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Gender aspects on exercise-induced ECG changes in relation to scintigraphic evidence of myocardial ischaemia

Background: This retrospective study aimed to determine the diagnostic performance of exercise-induced ST response in relation to findings by myocardial perfusion single photon emission computed tomography (MPS), with focus on gender differences, in patients with suspected or established stable ischemic heart disease. Methods: MPS findings of 1 021 patients (518 females) were related to the exerci

An In-Cycle based NOx Reduction Strategy using Direct Injection of AdBlue

In the last couple of decades, countries have enacted new laws concerning environmental pollution caused by heavy-duty commercial and passenger vehicles. This is done mainly in an effort to reduce smog and health impacts caused by the different pollutions. One of the legislated pollutions, among a wide range of regulated pollutions, is nitrogen oxides (commonly abbreviated as NOx). The SCR (SelectIn the last couple of decades, countries have enacted new laws concerning environmental pollution caused by heavy-duty commercial and passenger vehicles. This is done mainly in an effort to reduce smog and health impacts caused by the different pollutions. One of the legislated pollutions, among a wide range of regulated pollutions, is nitrogen oxides (commonly abbreviated as NOx). The SCR (Select

Lightweight Dispatcher Constructions for Control Flow Flattening

The objective of control flow obfuscation is to protect the program control flow from analysis. A technique called control flow flattening addresses static analysis by hiding edges between basic blocks in a program and introduces a dispatcher block that determines the execution order of the randomized blocks.In this paper we propose a novel flattening construction and lightweight dispatchers that The objective of control flow obfuscation is to protect the program control flow from analysis. A technique called control flow flattening addresses static analysis by hiding edges between basic blocks in a program and introduces a dispatcher block that determines the execution order of the randomized blocks.In this paper we propose a novel flattening construction and lightweight dispatchers that

Economic Justification of Patents and Exceptions to Patentability

The present article is the conclusion of a review of economic justifications for patent rights conducted with the objective of determining whether such arguments are per se capable of sustaining the existence of a different patentability regime for inventions of methods for treatment and diagnostic methods (art.53 (c) European Patent Convention). It starts by exploring the normative background and

Economic Evaluations of Organ Transplantations : A Systematic Literature Review

The purpose of this study is threefold; 1) to establish the current level of knowledge regarding cost-effectiveness of organ transplantation, 2) to identify knowledge gaps, and 3) to suggest a framework for future studies. A systematic literature review of economic evaluations of transplantations of solid organs was conducted in October 2010. Economic evaluations published since 2000 and reviews p

Reduced corneal nerve fiber density in type 2 diabetes by wide-area mosaic analysis

PURPOSE. To determine if corneal subbasal nerve plexus (SBP) parameters derived from widearea depth-corrected mosaic images are associated with type 2 diabetes. METHODS. One hundred sixty-three mosaics were produced from eyes of 82 subjects by laserscanning in vivo confocal microscopy (IVCM). Subjects were of the same age, without (43 subjects) or with type 2 diabetes (39 subjects). Mosaic corneal

Communicating for Funding

Kapitlet beskriver en övning lämplig för studenter i kurser om socialt entreprenörskap. Övningen tillämpar tekniker för kommunikation för att erhålla donationer från olika intressenter.

Negative Pressure Wound Therapy for Treatment of Mesh Infection After Abdominal Surgery : Long-Term Results and Patient-Reported Outcome

Background and Aims: Treatment of synthetic mesh infections has previously often resulted in mesh explantation. Negative pressure wound therapy has been used in these situations with encouraging results. The aims of this study were to evaluate wound healing, mesh preservation, and patient-reported outcome after negative pressure wound therapy of mesh infections. Material and Methods: Medical recor

Dissonant futures : occupational trajectories, gender and class in contemporary municipal adult education in Sweden

The aim of this article is to problematize the ways class and gender are played out in adult students’ narratives about their occupational choice and future. Drawing on Beverly Skeggs, we analyse how students think about future occupations, what motivates them towards these and how they are able to form their future in relation to them. Taking on Sweden as a case, our results show that students’ n

Det obetalda omsorgsarbetet ur ett hälsoekonomiskt perspektiv

Psykossjukdomar, framför allt schizofreni, anses vara en av de mest krävande sjukdomar för anhö-riga, dels i termer av daglig assistans, dels dess negativa påverkan på hälsa och livskvalitet. Det är idag ovanligt att informell vård inkluderas i hälsoekonomiska analyser. I detta kapitel granskar vi litteraturen på detta område och har funnit sex kostnadsstudier i en europeisk kontext men inte någon

Association Between Early-Life Antibiotic Use and the Risk of Islet or Celiac Disease Autoimmunity

Importance: Evidence is lacking regarding the consequences of antibiotic use in early life and the risk of certain autoimmune diseases.Objective: To test the association between early-life antibiotic use and islet or celiac disease (CD) autoimmunity in genetically at-risk children prospectively followed up for type 1 diabetes (T1D) or CD.Design, Setting, and Participants: HLA-genotyped newborns fr

Perinatal outcomes after treatment with ADHD medication during pregnancy

OBJECTIVES: To analyze perinatal outcomes after maternal use of attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medication during pregnancy. METHODS: The study included singletons born between 2006 and 2014 in Sweden. Data on prescription drug use, pregnancies, deliveries, and the newborn infants' health were obtained from the Swedish Medical Birth Register, the Prescribed Drug Register, and the