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The Ground as a Facilitator of Collaborations: Organizational Design and Cultural Analysis

This thesis is based on the research that I conducted in a co-working space called The Ground, located in Slussen, Malmö, Sweden. The aim of the research is to investigate how The Ground (and other co-working spaces, as well) can become more pro-active in facilitating collaborations, especially inside its own community. The Ground is a small host organization itself. Parallel to its future growth,

”Tolkarna blir nog förvånade när de förväntas sjunga Mormors lilla kråka”- en tematisk analys av psykologers och auktoriserade tolkars upplevelser av sitt samarbete inom barn- och ungdomshabilitering i Region Skåne

Denna uppsats undersökte hur psykologer och tolkar upplever samarbetet sinsemellan inom ramen för barn- och ungdomshabilitering samt hur samarbetet kan utvecklas. Utifrån en tolkande hållning i likhet med tolkande fenomenologisk ansats genomfördes en tematisk analys utifrån semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra legitimerade psykologer och fyra auktoriserade språktolkar. Resultatet sammanfattades iThis empirical study aspired to explore how registered psychologists and authorized interpreters perceived their collaboration in the children and adolescent habilitation center, and how this collaboration could be developed. After interviewing four registered psychologists and four authorized interpreters using semi-structured interviews, a thematic analysis was performed using an interpretative

Use of LCA for buildings

The increasing focus on the environmental classifications and energy certification systems as well as LCA in the building industry nowadays has raised the interest in the life cycle perspective of buildings among countries, municipalities, builders and researchers. This thesis shows how Sweden is dealing with this topic comparing to the Netherlands and Turkey. By presenting a detailed literature

Talking About Participation - A Study of Participatory Development Discourse in Sweden’s International Support to Civil Society

This thesis focuses on participatory development discourse in Sweden’s support to civil society in developing countries, channelled through Swedish civil society organisations with which Sida has framework agreements. The thesis uses a modified version of Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis, with an operationalisation of participatory development discourse that defines it as either for

Att anmäla eller avvakta : En kvalitativ studie av lärares tolkning av anmälningsskyldigheten vid misstanke om att ett barn far illa.

The aim of this study was to examine how teachers understand and interpret their obligation to report child maltreatment to Social Services. In Sweden, the obligation to report as a govern-mental employee is bound by law. More specifically, the study’s aim was to gather infor-mation about whether or not the teachers were abiding the law. The study originated from the semi structured method and fou

Spelberoende : En studie om före detta spelberoendes syn på problematiken kring stöd och behandling

The purpose of this study was to examine and understand how members of a non-profit organization for gambling addiction describe and view problems concerning support and treatment for gambling addiction. The study was based on in-depth interviews with six representatives from non-profit organizations for gambling addiction. The empirical material was analyzed based on social constructivism. As a c

Den automatiserade byggproduktionens försörjningskedja

Studien har för avsikt att undersöka hur en automatiserad process kan implementeras i dagens byggindustri. Vidare undersöker studien hur en automatiserad process försörjningskedja bör/kan utformas. Studien har genomförts i form av en kvalitativ fallstudie på två företag i försörjningskedjan för dagens gipsinstallationer och ett företag som utvecklar en robot för gipsskivemontage. De tre företag v

CRPD in Cambodia - Effectiveness of Inclusion through Affirmative Action in Employment

Efter ett våldsamt förflutet, med såväl invärtes som utvärtes konflikter så lämnades Kambodja att se hela sin statsapparat falla i spillror. Detta försatte landet i ett tillstånd som bär kvar sina spår än idag, där dess offentliga verksamhet lider av svaga institutioner och korruption, vilket i sin tur har lett till ett försvårande av att genomdriva och upprätthålla rättsliga regleringar. I ljusFollowing a grievous past, marred by decades of bloody conflict and genocide, Cambodia witnessed its entire government machine turn into shreds at the hands of cruelty. To this day Cambodia’s public institutions remain among the weakest and most corrupt in the world, impeding effective enjoyment of rights governed by the rule of law. In the light of this I examine how the country has managed to i

Urban energy and environmental policy: the case of Shanghai since the 2000’s

Shanghai has observed a fast economic growth since the market-oriented and Open-door reforms, which brought stress to the local and global environment. Economic growth is often coupled with environmental degradation. This thesis aims to illustrate how Shanghai is incorporating the concept of sustainable development to maintain its economic development. Following National goals of development, Shan

Effekten av urbanisering på frösättning av Campanula persicifolia

Stor blåklocka bättre pollinerad i staden än på landsbygden Världen över är människor indirekt beroende av pollinerande djur då de förser oss med mat, mediciner och råmaterial genom att hjälpa växters fortplantning. Inom denna djurgrupp dominerar insekter där bin och humlor är särskilt viktiga på nordliga breddgrader. Det finns dock en stor oro kring våra pollinerande insekter idag. Som ett resul

