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“Det handlar mycket om att släcka bränder” : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevelse av arbetsrelaterad stress

This study aims to investigate the experience of work-related stress among childcare workers. It further explores the ways in which stress can be prevented in the workplace. The study is based on a qualitative research method, consisting of six semi-structured interviews with social workers. The theoretical framework for this study was Karasek and Theorell’s demand- control model. The empirical ma

Semantic and Instance Segmentation of Radar Point Clouds using Deep Learning

In the context of surveillance, radars are used for object detection and classification. This thesis considers a four-step pipeline for radar point cloud analysis: (1) measurement, (2) clustering, (3) tracking, and (4) classification. The clustering step of the pipeline uses only the spatial coordinates of the points to group them together. By performing semantic segmentation before the clustering

Synthesis of a Pentadentate Pyridyl/ Quinoline Ligand and its Iron(II)complexes

Denna avhandling beskriver syntes av en fem-koordinerande ligand och järnkomplex av denna nya ligand. Järnkomplexen har syntetiserats med syftet att framställa katalysatorer som kan härma reaktiviteten hos järnoxygenas-enzymer. Denna typ av enzymer katalyserar mängder med viktiga oxidationsreaktioner. För att enzymerna ska kunna utföra dessa essentiella oxidationer har ett högvalent Fe(IV)-oxo intThe pentadentate ligand 2-(pyridine-2-yl)-N,N-bis(pyridine-2-ylmethyl)quinoline-8-amine was isolated and characterized. Mononuclear iron(II) complexes of the ligand have been synthesized and characterized. Three iron complexes, [Fe(CH3CN)L1][OTf2], [Fe(OTf)L1] and [Fe(Cl)L1][Cl6Fe2O] (L1 = 2-(pyridine-2-yl)-N,N-bis(pyridine-2-ylmethyl)quinoline-8-amine) (OTf = triflate, trifluoromethane sulfonate)

Towards the synthesis of dbCOT: Condensation reaction approach

Dibenzo[a,e]cyclooctatetraene or dbCOT is a commonly used ligand in transition metal catalysis. Moreover, the Strand group has been using its properties to change shape (from tub-shaped to planar and vice versa upon reduction/oxidation) to develop novel molecular machines. However, the use of dbCOT in both transition metal catalysis and as a building block for molecular machines has been limited b

”Man fyller det med mer information helt enkelt”: en fenomenografisk studie om studenters upplevelse av geologisk tid

Geologisk tid är inte bara ett tröskelbegrepp, det är en central del i hur vi erfar geovetenskapliga fenomen som utspelar sig på en rumtids-skala som sträcker sig från mikro (exempelvis molnbildning) till makro (exempelvis plattektonik). Om vi vill förstå geovetenskapliga fenomen måste vi gå från det konkreta till det ab-strakta, vi måste gå från att kunna se och ta på fenomen till att enbart kunnGeologic time is more than a threshold concept, it is a central part of how we experience geoscientific phenomena that takes place on a space and time scale ranging from micro (e.g. cloud formation) to macro (e.g. plate tectonics). If we want to understand earth science phenomena, we must move from the concrete to the ab-stract, we must go from being able to see and touch a phenomenon to being abl

Att Kommunicera Det Etiska: Den Institutionella Identiteten och Proveniensens Makt

This study centers around museum ethics with a focus on provenance research and how changing attitudes, both societal and sector-based, has affected the representation, communication and usage of provenance research and objects with provenance concerns within the public museum sector. The aim of this study is to gain increased and deeper knowledge about this phenomenon and the underlying processes

Beräkning av arbetskostnad i RUT och ROT - Ett återkommande problem

Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka hur arbetskostnad har reglerats i RUT- och ROT-avdragen (gemensamt kallat husavdragen), vilka förändringar som skett, vad som orsakat dessa och vad som kan hända i framtiden på området. Husavdragen ger en reduktion av skattebördan på köparen och en utbetalning från Skatteverket till utföraren vid vissa arbeten som utförs i anknytning till köparens bThe aim of this report has been to examine how work-cost has been regulated in the RUT- and ROT-deductions (called the house reductions together), what changes have been made, what has caused these and what can happen in this area in the future. The house reductions give a reduction of the tax burden on the buyer and a payment from the Swedish Tax Agency to the performer when certain types of work

