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Rhetorical Themes and Features in the Speeches of Julius Caesar’s De Bello Gallico and De Bello Civili

The aim of this study is to examine what rhetorical themes and features are present in the speeches of Julius Caesar’s De bello Gallico and De bello civili. The investigation is based on the 172 speeches found in De Bello Gallico and the 83 speeches found in De Bello Civili. Lausberg’s Handbook of Literary Rhetoric: A Foundation for Literary Study provides the theoretical framework for the analysi

In-store behaviour of healthy consumers- A study of behavioural differences between consumers who choose healthy products and consumers who choose regular products

This study examines if there are any behavioural differences in-store between consumers who choose a healthy product and consumers who choose a regular product. 540 observations were conducted were different variables were studied. Tthe results indicate that there are some variables that show a significant difference in behaviour at the point of choice between consumer who choose healthy products

Kvinnliga politiska ledare - en tvåfallsstudie av det ovanliga ledarskapet

This essay examines female representation in political leader positions. The study is contucted via a two case study of two autobiographies written by women - Gro Harlem Brundtland and Margaret Thatcher - who have served as chiefs of government. This case study is analysed through a theory which tries to explain the reasons behind the low representation of female political leadership. In this way

Impact of photo-chemical processing of dissolved organic carbon on the bacterial respiratory quotient in aquatic ecosystems

Inlandsvatten är globalt sett nettoutsläppare av koldioxid (CO2) till atmosfären. En stor del av den CO2 som produceras i akvatiska ekosystem kommer från baketrieplanktons mineralisering av löst organiskt kol via respiration (BR), där de tar upp syre (O2) från omgivningen och producerar CO2. Teknikerna för att mäta O2 konsumtionen är bättre utvecklade än de för att mäta CO2 produktionen. För att rDissolved organic carbon (DOC) enters inland waters from the surrounding terrestrial ecosystems, and is assimilated by bacterioplankton, mineralizing it to carbon dioxide (CO2). This bacterial respiration (BR) is an important part of carbon processing in freshwater, but it is also a process of global significance; in oceans and inland waters combined, BR is probably the largest single sink of orga

Robotics -> elderly care

This project started as an exploration of robotics with the goal of developing a product concept utilizing the technology in a way that makes sense. By looking at the application areas of today, recent technological developments and its speculated future applications, the focus became on developing a robot for elderly care. Through research about the ageing process and Swedish elderly care system

Floating wind power in Norway - Analysis of opportunities and challenges

In the wake of alarming reports from IPCC, policy makers all over the world have recognized offshore wind power to become an essential contributor in the future renewable energy system and battling of climate change. However, many countries including Norway lack extensive areas of shallow water suitable for conventional offshore wind, hence an interest for deep offshore solutions has arisen. One o

Multi-coefficient Parallel Adaptive Wavelet Rendering

Adaptive Wavelet Rendering is a sampling method used for ray tracing in order to render photorealistic images. The concept of wavelets and the so-called discrete wavelet transform is used to create a multi-scale view of the image when sampling. This allows the method to identify image variance on different levels and therefore to differentiate and appropriately handle variance resulting from sharp

Prognosers tillförlitlighet och trovärdighet: En uppföljning av IEAs långtidsprognoser

The World Energy Outlook (WEO) is an annual analysis from the International Energy Agency (IEA). It compiles global energy statistics and project market trends 15-25 years into the future. The analysis has high impact as it is used widely in business, academics and to inform policymakers. This essay analyse the credibility and reliability of previous WEO with a focus of the editions from 1994, 200

Presence of 17alpha-ethinylestradiol in STPs

The presence of endocrine disrupting compounds, so-called EDC’s, in aquatic environments has become an emerging issue for environmental health. Since the 1990’s these compounds have been displaying estrogenic effects on aquatic organisms downstream from sewage treatment plants (STPs). The cause of the problem is mainly the inability of conventional STP’s to remove these unwanted substances from ou

Aerosol emission from cleaning sprays - design and evaluation of a generation and a characterization system for spray aerosols and a human pre-exposure study

Bättre lite skit i hörnen än ett sprejstädat hem? Städsprejer används av allt fler, både hemma och på arbetsplatser. Den senaste forskningen visar dock att användning av städsprejer kan leda till akuta hälsoeffekter, både i näsa och i ögon. I Sverige är städare det tionde vanligaste yrket med mer än 70 000 anställda varav mer än 75 % är kvinnor. Städpersonal är dock utsatt för flera arbetsrelatIn Sweden, the 10th most common occupation is professional cleaning. Cleaning workers are exposed to many risk factors including high physical workload and the development of new-onset asthma and other types of respiratory symptoms. This master thesis has been a part of a research project at the division of Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology (EAT), Lund University, in which the health aspect of cle

High Voltage Pulsed Power Converters for the ESS Linear Accelerator.

