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How In-Service Experience Informs Design Modifications: A Case Study in Aero Engines

This research is triggered by a fundamental shift that is occurring in the manufacture and marketing of aero engines for commercial and defence purposes, away from the selling of products to the provision of services. Under the emerging ‘power by the hour’ paradigm, aero engines are effectively leased to the airlines, with the manufacturing company remaining responsible for their maintenance and r

Electrophysiological correlates of retrieval orientation in reality monitoring

Retrieval orientation describes the modulation in the processing of retrieval cues by the nature of the targeted material in memory. Retrieval orientation is usually investigated by analyzing the cortical responses to new (unstudied) material when different memory contents are targeted. This approach avoids confounding effects of retrieval success. We investigated the neural correlates of retrieva

Efficient performance simulation of class D amplifier output stages

Straightforward simulation of amplifier distortion involves transient simulation of operation on a sine wave input signal, and a subsequent FFT of the output voltage. This approach is very slow on class D amplifiers, since the switching behavior forces simulation time steps that are many orders of magnitude smaller than the duration of one period of an audio sine wave. This work presents a method

Digital Control of Tunneling Accelerometer

A controller for a tunneling accelerometer has two tasks: to establish tunneling and to maintain tunneling during acceleration. This paper describes the design and implementation of a digital controller that accomplishes these tasks and provides the appropriate gain switching. The control law is based on a standard configuration of an observer and state feedback. A digital controller is implemente

The condition that lost its name but gained a treatment: : experiences of depression and antidepressant use in a neoliberal context

This paper analyses experiences of depression and antidepressant use within a neoliberal society. The paper is based on interviews with mainly women using antidepressants in Sweden and makes use of the post-political as conceptualized by Chantal Mouffe as a framework. I find that depression is reduced to a state, a diagnosis. In comparing with Nancy Friedan who gave the depression and despair Amer

Lifetime measurements of Metastable States in Fe+

The lifetime of two metastable levels in Fe+ has been measured by laser probing of a stored ion beam. In the dense spectrum of Fe+, the metastable levels a 6S5/2 and b 4D7/2 were selected and their lifetimes were determined to be 230+/-30 and 530+/-30 ms, respectively. The lifetimes are compared with previous theoretical results. Metastable lifetime measurements of Fe+ are of great importance for

On the Application of Elastic Scattering Analysis as a Complement to PIXE for the Determination of Light Elements in Thin Aerosol Samples

The potential of elemental analysis of light elements by measuring elastically scattered particles as a complement to PIXE (Particle Induced X-ray Emission analysis), when using a 3 MV electrostatic tandem accelerator is discussed. The discussion is based on protons and He ions with energies suitable for PIXE. Some experimental results of scattering yields are included.

A Synthesis Method for Static Anti-Windup Compensators

Synthesis of static anti-windup compensators is considered. LMIconditions are established for stability and performance analysis of the closedloop system. The performance criterion describes the servo problem forthe resulting closed-loop piecewise linear system. The synthesisof the anti-windup compensators will be given by some bilinear matrix inequalities.