Fracture mechanics for membranes : The 15th European Conference of Fracture (ECF15)
During fracture of membranes loading often produces buckles above and below the crack surface. This changes the stress state surrounding the crack-tip and stresses in the neighbourhood of the crack-tip posses a weaker singularity than r-1/2. As a result, fracture occurs when the crack-tip stress distribution is different as compared with that when buckling is artificially prevented. Therefore the During fracture of membranes loading often produces buckles above and below the cracksurface. This changes the stress state surrounding the crack-tip and stresses in theneighbourhood of the crack-tip posses a weaker singularity than r-1/2. As a result, fractureoccurs when the crack-tip stress distribution is different as compared with that when bucklingis artificially prevented. Therefore the cond