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Your search for "*" yielded 528236 hits

Association between plasma phospholipid saturated fatty acids and metabolic markers of lipid, hepatic, inflammation and glycaemic pathways in eight European countries : A cross-sectional analysis in the EPIC-InterAct study

Background: Accumulating evidence suggests that individual circulating saturated fatty acids (SFAs) are heterogeneous in their associations with cardio-metabolic diseases, but evidence about associations of SFAs with metabolic markers of different pathogenic pathways is limited. We aimed to examine the associations between plasma phospholipid SFAs and the metabolic markers of lipid, hepatic, glyca

Knowledge externalities and firm heterogeneity: Effects on high and low growth firms

Knowledge externalities affect high and low growth firms differently. This paper develops two theoretical arguments. The knowledge equilibrium argument postulates that knowledge externalities weaken high growth firms for the benefit of low growth firms until performance differences vanish. The knowledge competition argument proposes that high growth firms are better positioned to identify, attract

The impact of ethnic communities on immigrant entrepreneurship : evidence from Sweden

This paper seeks to provide novel insights into the effects of ethnic communities on immigrants’ entrepreneurial activities. We investigate to what extent the decision of an employed immigrant to become an entrepreneur is associated with his or her embeddedness in ethnic networks in the host region. We capture such embeddedness through various mechanisms. Using longitudinal-registered data from Sw

"From resistance to challenge" : Child health service nurses experiences of how a course in group leadership affected their management of parental groups

Background: All parents in Sweden are invited to child health service (CHS) parental groups, however only 49% of the families participate. The way the parental groups are managed has been shown to be of importance for how parents experience the support and CHS nurses describe feeling insecure when running the groups. Lack of facilitation, structure and leadership might jeopardise the potential ben

Unexpected high genetic diversity in small populations suggests maintenance by associative overdominance

textcopyright 2017 John Wiley Sons Ltd. The effective population size (N e ) is a central factor in determining maintenance of genetic variation. The neutral theory predicts that loss of variation depends on N e , with less genetic drift in larger populations. We monitored genetic drift in 42 Drosophila melanogaster populations of different adult census population sizes (10, 50 or 500) using poole

Evolutionary adaptation to environmental stressors : A common response at the proteomic level

Mechanistic trade-offs between traits under selection can shape and constrain evolutionary adaptation to environmental stressors. However, our knowledge of the quantitative and qualitative overlap in the molecular machinery among stress tolerance traits is highly restricted by the challenges of comparing and interpreting data between separate studies and laboratories, as well as to extrapolating b

Impact of Kidney Transplantation on Reproductive Hormone Levels in Males : A Longitudinal Study

Background/Aims: Male patients with end-stage renal disease suffer from sexual disturbances and infertility. Disturbances in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis are one of the causes of this. Decreased testosterone synthesis in Leydig cells of the testes and hyperprolactinemia are common. Kidney transplantation, unlike hemodialysis, normalizes these changes. However, how kidney transplantation

Proton-Assisted Recoupling (PAR) in Peptides and Proteins

Proton-assisted recoupling (PAR) is examined by exploring optimal experimental conditions and magnetization transfer rates in a variety of biologically relevant nuclear spin-systems, including simple amino acids, model peptides, and two proteins-nanocrystalline protein G (GB1), and importantly amyloid beta 1-42 (M0Aβ1-42) fibrils. A selective PAR protocol, SUBPAR (setting up better proton assisted

Phospholipid flipping involves a central cavity in P4 ATPases

P4 ATPase flippases translocate phospholipids across biomembranes, thus contributing to the establishment of transmembrane lipid asymmetry, a feature important for multiple cellular processes. The mechanism by which such phospholipid flipping occurs remains elusive as P4 ATPases transport a giant substrate very different from that of other P-type ATPases such as Na+/K+-and Ca2+-ATPases. Based on a

High-energy x-ray diffraction from surfaces and nanoparticles

High-energy surface-sensitive x-ray diffraction (HESXRD) is a powerful high-energy photon technique (E > 70 keV) that has in recent years proven to allow a fast data acquisition for the 3D structure determination of surfaces and nanoparticles under in situ and operando conditions. The use of a large-area detector facilitates the direct collection of nearly distortion-free diffraction patterns over

Turbulent diffusion of chemically reacting flows : Theory and numerical simulations

The theory of turbulent diffusion of chemically reacting gaseous admixtures developed previously [T. Elperin, Phys. Rev. E 90, 053001 (2014)PLEEE81539-375510.1103/PhysRevE.90.053001] is generalized for large yet finite Reynolds numbers and the dependence of turbulent diffusion coefficient on two parameters, the Reynolds number and Damköhler number (which characterizes a ratio of turbulent and reac

Measurement of differential cross sections of isolated-photon plus heavy-flavour jet production in pp collisions at s=8 TeV using the ATLAS detector

This Letter presents the measurement of differential cross sections of isolated prompt photons produced in association with a b-jet or a c-jet. These final states provide sensitivity to the heavy-flavour content of the proton and aspects related to the modelling of heavy-flavour quarks in perturbative QCD. The measurement uses proton–proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV record

Impact of activated sludge ozonation on filamentous bacteria viability and possible added benefits

Ozone was applied to return activated sludge in full-scale to study how ozone impacts filamentous bacteria viability (Live/Dead®). Additionally, the ozonated sludges were subjected to anaerobic digestion trials and analysis of micropollutants. Ozone treatment (3-4.8 g O3/kg TSS) improved the settling properties of the sludge by lowering the diluted sludge volume with 7-35%. Ozone inactivated filamOzone was applied to return activated sludge in full-scale to study how ozone impacts filamentous bacteria viability (Live/Dead®). Additionally, the ozonated sludges were subjected to anaerobic digestion trials and analysis of micropollutants. Ozone treatment (3-4.8 g O3/kg TSS) improved the settling properties of the sludge by lowering the diluted sludge volume with 7-35%. Ozone inactivated filam

Association of common genetic variants related to atrial fibrillation and the risk of ventricular fibrillation in the setting of first ST-elevation myocardial infarction

Background: Cohort studies have revealed an increased risk for ventricular fibrillation (VF) and sudden cardiac death (SCD) in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). In this study, we hypothesized that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) previously associated with AF may be associated with the risk of VF caused by first ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Methods: We investigate

The effects of ADHD on cognitive performance

Background: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common and impairing neurodevelopmental disorder. The Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB) is a computerized test battery with standardized procedures and solid psychometric properties targeting multiple neuropsychological functions. Aims: The aim of this study was to look at the effects of ADHD on cognitive p

Reasons Pro et Contra as a Debiasing Technique in Legal Contexts

Although legal contexts are subject to biased reasoning and decision making, to identify and test debiasing techniques has largely remained an open task. We report on experimentally deploying the technique “giving reasons pro et contra” with professional (N = 239) and lay judges (N = 372) at Swedish municipal courts. Using a mock legal scenario, participants assessed the relevance of an eyewitnessAlthough legal contexts are subject to biased reasoning and decision making, to identify and test debiasing techniques has largely remained an open task. We report on experimentally deploying the technique “giving reasons pro et contra” with professional (N = 239) and lay judges (N = 372) at Swedish municipal courts. Using a mock legal scenario, participants assessed the relevance of an eyewitness

Treatment for patients with relapsed/refractory mantle cell lymphoma : European-based recommendations

Patients with mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) usually respond to initial combination chemotherapy, but the disease inevitably relapses and often follows an aggressive course. Here, clinical study results published since 2008 for patients with relapsed/refractory MCL were reviewed to compare available evidence for treatment guidance. Most trials identified were non-randomized, phase II studies performed