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Att delta och förändra, trots kaos! - En studie om Försäkringskassans organisationsförändringar.

Earlier the regional social insurance office was exposed to critisism because of bad administration and a lack of providing public service. Among other things the regional social insurance office was attacked because of long investigation hours and indinstinct working methods and was blamed for not being able to solve the unhealth in the society. This lead to the reformation of the previous region

"Det som står i Internet kan också stå i en bok, så då måste det ju vara sant": En undersökning av Komvuxelevers informationskompetens

The information flow of today is endless and the advances in information technology astounding. In today's information society it is of utmost importance not only to be able to find the right information but also to evaluate the information. The expression ?information literacy? is not a new one but it has never been as pertinent and essential as today. Information literacy is however not some

Manlig lusta eller tabu? En undersökande uppföljning av sexköpslagen. Lag (1998:408).

January 1, 1999, a new sex purchase law was introduced in Sweden, Lag (1998: 408). The law implies that in a sex trade a crime is committed only by the consumer in the sex trade. The majority of consumers in prostitution are men and the suppliers are women. When prostitution is problematized it's usually from the woman's point of view and the perspective of the man is often overlooked. The

Kär och galen eller sansad och professionell - en granskning av TV-serierna House och Grey's Anatomy

Då media spelar en allt större roll i våra vardagliga liv, med förebilder och yrkesval som inspirerar och influerar oss är det viktigt att se hur dessa framställs. Vi har valt att närmare granska två populära serier i tv som båda delar sjukhustema. Dessa är Grey's Anatomy och House, båda amerikanska produktioner med mångmiljonpublik i hemlandet och som just nu visas i svensk tv. Serierna behan

Prospective Automotive Financing in China : Concepts and Problems

This Master thesis deals with prospective automotive financing in China. It is supposed to give a clear overview of the many confusing fragments existing on car finance in China in innumerable press articles and magazines. The paper thus answers who the competitors in the market are and what their aims are, how the actual market situation looks like, what the legal requirements are for automotive

Transition to Chemical Management Services. Opportunities, barriers & drawbacks in a European context

Chemical Management Services (CMS), an application of Product Service Systems (PSS) in the chemical sector, attempts to optimise chemical consumption patterns. CMS works by changing the fundamental relationship between chemical suppliers and chemical customers and providing incentives to both to reduce the quantity of chemicals used. CMS is gaining increasing popularity as a tool for cost savings

Etnisk diskriminering på den svenska arbetsmarknaden

This thesis examines the Swedish labour market with a focus on the immigrant part off the population. There are big differences between the immigrant and particular non-European immigrant part off the population and native Swedes. In the first part off this thesis I will show that immigrants in Sweden have a higher rate of unemployment, lower rate off employment, lower wage incomes, higher risk of

Mjölk, någon? -en uppsats om kunskap, kausalitet och identitet

Hur blir vetenskapligt producerad kunskap legitimerad? Vilken betydelse har vetenskapligt säkerställd kunskap för människans möjligheter att konstruera sin identitet? Som svar på dessa frågor presenteras en modell som belyser nödvändigheten av social legitimering av vetenskapligt producerad kunskap, vidare företas en fördjupad analys av denna legitimeringsprocess och dess betydelse för hur människ

Vem vill bli socionom? - en studie om social snedrekrytering på Socialhögskolan i Lund

This essay aimed to give a basis for the departement of social work in Lund in its task to recruit students from underrepresented parts of the population to the departement and to the university by presenting which social groups are underrepresentated. The research also aimed to give an explanation of how the backgrounds of the student´s have influenced them and lead them to undertake studies of s

Essentially Constructed : On Anti-Essentialism and Social Constructionism in Contemporary Anthropological Theory

Essentialism is an unpopular word in contemporary anthropology. One would probably be hard pressed to find an anthropologist who would adopt any traditional essentialist position. Indeed, uses of the word "essentialism" occasionally seem little different from the uses of a derogative. Anti- essentialism is the norm today and several forms of contemporary anthropology make it a basic ten

"Arbetslöshetssjukan": en kvalitativ studie av arbetsförmedlares upplevelse av arbetslösas mående

The purpose of this study was to examine how the personnel of the Employment Office in Malmoe interpret the emotional situation and health of unemployed individuals. We also wanted to examine if and how the personnel work with these aspects. In relation to this we found it very interesting how the personnel dealt with the responsibilities of power, hierarchy and how subordination afflicts the unem

Why the United States' coercive diplomacy against North Korea failed

Coercive diplomacy, applied as a strategy, is constituted by diplomatic negotiations combined with threats of, or the actual use of limited military force, as a way of backing the negotiations. The purpose of this paper is to (1) examine if the United States' attempts from January 2001 until October 2006, to persuade North Korea to disarm and reverse its nuclear weapon programmes, was a case

Instuderandet av notläsning på gitarr - en analys av olika gitarrskolor på marknaden med kompletterande egna exempel.

Title: Learning to read music notation on the guitar ? an analysis of various guitar schools on the market with added own examples. Purpose: To analyse currently available teaching materials on the subject of guitar notation on the market. A comparative analysis is made of five chosen books on the topic. Four criteria for the analysis of these five books are stated: 1) Structure and progression of

The 'Paradox' of Being Young in New Delhi : Urban Middle Class Youth Negotiations with Popular Indian Film

This thesis attempts to understand the ways in which popular film is integrated into the everyday lives of urban middle class youth in India. Approaching the study of film through an audience reception approach, I engaged in participant observation and interviews during a fieldwork period in New Delhi in order to better understand how a young audience might negotiate the fantasy of filmic images i

YTTRANDEFRIHETEN OCH MÅNGFALDEN Får man bilda sin egen uppfattning?

This Master's thesis discusses the freedom of speech, the right to freedom of opinion and expression, freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas in the context of public libraries in Sweden. The scope of this thesis is to examine the acquisition and maintenance of the literature about the killing of Sweden's Prime Minister Olof Palme

English Language-culture and the Lifestyle of Urban Women in Contemporary China

The purpose of this research paper was study to what extent English language-culture has impacted the lifestyle of contemporary Chinese women in urban area. To be more elaborate, this research aimed at finding out how deep English and Western culture behind the language (as perceived by Chinese people) has filtered into the women's life, how large it has immersed, and how far and to which dire

Livsvärldsarenan, livsvärldspedagogen och livskunskapen. Det kommunikativa handlandets betydelse för fritidsledaren som pedagog

Denna uppsats tar sin utgångspunkt i intervjuer med fem ungdomar som besöker en fritidsgård. Syftet är att få en uppfattning om vilka konsekvenser Jürgen Habermas teori om det kommunikativa handlandet kan ha för fritidsgårdens verksamhet i förhållande till fritidsledarens arbete som pedagog. Författaren har metodologiskt utgått från de intervjuer som analyserats med en meningskonstitutionsanalys.