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Studenter i pyjamas - Distansstudiernas inverkan på socionomstudenters studiemotivation och sociala kontakter under pandemin

This quantitative study aimed to provide an in-depth understanding of how distance education has affected social worker students' study motivation and social contacts.This study collected its data by sending web based surveys to the social work students in Lunds University who, in may 2022, currently were on term 6 and 7 (n=311) with the purpose to measure how they felt about the education bec

The Impact of the Pandemic of Covid-19 on the 'Audit Expectation Gap' - The Case of India

The purpose is to explore the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the AEG by exploring the perceptions of two groups namely, (i) auditors and (ii) the users of the audited financial statements. This research is conducted in the Indian context, meaning the participants of this study are Indian Chartered Accountants and users of financial statements. The analysis of the findings of this study suggest

Evaluation of Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Quality Classification based on Synthetic Data

In camera production the image quality is of utter importance. Several tests during the production ensure this high quality. In this thesis the possibility of creating a final test, that classifies the image quality with the help of machine learning, specifically convolutional neural networks, was investigated. The data used was made up of synthetic, simulated images with commonly observed quality

The propensity to patent an innovation in Japan

Patents have long been considered an essential intellectual property mechanism in Japan. Foreign firms have simultaneously struggled with obtaining patents and market shares in Japan. Therefore, the incentives for Swedish innovating firms to patent their innovation at the Japanese Patent Office are plenty and can facilitate market integration. This thesis explores the historical development of Swe

Life Cycle Assessment of Electric Road Systems - Climate impact in comparison with battery electric vehicles, biogas vehicles and fuel cell electric vehicles

En tredjedel av Sveriges årliga växthusgasutsläpp kommer idag från transportsektorn, vilket innebär att stora förändringar behöver ske om målet om nettonollutsläpp vid 2045 ska nås. En viktig åtgärd som diskuteras i denna kontext är en ökad elektrifiering och en lösning som har möjlighet att bidra i denna omställning är elvägssystem, där elfordon laddas dynamiskt. En typ av konduktiv elvägsteknik One third of Sweden's total annual greenhouse gas emissions originate from the transport sector today and great changes are thus needed in order to reach the net zero emission target by 2045. One of the most important measures discussed is an increased electrification of the transport sector and a solution with potential to contribute to this transition is electric road systems (ERS), where ve

Inducing sustainability innovations through public procurement

Aim of the study: The study aims to investigate the theoretical gap on how sustainability innovations can be induced through demand-side innovations within public procurement. Theoretical perspective: This paper utilizes transaction cost economics theory to describe the contractual relationship between PTAs and PTOs within public procurement in the public transport industry. By analyzing barrier

A study of carbon, nitrogen, and biogenic silica concentrations in Cyperus papyrus, the sedge dominating the permanent swamp of the Okavango Delta, Botswana, Africa

Okawangodeltat är södra Afrikas största våtmark och en av världens minst påverkade våtmarker. Kunskapen om hur våtmarkssystemet fungerar är begränsad, särskilt vad gäller halter av näringsämnen och omsättning av näringsämnen i de dominerande våtmarksväxterna. I den här studien presenteras analyser av kol- , kväve- och kiselhalter i Cyperus papyrus som är den dominerande akvatiska växten i stora deThe Okavango Delta is southern Africa’s greatest wetland and is among one of the most pristine wetlands in the world. There is moderate information about how this system functions, however, the research on nutrient concentrations and cycles is especially limited. This study provides new knowledge on the Okavango Delta by analysing samples of Cyperus papyrus, one of the main aquatic plants in the a

Tolerans och Tillväxt

The dimensions of cultural economics have been more and more discussed recently. This study aims to analyze the relationship between social tolerance and economic growth. Previous studies have discussed two main ideas. Firstly, social tolerance creates a creative environment that promotes innovation and entrepreneurship. Secondly, social tolerance lowers barriers to entry in human capital accumula

Hedersförtryck och Social kontroll En innehållsanalys av svensk medierapportering om hedersförtryck