Intresseavvägningen mellan bevakningsintresse och personlig integritet vid kameraövervakning

2018 avskaffades tillståndskravet gällande kameraövervakning för ett stort antal aktörer. Avskaffandet föranleddes av den nyinstiftade Kamerabevakningslag (2018:1200). Att tillståndskravet avskaffades medförde att aktörer själva ska utföra en bedömning gällande huruvida deras kameraövervakning är tillåten eller ej. Kameraövervakning regleras till stor del av GDPR. Bedömningen för om övervakningeIn 2018, the permit requirement regarding camera surveillance for many actors was abolished. The abolition was prompted by the newly established Kamerabevakningslag (2018: 1200). The abolition of the permit requirement meant that actors themselves must carry out an assessment regarding whether their camera surveillance is permitted or not. Camera surveillance is largely regulated by the GDPR. The

En tillfälligt sinnesförvirrad rättsordning? En analys av det svenska rättssystemet med fokus på de tillfälligt sinnesförvirrade lagöverträdarnas ställning

Svensk rätt är unik på det sättet att det är en av få rättsordningar som i dagsläget saknar ett krav på tillräknelighet. Detta har medfört att en specifik grupp av lagöverträdare, de tillfälligt sinnesförvirrade, hamnat i ett osäkert rättsläge. Uppsatsen inleds med en historisk tillbakablick, där bland annat strafflagens äldre bestämmelser samt begreppet tillfällig sinnesförvirring behandlas. DäreSweden is one of the few countries in the world that lacks a requirement of accountability, beacuse of this the legal position for a specific group of offenders, the ”temporarily insane or mentally confused”, has been left unregulated. The essay begins with a historical background where for instance the older regulations of The Swedish Penal Code of 1864 and the concept of the term ”temporarily in

Den förtäckta möjligheten att tvångsadoptera ett familjehemsplacerat barn - En rättssäkerhetsstudie av den sociala tvångslagstiftningen för barn

Det finns ingen offentligrättsligt reglerad möjlighet att tvångsadoptera ett familjehemsplacerat barn i Sverige. Den mest ingripande åtgärden som offentliga myndigheter och organ kan vidta inom ramen för lag (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga är en vårdnadsöverflyttning från barnets biologiska föräldrar till familjehemsföräldrarna. I fråga om tvångsvård av barn är den civilrättslThere is no legal possibility to forcibly adopt a child who has been placed in a foster home in accordance with public law in Sweden. The most intru-sive measure that public authorities can take within the framework of The Care of Young Persons Act is a transfer of legal custody from the child's biological parents to the foster parents. The civil law regulation in the Pa-rental Code is intende

”Jag trodde att hon var vaken” - En studie av domstolars bedömning av uppsåt och grov oaktsamhet i våldtäktsmål då målsäganden sovit

Denna uppsats behandlar domar från Sveriges hovrätter gällande våldtäktsmål då målsäganden sovit då den sexuella handlingen utfördes. I fokus står hovrätternas bedömning av huruvida gärningsmannen agerat uppsåtligen, alternativt grovt oaktsamt. Enbart domar efter 2018 års lagändring beaktas. I skrivande stund finns enbart ett avgörande från Högsta domstolen som meddelats efter 2018 och berör bedömIn 2018, Sweden got a new penal code regarding rape, that is based on consent. Prior to this a certain amount of force or threat was required, but now it is simply illegal to conduct a sexual intercourse or any other sexual actions included by this section, with a person that does not participate willingly. This thesis investigates judgements from the Courts of Appeal, in which it has been proven

#MeToo in Japan - Exploring the #MeToo movement in a patriarchal society

The #MeToo movement sparked a massive outrage amongst women in many western countries. Nevertheless, the movement did not gain as much media attention in asian regions. Japan is one of the countries that have generated international dialogue about this phenomena. The purpose of this study is to determine why #MeToo was not as successful in Japan as in many other countries and what the little outco