Material science has become an important research area in order to fulfill today’s requirements on lighter, cheaper and more sustainable materials. The European spallation source is a research center based on the world’s most powerful neutron source, which will enable new possibilities to evaluate material properties down to an atomic level. The linear accelerator (Linac), accelerates with help of

Flexible AC/DC Grids in Dymola/Modelica - Modeling and Simulation of Power Electronic Devices and Grids

The research of the thesis was aimed towards investigating the possibility of implementing different control strategies for power electronic converters in a simulation environment. The different control modes were fitted into flexible models that were interconnected in various grid topologies. The software used in order to develop the simulation environment is called Dymola and presently does not

A life on the wings: tracking the migration and winter movement of European Pallid swifts Apus pallidus by using miniature geolocators

Ny teknik hjälper till att svara på gamla frågor - Flyttfågelrörelser kartläggs med hjälp av minimala dataloggar I alla tider har man fascinerats över flyttfåglars förmåga att genomresor som sträcker sig över kontinenter följa säsongernas cykler. Att anlända i rätt tid för att kunna utnyttja sommarens överflöd av resurser för att lika flyktigt, ge sig av när höstmörkret närmar sig är vad många f1. Migratory birds show predictable annual routines, divided in breeding and wintering in separate areas and migration in-between. For obligate insectivorous birds this includes continental-wide journeys. How birds perform these schedules and how they time their use of space is not well understood. 2. I have used geolocator-derived data to describe the non-breeding movement of 14 individually tra

Livelihood Diversification into the Rural Nonfarm Economy: A Case of the Resettled Households of the Nam Theun 2 Hydropower Project

Historically, agriculture has played a significant role in enhancing the economic base of rural areas in most developing countries. However, the rural nonfarm economy, previously neglected by policy makers, is currently receiving more attention as it is thought to be a potential alternative to agriculture in lifting the rural poor out of poverty. This case study is centred on the resettled commun

"Man får arbeta med det som finns" : en studie kring barnbibliotekariers förutsättningar för att arbeta normkritiskt

This master’s thesis examines the norm-critical awareness among children librarians in Swedish public libraries and how the practical everyday work with current literature for children function with this awareness. By adopting a norm-critical approach you have the ability to observe the different types of norms that you can find among us and that effects the way we see the world. Some of these nor

Arbetsterapeuters uppfattning om förskrivning av tyngdtäcken samt dess inverkan på aktivitet och sömn för personer med psykisk funktionsnedsättning

Bakgrund: Personer med psykisk funktionsnedsättning kan ofta uppleva att de basala behoven inte tillfredsställs, vilket kan påverka personens möjligheter att utföra dagliga aktiviteter. Väl fungerande hjälpmedel i sin vardag underlättar och möjliggör för personen. Ett hjälpmedel som arbetsterapeuterna ofta ordinerar till personer med psykisk funktionsnedsättning är tyngdtäcken. Syfte: Att undersök

Regionsutveckling av hållbar turism -Hur Region Halland kan expandera sin turism på ett hållbart sätt

Klimatförändringar har skett i alla tider har haft förödande effekter för livet på jorden. Nu för tiden har man hittat kopplingar mellan miljöproblemen och människans aktiviteter (IPCC 2013, 7). All utveckling påverkar naturen på ett eller annat sätt, det gäller också turismutveckling som till exempel bidrar med mer transporter till en plats. Då kan ett hållbart tillvägagångssätt vara en lösning fA sustainable approach could be a solution for the tourism industry to reduce its climate impact. The aim of this thesis was to develop a sustainable tourism strategy, in collaboration with Swedish region Halland. The sustainability concept was set against the developed tourism strategy, both on a theoretical and practical level. The strategy was compared to other sustainable tourism strategies a

Echovirus infection in insulin producing beta cell lines: studies on released exosomes

Virusinfektioner och Diabetes? Diabetes kännetecknas av konstant förhöjt blodsocker. Sjukdomen ökar i lavinartade former och beskrivs som en av det moderna samhällets stora epidemier. Diabetes förekommer vanligtvis i två huvudsakliga former, typ1 och typ 2. I typ I-diabetes (T1D), som framförallt drabbar barn och ungdomar, har de insulinproducerande beta-cellerna förstörts av kroppens immunförsvType 1 Diabetes (T1D) is an immune-mediated disease where the pancreatic beta cells are selectively destroyed by autoreactive CD8+ T cells. However, the triggering events that eventually leads to autoreactive CD8 T cells infiltrating the pancreatic islets and, subsequently, destroying them still needs to be unveiled. Genetic and epidemiological evidence points to a substantial influence of environ

Quaestiones perpetuae: Permanenta straffdomstolar i den romerska republiken och principatet.

Detta arbete behandlar den romerska republikens och principatets permanenta straffdomstolar quaestiones perpetuae. Efter en översiktlig introduktion till den romerska straffrätten beskrivs hur quaestiones perpetuae skapades, vilka de var, hur processen i dem gick till och vad som hände med dem. Tidigare hade det i Rom funnits olika föregångare till dessa domstolar som upprättades för att utreda oThis essay concerns the permanent criminal courts of the Roman Republic and the Principate known as the quaestiones perpetuae. After a basic introduction to the roman penal law follows a description of how the quaestiones perpetuae came to be, who the individual courts were and how they functioned, and finally what became of them. In Rome there had, previous to the creation of the quaestiones, ex

Kvinnorna i IS och Al-Qaida: skillnader och likheter

Kvinnans roll har varit och är fortfarande betydande för organisationernas utveckling och framgång, vilket framgår i det resultat vi kommit fram till. Kvinnors roll i IS och Al-Qaida är på många sätt relativt lika eftersom de båda har en traditionell syn på kvinnors roll i samhället. Majoriteten av kvinnorna är därför verksamma inom rekrytering eller som supportrar. IS syn på kvinnor är strikt och