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Making tradition sustainable: How consumers make sense of NIVEA’s sustainability communication

With the growing concern about the environment, consumers become more critical in their consumption and almost every organization communicates its sustainability efforts. However, not in every case do consumers believe in sustainability claims. This exploratory case study with the global skincare brand NIVEA examines the brand’s sustainability communication from a consumer perspective. It aims to

Utvärdering av potentialen för blå-grön infrastruktur

I dagsläget är det svenska dagvattensystemet dimensionerat för att hantera ett 10-års regn men enligt klimatmodeller utvecklade av SMHI kan nederbörden i Sverige öka med 25 % till år 2100. Blå-gröna lösningar är ett sätt att möta dagens och framtidens nederbörd och skyfalls händelser, vilket skapar en mer hållbardagvattenhantering. Syftet med detta arbete är att utveckla en metod för att bedöma va

Medborgardialog och medborgares inflytande i samhällsplanering - en fallstudie av projektet Fokus Skärholmen

Samråd är ett obligatoriskt moment i den svenska samhällsplaneringen i dag. Samtidigt visar forskning att det lagstadgade samrådet inte är tillräckligt för att skapa ett medborgardeltagande som har inflytande och är representativt. Uppsatsen har studerat metoder för medborgardialog i Stockholms stads projekt Fokus Skärholmen. Eftersom Fokus Skärholmen är ett pilotprojekt för socialt hållbar stadsuConsultation is a mandatory element in Swedish community planning today. At the same time, research shows that the statutory consultation is not sufficient to create a civic participation that is influential and representative. The thesis has studied methods for citizen dialogue in the City of Stockholm's project Fokus Skärholmen. Since Fokus Skärholmen is a pilot project for socially sustaina

When Reality Outweighs Ethics in Cancel Culture: A Theorisation, Modelling, and Empirical Exploration of Brand Cancellation

The phenomenon of cancel culture is one we all witness and sometimes partake in, and it has recently become a hot topic in research. However, the literature on this phenomenon is still in its infancy. Scholars have attempted to understand cancel culture by looking at cases where public figures and celebrities are targeted, but not enough attention has been paid to the ins and outs of cancel cultur

Urban frihet - Om Skateboardkulturen i Malmö stad utifrån ett platsperspektiv

Denna studie analyserar skateboardåkares förhållande till platser och stadsmiljön i Malmö stad. Hur använder skateboardåkarna sig utav platsen och hur påverkar det i sin tur deras identitetsskapande process inom kulturen. De personer som intervjuats och aktivt följts under ett fältarbete några vårmånader i Malmö stad. Alla som deltagit i studien har en stark relation med skateboardkulturen på olik

Speaking is Silver, Silence is Gold - A decolonial study examining Swedish exceptionalism and colonialism and the struggle of the Sámi people in Swedish elementary school textbooks from 1930-2013.

The narrative regarding Sweden and the self-understanding often excludes its colonial past and instead presents a “moral superpower”, deeply connected to the welfare state. While the nation has described itself as exceptional, the Sámi people have struggled for rights, acknowledgement and visibility over a long period of time. Previous research on the subject has repeatedly been studied with a pos

Från motvind till medvind: Hur införandet av en socioekonomisk konsekvensbeskrivning kan öka den kommunala acceptansen för vindkraft i Sverige.

Hållbarhet och kommunal acceptans för vindkraft. Klimatförändring och energiomställning – den ena nämns sällan utan den andra. En av vår tids mest aktuella frågor som berör alla delar av vårt samhälle. Sverige behöver mer förnybar el. Men samtidigt som tidsramen för att hålla den globala medeltemperaturen under 1,5 °C blir allt mindre avslår svenska kommuner allt fler vindkraftsparker då det finnDue to climate change, the transition to renewable energy systems has become increasingly urgent, and wind power has been identified as a significant facilitator in the transition of Swedens energy system. However, the rapid development of wind power has resulted in increased levels of local resistance, where the socioeconomic consequences on local communities have been highlighted by politicians,

Facing the digital divide in E-stonia: A field study on the inclusion of senior citizens in the digital society of Estonia

With the vast processes of digitalization and digitization taking place in many countries in the world, the small northeastern European country Estonia has managed to make incredible advancements in the field of technology and in creating a digital society. Today, the most digitized country and government in the world provides a vast majority of governmental services online, presents the most unic

Transition towards a sustainable food system? An analysis of sustainable food initiatives in the rural district of Augsburg

In today's globalised economy, food system actors seek to introduce more sustainable structures in terms of alternative food systems, including short food supply chains, local food systems and organic food production, to reduce environmental impact and achieve social benefits. Using the Multi-Level Perspective to analyse expert interviews and the results of a citizen survey, this thesis explor

Age and sexes significance on vital signs and NEWS-score during PIG-assesment after intensive care