Sn-Pb-mixtures for Perovskite Solar Cells

Högre verkningsgrader, stabilitet och minskad toxicitet; så skall framtidens solceller nå verkligheten. Många hoppas att solenergi ska ta över våra energibehov och varje dag närmar vi oss en grönare utvinning av elektricitet. Kommer våra bilar och byggnader täckas av solceller i framtiden? Inte helt omöjligt, om vi kan bemästra det fascinerande materialet perovskit. På EPFL, Ecóle Polytechnique FPerovskite research has quickly gone from non-existent to one of the biggest reseach areas in Photo- voltaics. There are still many questions to be solved regarding the stability, environmental impact, reproducible large area devices, efficiency and module fabrication cost of Perovskite Solar Cells, PSCs, before commercial up-scaling. Scientists all over the world are working towards solutions and

Starch Pickering Emulsions - Release Mechanisms

Background. Released mechanisms were investigated in Pickering emulsions stabilized by quinoa starch granules. Non-heat treated (NHT) and heat treated (HT) emulsions were studied for their stability and for their ability to efficiently encapsulate peptides and give controlled release after partially simulated in vitro intestinal digestion with release systems containing combinations of phosphate b

The Effects of Equal Weighting and Rebalancing on Portfolio Performance

This study compares the performance of equal- and value-weighted portfolios using a broad investment universe consisting of the stocks from the Swedish stock market. While implementing random sampling in the portfolio construction procedure, three rebalancing schemes are applied on the equally weighted portfolio in order to observe differences in performance among these. In order to compare how mu

Autonomous and Accurate Landing of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

During recent years, advancements in mobile technology have enabled the development of quadcopters and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) to the point where their size and maneuverability enable indoor flight. In such GPS-denied environments, accurate positioning is a challenge which poses difficulties during flight, navigation and landing. Such positioning systems exist, but are often expensive or re

Geographic Concentration of Industry 4.0 patents in Sweden: 2010-2017

In the age of ever-growing technological advancements, delegating some of the inherently human tasks to smart machines is becoming more and more common. The possibly new wave of industrialization – Industry 4.0 – is comprised of interconnected smart technologies that could automate parts of the production and decentralize the decision-making process. The associated efficiency has prompted business

Expression of recombinant phosphorylated Amelogenin in E.coli using amber codon engineering

Amelogenin is a multifaced protein, playing an essential role in the formation of enamel where it directs the biomineralisation of hydroxyapatite. The self-assembling properties of amelogenin are highly applicable in the development of novel biomaterials and drug-delivery platforms, and the regenerative properties of the protein are today widely explored in clinical dentistry and wound healing. Us

Defeated With Their Own Weapons: Conflict Management Adaptation in Cross-Cultural Conflict Among British and Spanish Expatriates

Due to intercultural encounters becoming more and more frequent in times of globalization, the importance of successful intercultural conflict management has increased. In intercultural conflict, cultural differences in conflict management styles (CMS) can lead to misunderstandings and poorer negotiation outcomes. However, it is yet to be understood if and how individuals overcome CMS discrepancie

Hur flyger en utsatt organisation sig igenom en samhällskris?

I december 2019 rapporterade Worlds Health Organization (WHO) om ett nytt virus som låg bakom flera stycken lunginflammationer i staden Wuhan i Kina. Inte långt senare konstaterade de kinesiska myndigheterna att det rörde sig om ett helt nytt luftvägsvirus som tillhör familjen coronavirus, så kallat COVID-19 (, 2020). Viruset spred sig snabbt över nationella gränser, vilket resulterade i In December 2019, the World's Health Organization (WHO) reported on a new virus that was behind several pieces of pneumonia in the city of Wuhan, China. The Chinese authorities found that it was a completely new airway virus belonging to the coronavirus family, called COVID-19. The virus spread rapidly across national borders, resulting in a pandemic, which left many countries and organization