Restricted Primitive Model of electrolyte solutions, in which the solvent is represented by a uniform relative dielectric constant, εr

The quantification of zebrafish ocular-associated proteins provides hints for sex-biased visual impairments and perception

Biochemical differences between sexes can also be seen in non-sexual organs and may affect organ functions and susceptibility to diseases. It has been shown that there are sex-biased visual perceptions and impairments. Abundance differences of eye proteins could provide explanations for some of these. Exploration of the ocular proteome was performed to find sex-based protein abundance differences

"Kulturernas strid mot naturen." Synen på naturen och samer i Sveriges Natur åren 1910-1928

The tention between culture and nature - The view on nature and Sápmi in Sveriges Natur 1910-1928 Nature has always been a topic of human conversation, and today's debate is usually about how we are going to stop climate change. In the early 20th century, the first laws that protected nature were established in Sweden, and one actor that especially worked for more conservation was Svenska Nat

Beyond site/sight : Culural spaces and the conditions of creativity

My written contribution responds to the questions: How des your practice relate to placemaking? How is it possible to use sense of place as material and starting point for research or artistic work? What methods do you use for co-creation and relationship building in relation to place?