Samhällsvåld och moral hos unga vuxna

Nyligen utgivna rapporter visar att våldet i det svenska samhället ökar, vilket leder till en rad konsekvenser för både samhälle och individ. Tidigare psykologisk forskning pekar på att hög exponering för samhällsvåld har en negativ inverkan på individers kognitiva funktioner och moral. Syftet med denna uppsats var därför att undersöka relationen mellan exponering för samhällsvåld och individens b

Bakteriell protein-protein interaktion, preparering av bakteriell Adenylat cyklas i E.coli med två-hybrid system (BACTH system)

Bakteriell protein-protein interaktion Mitt projekt som jag har jobbat med den heter Bakteriell protein-protein interaktion. För att göra ett protein-proteininteraktion så använde vi två proteiner i ett enzym i det här projektet. Interaktion mellan proteinerna i våra celler är viktiga och avgörande för att cellerna ska fungera bra. De påverkar många processer i vår kropp. Man kan undersöka och

Påverkar stress emotionsinduktion?

Studiens syfte ämnade att undersöka huruvida stress påverkar emotionsinduktion. En independent group (oberoende grupp) design utformades med två grupper som tilldelades varsin betingelse bestående av antingen en manipulation av inducerad stress eller en icke-stressande uppgift. Detta följdes av en sekvens ur filmen Wall-E, som var menad att fungera som positiv emotionsinduktion. Efter filmklippet The purpose of this study was to explore whether stress influences emotion induction. An independent group design was conducted where participants of the experiment group were exposed to a stress induction while the control group wrote a non-stress inducing task. Following the manipulation, a sequence from the film Wall-E was shown with the intention to induce positive emotions. Shortly after the

Kvartsmineralogins betydelse för en lyckad luminiscensdatering

Optisk stimulerad luminiscens-analys (OSL-analys) är en metod som används för att datera bl.a. sediment från senkvartär tid. Det är av intresse för att ta reda på när geologiska händelser ägde rum och när isarna rört sig under senaste glaciationen och deglaciationen. Ett mineral som kan användas för åldersbestämning med OSL är kvarts. OSL åldersbestämmer inte kvartskornet utan avsättningsåldern föOptically stimulated luminescence analysis (OSL analysis) is a method used to date sediments from late Quaternary. The method is useful to find out when geological events took place and when the ice sheets moved during the recent glaciation and deglaciation. A mineral that can be used for determination of age with OSL is quartz. The OSL dating method does not determine the age of the individual qu

Unga brottsoffer : En tvärsnittsstudie om brottsutsatta ungdomar med utländsk respektive svensk bakgrund i Skåne

The aim of this study was to examine patterns among different groups of juvenile victims of offences against the person and crimes against their property by comparing victims in ninth grade with foreign background to those with Swedish background in Skåne. The study concentrates on exposure to threat, mugging, theft, physical abuse and sexual abuse. We conducted a statistical analysis based on a c

The Effect of High-Velocity Environments on the Team Dynamics in New Ventures

In today’s society people are influenced by technological developments. Technology changed the consumer’s behavior, but also the way companies evolved over time. Nowadays, technology is accessible for everyone, which leads to fast changing environments with a lot of competition. There are limited studies that focus on teams of new ventures in comparison to the lone entrepreneur. However, there are

Mimodiegetic and Volodiegetic Levels of Diegesis, Together with Variable Frame Rates, as Tools to Define a Tentative Early Film Language

This thesis focuses on the era of early film, with the aim to address an almost forgotten film language. Three aspects have been taken into account—variable frame rates, suppressed sound and hearing, and projection speeds—to analyze several examples of film to ascertain the techniques used by early filmmakers. I have also applied my findings of the techniques of yesteryear to contemporary films th

Överslagsdimensionering av fackverksbroar i stål för gång- och cykeltrafik

Bridges for pedestrians and bicycles are getting more common. Often, they are seen spanning motorways and railways, to separate walking and cycling traffic from fast going heavy traffic. It is common that the chosen bridge type for this purpose is a truss bridge consisting of rolled steel profiles. When more and more bridges are being planned, the planning process also needs to be rationalised. Th

The Theatrical Rules in Collaborative Consumption - A case of Airbnb

Purpose: The study aims to advance the understanding of collaborative consumption through the research on the engagement rules, conventions, and norms that govern the practice. The study postulates that it is through the possession of the right competences and meaning that permit insiders to successfully apply the rules of collaborative consumption while deterring outsiders from making an initial

The Swedish Housing Market, An Analysis of two Different Policy-Induced Shocks to the Swedish Fundamental House Prices

This paper presents an analysis of two different policy-induced shocks to the Swedish housing market. An abolishment of the interest deduction and a reintroduced property tax. The paper closely follows the methodology presented by Bergman and Sørensen (2016). This is a model that can be used to analyze the behavior of the estimated fundamental house prices and is suitable for various policy simula