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Silver as Seed-Particle Material for GaAs Nanowires - Dictating Crystal Phase and Growth Direction by Substrate Orientation
Here we investigate the feasibility of silver as seed-particle material to synthesize GaAs nanowires and show that both crystal phase and growth direction can be controlled by choice of substrate orientation. A (111)B substrate orientation can be used to form vertically aligned wurtzite GaAs nanowires and a (100) substrate orientation to form vertically aligned zinc blende GaAs nanowires. A 45-50%
Dynamic modelling of the forest ecosystem: Incorporation of the phosphorus cycle
Skogsekosystemet är ett av de viktigaste ekosystemen på jorden. Skogen förser oss med mycket som vi har nytta av, vilket numera ofta kallas ekosystemtjänster. Skogen reglerar och förser oss med många viktiga ekosystemtjänster, till exempel biodiversitet, skydd av mark och vatten, tillförsel av fiber, bränsle och andra skogsprodukter, klimatreglering samt sociokulturella värden och tjänster. ArealeThe forest ecosystem provides and regulates many important ecosystem services, such as soil and water protection, timber production, and climate regulation. It has been influenced by changes induced by humans, for example, our increasing demand for timber and bioenergy, the increase in nitrogen (N) deposition and CO2 concentrations due to industrialization, and climate change which has caused an i
Revealing Three-Dimensional Structure of an Individual Colloidal Crystal Grain by Coherent X-Ray Diffractive Imaging
We present results of a coherent x-ray diffractive imaging experiment performed on a single colloidal crystal grain. The full three-dimensional (3D) reciprocal space map measured by an azimuthal rotational scan contained several orders of Bragg reflections together with the coherent interference signal between them. Applying the iterative phase retrieval approach, the 3D structure of the crystal g
Estrogen Receptor Beta Selective Agonists as Agents to Treat Chemotherapeutic-Induced Neuropathic Pain
Chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain (CINP) remains a major unmet medical need. Estrogen receptor beta (ERβ)-selective agonists represent a novel strategy for treating CINP because they are neuroprotective and may also have anticancer activity. We confirmed that ERβ-selective agonists have antiallodynic effects in the spinal nerve ligation model of neuropathic pain. We then showed that structural
Rökspridning via ventilationssystem - fortsättning.
...fortsättning av artikel från Bygg och teknik 6/97 om rökgasspridning via ventilationssystem. I artikeln diskuteras olika beräkningsmodeller för rökspridning i ventilationssystem.
Seasonal and diurnal variations in physical exertion and sleepiness : Results from the season study
Seasonal variation in subjective health complaints and self-rated health : Results from the season study
Half-a-billion-year-old microscopic treasures-the Cambrian 'Orsten' fossils of Sweden
The creatures that gaze back at us through the binocular microscope are so uniquely well-preserved and life-like that had we not known better we would have thought that they were modern. Instead they are half-a-billion-year-old arthropods extracted from Cambrian rocks of Sweden. The microscopic fossils, colloquially known as the 'Orsten' fossils, are now world-famous and basking in the light of th
Acoustic Force Density Acting on Inhomogeneous Fluids in Acoustic Fields
We present a theory for the acoustic force density acting on inhomogeneous fluids in acoustic fields on time scales that are slow compared to the acoustic oscillation period. The acoustic force density depends on gradients in the density and compressibility of the fluid. For microfluidic systems, the theory predicts a relocation of the inhomogeneities into stable field-dependent configurations, wh
Theoretical predictions of structures in dispersions containing charged colloidal particles and non-adsorbing polymers
We develop a theoretical model to describe structural effects on a specific system of charged colloidal polystyrene particles, upon the addition of non-adsorbing PEG polymers. This system has previously been investigated experimentally, by scattering methods, so we are able to quantitatively compare predicted structure factors with corresponding experimental data. Our aim is to construct a model t
Surface Integrity and Structural Stability of Broached Inconel 718 at High Temperatures
The current study focused on the surface integrity issues associated with broaching of Inconel 718 and the structural stability of the broached specimen at high temperatures, mainly involving the microstructural changes and residual stress relaxation. The broaching operation was performed using similar cutting conditions as that used in turbo machinery industries for machining fir-tree root fixing
Negotiating Religious Traditions : Babu wa Loliondo’s Theology of Healing
Retired Lutheran pastor Ambilikile Mwasapila became the most celebrated healer in Eastern Africa for half a year in 2011. His healing consists of an herbal potion, brewed according to the recipe he got from God in dreams. According to Rev. Mwasapila, the potency of the medicine stems from the presence of the Word of God in it. It is efficient only when administered by him. He perceives himself as
Den akademiska maktordningen: Om vetenskapliga kriser och nonsensproduktion
Using conceptual spaces to exhibit conceptual continuity through scientific theory change
There is a great deal of justified concern about continuity through scientific theory change. Our thesis is that, particularly in physics, such continuity can be appropriately captured at the level of conceptual frameworks (the level above the theories themselves) using conceptual space models. Indeed, we contend that the conceptual spaces of three of our most important physical theories---Classic
Analysis of Medical Images : Registration, Segmentation and Classification
A large number of medical examinations involve images in some way. Images can be used for diagnostics, follow-up studies and treatment planning. In this thesis mathematical methods have been developed and adapted in order to analyze medical images. Several applications for different imaging modalities have been studied and the usefulness of such methods is demonstrated.A complete system for detect
Acyl migration in enzymatic interesterification of triacylglycerols : Effects of lipases from Thermomyces lanuginosus and Rhizopus oryzae, support material, and water activity
The enzymatic interesterification of a solvent-free, equimolar mixture of trilaurin and 1,3-palmitin-2-olein was studied using three immobilized lipase preparations as catalysts. Analysis of triacylglycerol (TAG) content and fatty acid (FA) distribution monitored the lipase-catalyzed interesterification in sn-1,3 positions and FA exchange in the sn-2 position caused by acyl migration. Lipase from
Sprickbildning i puts på isolering
Vid byggnadsmaterial, Lunds tekniska högskola, har problem med sprickbildning i puts på isolering studerats under ett antal år. Projektet startade i större skala 1999 med generella brottmekaniska analyser, laboratoriemätningar av brukets egenskaper och "fullskaleförsök" på provväggar i laboratorium. Resultaten från de första årens studier redovisades översiktligt i Bygg & teknik 8/02. Bland an
Sprickbildning i puts på isolering
Sprickbildning i puts på isolering har inträffat i ökande omfattning på senare tid. 1997 togs problemställningen upp vid Byggnadsmaterial, Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Genom brottmekansika beräkningar, renodlade laboratorieförsök samt studier på provväggar och analys av skadefall i praktiken har olika inverkande faktorer klarlagts. I denna artikel sammanfattas hittills framkomna resultat och hypoteser