ABSTRAKT Författare: Gentijana Voca Titel: Hedersförtryck och Social kontroll. En innehållsanalys av svensk medierapportering om hedersförtryck. Kandidatuppsats: SOCK08, 15 hp Handledare: Marie Sépulchre Sociologiska institutionen, höstterminen 2021 Problem/Bakgrund: Hedersförtryck är ett omdebatterat fenomen som också har blivit ett brott. Sedan mordet på Fadime Sahindal 2002 har det skett flera

Kvinnors upplevelser av mammografiscreening i den periradiografiska processen

Bakgrund: I Sverige erbjuds alla kvinnor mammografiscreening mellan ålder 40–74. Inför mammografiscreening finns ett frågeformulär som kvinnan ska besvara innan undersökningen. Under mammografiundersökningen klär patienten av sig på överkroppen för att underlätta undersökningen och för att minska risker för artefakter i bilden. Syftet med studien var att beskriva kvinnors upplevelser av mammografi

Towards a coherent, sustainable corporate reporting by adopting Integrated Reporting - A qualitative study of contemporary integrated reporting practice and challenges in Germany and the United States of America

The corporate reporting practice is adapting to rising demands by stakeholders and shareholders for an enhanced consideration of non-financial information. These interest groups demand management to look beyond the financials and determine which factors create long-term value for the organisation. Moreover, regulatory pressure is exercised on the company. The purpose of this thesis is thus, to ga

Social Responsibility in a Wicked World: an exploratory discussion on how the video game industry can exponentially impact society for the better

This paper explores the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the video game industry, taking video game studios as the main subjects. The aim was to understand the perceived importance of implementing CSR initiatives within businesses and to ascertain the current state of the industry in regard to the subject. A review of the literature was conducted in order to comprehen

Seeking Refuge in Architecture

Domestic violence is a cruel and inhumane act of aggression that is inflicted on a victim by someone in their close domestic circle. This includes partners, ex-partners, immediate family members, other relatives and family friends. Violence within the home is the most common form of interpersonal violence for women. The aim of domestic violence programs and shelters is to empower the survivors an

Det bilberoende samhället – Utmaningar och möjligheter som främjar hållbara resvanor i Östersunds kommun

The transport sector is responsible for a third of Swedens’ total GHG emissions, where the private cars are a large part of this. Sweden is committed to reducing the emissions from the transport sector with 70 % until the year 2030. Shifting the vehicle fleet to electrical will be one important factor in achieving the goal, but such technical innovation will not be enough. To reach a more sust

Investigation of a Quark Production Process

Quark is a dairy product that has existed for a long time. However, it has grown in popularity during the last years due to the fact that it is often portrayed as a healthy alternative in the dairy section. There are no regulations connected to the manufacturing process of quark. At a specific dairy company, there is a desire to understand and optimise the quark production to obtain a consistently

Implementing a multi-criteria GIS analysis and predictive modelling to locate Upper Palaeolithic decorated caves in the Périgord noir, France

Geographical Information Systems are a powerful tool for the processing of geographical data and can be used to implement predictive modelling for the purpose of archaeological research. The study presented here proposes a predictive model based on multi-criteria evaluation, and aims at analysing the parameters of known Upper Palaeolithic decorated caves in the Périgord noir, in southwest France.

Ansvarstagande varumärken i väpnade konflikter

Forskningsfråga: Hur påverkas konsumenters uppfattning om ett varumärke av företags ageranden i krigförande länder? Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att skapa förståelse för hur konsumenters uppfattning om varumärken påverkas av företags agerande i krigförande länder. Teoretiska perspektiv: De huvudsakliga teorierna handlar om hur varumärkens upplevda Business Ethics och upplevda CSR påverkar Research question: How do different actions from corporations, in countries waging war, affect consumers' perception of the corporation? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how consumers´ perception of brands are affected by corporations' actions in countries waging war. Theoretical perspectives: The main theories cover how brands´ perceived Business Ethics and perceived CSR

Materiality and Brand Discursivity: Study case on commodities and discursive practices in the Swedish market.

This thesis analyzes the link between materiality and brand discursiveness. This study examines how material culture contributes to brand narratives' meaning and symbolic construction. For this purpose, the creation of commodities with metal obtained from molten guns is analyzed through a discursive analysis and anthropological theory. This research describes how the brands analyzed deploy dis