Bakgrund: Manligt kön och hög ålder har visat sig utgöra riskfaktorer att återinläggas på IVA. Att implementera uppföljande verksamhet efter utskrivning, såsom PIG-team, kan bidra till att identifiera patienter som riskerar att försämras i sitt sjukdomstillstånd eller återinläggas på IVA. Tillämpandet av bedömningsinstrumentet NEWS har visat sig kunna identifiera patienter som löper risk för oplanBackground: Male sex and older age have been described as risk factors for readmission to the Intensive Care Unit [ICU]. The implementation of PIG-team can help to identify patients who are at risk for clinical deterioration or being readmitted to the Intensive Care Unit. The usage of National Early Warning Score [NEWS] has been proven to effectively discriminate patients who are at risk for unpla

Kvinnors uppnående av posttraumatic growth efter en intim våldsam partnerrelation. En studie om formell hjälp och växande efter trauma

Den aktuella studien ämnade undersöka huruvida kvinnor i Sverige som varit i en intim våldsam partnerrelation (IPV) uppnådde posttraumatic growth (PTG) samt om uppnåendet och nivån av PTG skiljde sig mellan kvinnor som fått formell hjälp och kvinnor som inte fått formell hjälp. Studien undersökte även om det fanns en skillnad i nivå av PTG beroende på vilken typ av formell hjälp som kvinnorna fåttThe current study aimed to examine whether women in Sweden who had been in an intimate partner violence (IPV) relationship reached posttraumatic growth (PTG), and if the frequency and level of reaching PTG differed for women who had received formal help compared to women who had not received formal help. The study also examined whether there was a difference in level of PTG depending on which type

Backtesting The Parametric & Non-Parametric Estimates Expected Shortfall

This paper will examine the forecast ability of different parametric and non-parametric estimation approaches used for Expected Shortfall (ES). As the financial institutions start to shift towards using ES as a risk measure instead of Value at Risk (VaR), the importance of being able to forecast ES increases. The Paper considers Basic Historical Simulation (BHS), Age-Weighted Historical Simulation

Hot mot hierarkin

Threats towards hierarchy Seminar date: 02/06/2022 Course: Bachelor Degree Project in Organization Undergraduate Level Authors: Rasmus Engström, Emma Hedlund, Mathilda Hesslevik Supervisor: Nadja Sörgärde & Johan Jönsson Five keywords: Hierarchy, rationalization, stabilization, destabilization, sports teams Research question: How are hierarchies (de)stabilized within a football team? Pur

Collaborative Storytelling: A Comparative Case Study on Influencer Podcasts

This thesis examines the phenomena of personal branding. Empirically, it uses two different commercial podcasts made by influencers as comparative case study examples. To explore and contrast how these two cases use collaborative storytelling as a strategy to establish authenticity in the sponsored advertisement segments, empirical data was collected from the audio-material of the podcasts and fro

Opening the Black Box

Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine how underwriter reputation, VC-backing and offering size affected the fees paid to underwriters on Nasdaq First North during the time period 01-01-2021 to 31-12-2021. In doing so, the study aims to contribute to a more comprehensive theoretical understanding of the entire cost image associated with going public. Methodology The authors decided to us


The purpose of this thesis was to study the correspondence of occupant load factors determined by the guidance document of Finnish National Building code and the real occupant loads measured from shopping malls. The correspondence of occupant load factors determined according to Finnish National Building Code were compared with the occupant load factors determined in other national and internat

Preference Weighted Resources: En kvantitativ studie om könsskillnader i resurser, makt och preferens

Enligt Sikström et al. (2020) tenderar maktbegreppet att syfta på publika snarare än privata domäner vilket har lett till den förhärskande idén att män har mer makt än kvinnor. För att bredda maktbegreppet utvecklade författarna måttet PWP (Preference Weighted Power), vilket väger hur mycket makt man har inom en domän mot hur viktig man tycker att den domän är. Uppsatsen var en uppföljningsstudie According to Sikström et al. (2020) the concept of power tends to be associated with public domains rather than private domains, which has led to the prevalent idea that men have more power than women. To broaden the notion of power the authors developed the term PWP (Preference Weighted Power) which weighs how much power one has in a domain with the importance of that domain. This bachelor thesis

Hyresmarknaden - beaktansvärd eller överskattad?

Debt, bank credit and the determinants for bank lending are as up to date as ever with an increase in inflation and rising rates. Economic activity, financial costs and housing prices have been empirically established as important determinators when it comes to the indebtedness of the private sector. Less examined is the role of the rental market in the context. This study examines the effects on

Bibliotekarieprofessionen och det demokratiska uppdraget

In this master’s thesis I will investigate how librarians think about how their profession is affected by and relates to the democratic mission and various cultural policy decisions. I will also attempt to make more clear how librarians interpret, relate and deal with external forces of change such as technology, politics and other social forces. This has been done to investigate and survey the tw

Identifying skills in the Danish labor market

Text analysis recently became a popular method to analyze the labor market in the field of research economics. This thesis uses an online Latent Dirichlet Allocation model to extract skills from two selected sectors of the Danish labor market between 2018 and 2021. The method uses topic modeling, where the keywords in the resulting topics are associated with skills, tasks or occupations. The resul