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När isomorfismen kom till stan: En kritisk diskursanalys av Helsingborgs stads hållbarhetskommunikation

Denna studie ämnar öka kunskapen om hur kommunikativ likriktning mellan institutioner upprätthåller etablerade föreställningar om hållbar utveckling i samhället. Från ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv analyseras hur FN konstruerar diskurser kring hållbarhet i Agenda 2030 samt om dessa diskurser reproduceras i Helsingborgs stads hållbarhetskommunikation. Vidare undersöks hur hållbarhetsdiskuThe aim of this study is to increase the knowledge of how communicative standardisation between institutions upholds established notions about sustainable development in society. With a social constructionist approach, we analyse how sustainability discourses are constructed within the Agenda 2030, and if these discourses are reproduced in the sustainability communication of the city of Helsingbor

REINFELDT VS PERSSON: En jämförande kritisk diskursanalys av hur de svenska statsministrarna vill förmedla bilden av sin makt

In this essay we will examine the memoirs of two former swedish prime ministers, namely Göran Persson and Fredrik Reinfeldt. We specifically focus on the ways in which the two choose to portray their respective power and influence. Our main finding is that Persson tends to highlight his on personal power and influence while Reinfeldt on the other hand tends to almost downplay his own personal role


Since the mid-20th century, investigations of parameters that affect crowd movement have mainly been performed via video analysis. However, modern alternatives have been used to investigate how a person moves, but only with one person at a time. The purpose of this study is to utilise two different measurement methods in order to collect material that can be investigated in the future, both during

Alla möjliga vi – nationer, stater och identiteter. En diskursanalys av populism som identitetspolitik

Uppsatsen syftar till att identifiera diskursiva likheter och skillnader mellan populism och identitetspolitik. Flera före oss har associerat populism som politisk rörelse med ett förstärkt intresse kring den egna gruppens identitet, men också med en anti-pluralistisk syn på nationen. Här ställer vi oss frågan om populism kan vara både identitetspolitik och antipluralism samtidigt. Genom diskursan

Innebär deltagande i internationella organisationer en vilja att demokratiseras? En komparativ studie av Estlands och Vitrysslands medlemskap i mellanstatliga internationella organisationer.

We have studied if there is a possible link between states’ membership in intergovernmental organizations and a desire to participate in democratization processes in our chosen analytical objects Estonia and Belarus. We analysed our empirical findings by categorizing the membership of each countries membership in IGOs. By comparing what organization each country is a part of and which ones they ha

Anti-dumping duties - What are the causes?

When a company or country exports product to a lower price than the domestic market it is called dumping. The importing country is able to protect the domestic market by imposing anti-dumping duties. If this is done outside the rules the exporting country may file a complaint of anti-dumping to the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) at World Trade Organization (WTO). It is not known why some countries

Verklighet eller dröm – en fenomenologisk studie av psykologers upplevelser i psykoterapi vid psykos

Studiens syfte var att undersöka psykologers upplevelser i psykoterapi med patienter med psykosproblematik. Detta undersöktes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex psykologer som arbetar eller har arbetat med patienter med psykosproblematik. Intervjumaterialet analyserades med tolkande fenomenologisk analys (IPA) med vilken fyra huvudteman kunde urskiljas: Att dela det ordlösa, Att förhålla sThe aim of this study was to explore psychologists’ experiences in therapy with patients suffering from psychosis. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six psychologists who worked with patients with psychotic disorders. The collected material was analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, which led to identification of four main themes: Sharing the wordless, Minding the pa


What if you could create the effect of rain whenever you wanted to? Not through an app on the phone, but the actual sound of waterdrops falling and landing. From this question an interactable home product was developed. Sleeping problems, anxiety and stress are issues many of us face in today´s society. White and green noise have sound blocking, relaxing and soothing effects that can comfort thes

Increasing the use of recycled textiles through business models and policies

The current textile industry is among the most polluting industries and actions should be taken to decrease these negative impacts. One issue that should be addressed is the increasing amount of textile waste. Post-consumer textiles are often incinerated or downcycled due to many factors. In order to move towards a circular clothing system, businesses and policy makers play a major role. The purpo

Selection on proteins during the transition to multicellularity - A study on volvocine algae

Selection on proteins during the transition to multicellularity The evolution of unicellular organisms into more complex, multicellular groups has been one of the most important transitions in life. One way of studying the molecular mechanisms involved in this transition is to quantify changes in proteins that have functions proposed to be important in the formation and coordination of multicellu

Monogenic causes of neurological movement disorders - a case study of a family with hereditary ataxia

Monogenic causes of movement disorders. A case study of a family with ataxia. Movement disorders constitute a group of neurological conditions and syndromes which mainly lead to abnormal motor functions. In case of ataxias, numerous of underling etiologies have been elucidated. Hereditary ataxias cannot be classified easily, due to the heterogeneity and nondistinct phenotypes. For autosomal reces

