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Kinematics for unilateral constraints in multibody dynamics

This paper is concerned with the kinematics of unilateral constraints in multibody dynamics. These constraints are related to the contact between parts and the principle of impenetrability of matter and have the property that they may be active, in which case they give rise to constraint forces, or passive, in which case they do not give rise to constraint forces. In order to check whether the con

Electric roads : The importance of sharing the infrastructure among different vehicle types

Electric Road Systems (ERS) are analysed here as a feasible solution for the electrification of heavy traffic, where the predominant approach for passenger cars based only on batteries and a network of fast-charging stations combined with slower overnight charging becomes unrealistic due to the large amount of batteries required. Nonetheless, this study shows that in most cases, building such ERS

Integrating isotopes and documentary evidence : Dietary patterns in a late medieval and early modern mining community, Sweden

This study explores the relationship between dietary patterns and social structure in a pre-industrial mining community in Salberget, Sweden c. 1470 to 1600 A.D. using a combination of different research approaches and tools, including archaeology, osteology, bone chemistry and history.The correlation between demographic criteria (sex and age) and archaeological variables (burial type and burial l

Co-branding public place brands : towards an alternative approach to place branding

Contrary to the traditional understanding of place branding inspired by product, service and corporation branding, the present paper adopts place branding interdisciplinary literature in order to develop a conceptual framework that focuses on the constituting features of place brands as a form of public brands. The paper suggests the way place brands are constituted is via a co-branded complex and

What is a “unimodal” cell population? Using statistical tests as criteria for unimodality in automated gating and quality control

Many automated gating algorithms for flow cytometry data are based on the concept of unimodal cell populations. However, in this article, we show that criteria previously used to make decisions on unimodality cannot adequately distinguish unimodal from bimodal densities. We show that dip and bandwidth tests for unimodality, taken from the statistics literature, can do this with consistent and low

Age of enlightenment : Long-term effects of outdoor aesthetic lights on bats in churches

We surveyed 110 country churches in south-western Sweden for presence of brown long-eared bats Plecotus auritus in summer 2016 by visual inspection and/or evening emergence counts. Each church was also classified according to the presence and amount of aesthetic directional lights (flood-lights) aimed on its walls and tower from the outside. Sixty-one of the churches had previously been surveyed b

One for all, or all for oneself? Governance cultures in regional public transport planning

Due to the fragmented organizational landscape characterizing public transport, it is important to study and explore how regional governance of public transport adapts to national institutional reforms. By employing the term ‘governance cultures’ to a comparative case study of regional public transport planning in Sweden, we contribute to theories of governance by cultural sensitization. Combining

Epidemiology of valvular heart disease in a Swedish nationwide hospital-based register study

Objective: Transitions in the spectrum of valvular heart diseases (VHDs) in developed countries over the 20th century have been reported from clinical case series, but large, contemporary population-based studies are lacking.Methods: We used nationwide registers to identify all patients with a first diagnosis of VHD at Swedish hospitals between 2003 and 2010. Age-stratified and sex-stratified inci

Nomograms for preoperative prediction of axillary nodal status in breast cancer

Background: Axillary staging in patients with breast cancer and clinically node-negative disease is performed by sentinel node biopsy (SLNB). The aim of this study was to integrate feasible preoperative variables into nomograms to guide clinicians in stratifying treatment options into no axillary staging for patients with non-metastatic disease (N0), SLNB for those with one or two metastases, and

Infusional Therapies, Continuous Dopaminergic Stimulation, and Nonmotor Symptoms

Pump-based Parkinson (PD) therapies, including subcutaneous apomorphine infusion (CSA) and levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel (LCIG), presently constitute the most effective pharmacological treatments available for advanced PD. These therapies are based on a more constant delivery of the dopaminergic drug resulting in a more continuous dopaminergic stimulation and a more stable treatment effect. Th

Spiders feeding on earthworms revisited : Consumption of giant earthworms in the tropics

Predation on earthworms is common in some generalist predator species, as for example several ground beetle species (Coleoptera: Carabidae) that frequently feed on earthworms. In spiders (Araneae), however, such behavior is far less well documented. A survey of reports on spiders feeding on earthworms yielded a total of 44 naturally occurring predation events. Spiders from 14 families were observe

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Pinning the slipped and contralateral hips in the treatment of slipped capital femoral epiphysis

Purpose To describe and comment on the treatment of the slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) with pinning and to present the pros and cons of prophylactic pinning of the contralateral hip. Summary Pinning the SCFE aims to fix the epiphysis and prevent further slipping. Some devices allow for further growth and remodeling of the femoral neck post-operatively. This results in maintained femoral