Lagförändringars påverkan på hållbarhetsredovisningen

Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att utforska om och hur svenska lagändringar påverkar kvaliteten och omfattningen för hållbarhetsredovisning. Metod: Studien har en kvantitativ metod med kvalitativa inslag. En tolkande innehållsanalys har använts för att granska företags årsredovisningar, utifrån en kodningsmall med begrepp från hämtade GRI:s ramverk. Måtten som används för att bedöma hur lagändringPurpose: The purpose of this essay is to explore if and how Swedish legislation affects sustainability reporting in the yearly report. The study will explore both if the quality and if the quantity of information is changing. Methodology: The study uses a quantitative method with qualitative elements. A content analysis is being used in order to review companies’ yearly reports. It uses a coding t

A Comparison in Performance Between a Selection of Databases

Stora mängder metadata måste sparas för att kunna användas i utvecklingssyfte. Genom att använda sig av databaser, kan metadatan effektivt sparas. Men vilken databas passar bäst för vårt system? Det är vad vår uppsats har svarat på.Choosing the correct database for an application can be a daunting task for an application owner. There is a vast plethora of different options to choose from, where choosing a NoSQL database or a relational database management system built on SQL is the most defining decision. With the ever-increasing amounts of data that is produced, more and more databases are emerging. In this report we comp

Konstens territorier. En undersökning av småskalig territorialitet och dess betydelse för urban rumslig förändring.

Frågan om gentrifiering och arkitekturens roll för hur stadens förändras ledde mig vidare till den undersökning av konstnärliga verksamheters territorialitet som presenteras i det här arbetet. Gentrifiering är en rumslig förändringsprocess som omstrukturerar staden socialt och materiellt. Konstnärer och konstnärlig verksamhet pekas ofta ut som en viktig inledande faktor för gentrifiering genom att


The rich cultural heritage of China is becoming less relevant and forgotten as a result of rapid urbanization and modern lifestyles. This project aims to preserve the Chinese music heritage by designing an instrument based on the Chinese zither guzheng. Despite the rising interest of traditional instruments, there are factors that are holding people back from practicing them. There have been atte

Reconstructing institutional stability and change Conceptualizing the social ontology of institutional stability and change in Historical Institutionalism

Questions about institutional stability and change are critically important for any understanding of political institutions. The field of Historical institutionalism in political science has described, studied and theorized institutions for decades. One of the most recurring concepts utilized in the explanation of institutional stability is path dependence, describing theoretical and empirical mec

Victoria’s Secret: Are Tables Turning in Heaven?

Whenever you walk into a Victoria’s Secret store, watch the annual runway, or encounter the brand’s angels, you feel like your prayers have been answered and you made it heaven. The brand offers such an exquisite, sexy, and seductive experience to both women and men. It is selling to women the body ideals they aspire to have and to men, the response to their deep desires; however, recently the con

The compatibility of ISDS clauses in intra-EU disputes with EU law - An analysis of the extent of application of the Achmea judgement on bilateral and multilateral investment treaties

”Investor-state dispute settlement” (ISDS) bestämmelser är vanligt förekommande i internationella investeringsavtal för att säkerställa det avtalade investeringsskyddet. ISDS systemet innebär att en investerare direkt kan påkalla ett skiljeförfarande mot en EU medlemsstat, baserat på det underliggande investeringsavtalet. Bilaterala investeringsavtal som innehåller en sådan ISDS klausul är vanligtWithin the area of international investment law investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) clauses are commonly used in order to provide investment protection. The ISDS mechanism can be described as a system under which an investor can arbitrate a dispute against a host state, based on an investment agreement concluded between the host state and the national state of the investor. As this system has

Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde? - A qualitative analysis of Russian strategic decision making

The first decades of the 21st century have not been lined with the optimism that surged after the fall of the Soviet Union. Instead of pursuing a path of liberalization, Russia has relapsed to authoritarian rule and its view of the west not as an ally, but as an adversary. The war in Georgia, annexation of Crimea and the invasion of eastern Ukraine shows that Russia is once again willing to use mi

Hur man tar sig igenom ett heartbreak och andra viktiga politiska frågor

Sociala medier har blivit en allt viktigare kanal för politiska partier att nå ut med politiska budskap på. Samtidigt tar partiledarna en allt större plats i politiken och blir centralare för partiers valresultat. Denna kvalitativa studie ämnar undersöka hur partiledare personifieras på sociala medier genom en visuell retorisk analys. Vidare ämnar den att undersöka vilka följder politisk personifiSocial media is becoming an increasingly important channel where political parties send out political messages. At the same time, party leader’s role in politics is increasing and they are becoming more important for the parties' election results. This qualitative study aims to investigate how party leaders are personalized on social media through a visual rhetorical analysis. Furthermore, it