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Your search for "*" yielded 529934 hits

Contribution of QCD condensates to the OPE of Green functions of chiral currents

A framework of operator product expansion (OPE) allows us to study high-energy behaviour of Green functions. A calculation of such Green functions within chiral perturbation theory (PT) or resonance chiral theory (RT) and subsequent matching of the result to the OPE enables us to determine constraints for unknown parameters of the effective theories. We present such procedure for Green functions i

Pass number dependence of through-thickness microstructure homogeneity in tantalum sheets under the change of strain path

Microstructure and crystallographic texture are the key factors that determine the properties of sputtering target used in integrated circuit fabrication. Multi-pass clock-rolling has been used recently to produce Ta sputtering targets. However, the effect of strain per pass, or the number of passes to achieve desired thickness, in clock-rolling on the homogeneity of final microstructure has not b

Inguinal Vascular Surgical Wound Protection by Incisional Negative Pressure Wound Therapy : A Randomized Controlled Trial-INVIPS Trial

OBJECTIVE: A randomized controlled trial (RCT) was undertaken to determine the effect of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) on closed incisions after inguinal vascular surgery regarding surgical site infections (SSIs) and other wound complications. BACKGROUND: SSIs are a major concern in open vascular procedures involving the inguinal region. Prophylactic NPWT on closed incisions has shown pro

Lung deposition of nebulized surfactant in newborn piglets : Nasal CPAP vs Nasal IPPV

Background: Nasal continuous positive airway pressure support (nCPAP) is the standard of care for prematurely born infants at risk of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (nRDS). However, nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) may be an alternative to nCPAP in babies requiring surfactant, and in conjunction with surfactant nebulization, it could theoretically reduce the need fo

Association of etiological factors across the extreme end and continuous variation in disordered eating in female Swedish twins

BackgroundAccumulating evidence suggests that many psychiatric disorders etiologically represent the extreme end of dimensionally distributed features rather than distinct entities. The extent to which this applies to eating disorders (EDs) is unknown.MethodsWe investigated if there is similar etiology in (a) the continuous distribution of the Eating Disorder Inventory-2 (EDI-2), (b) the extremes

Pheochromocytoma – An ECG diagnosis?

Pheochromocytoma is a rare catecholamine-secreting tumor in the adrenal medulla. In some cases, the first symptoms are cardiovascular. We report on two patients with pheochromocytoma, who both presented with bidirectional ventricular tachycardia (BDVT). We elaborate on the mechanisms of BDVT in the setting of pheochromocytoma.

Vertical temperature gradients in apartments with hydronic radiator heating

A vertical temperature stratification normally exists in rooms during the heat-ing season in cold climates. An expression of the gradient in apartments heated by hydronic radiator heating systems with exhaust ventilation has ear-lier been developed assuming a dependency of the outdoor temperature. The expression was used by a public real estate owner when re-calculating meas-ured indoor temperaturA vertical temperature stratification normally exists in rooms during the heat-ing season in cold climates. An expression of the gradient in apartments heated by hydronic radiator heating systems with exhaust ventilation has ear-lier been developed assuming a dependency of the outdoor temperature. The expression was used by a public real estate owner when re-calculating meas-ured indoor temperatur

Efterkrigstidens samhällskontakter

Propaganda, upplysning, pr och information. Detta är några exempel på efterkrigstidens mångfacetterade kommunikationsbegrepp. Under perioden från andra världskrigets slut till 1980-talet var Sverige en framväxande välfärdsstat, och mediernas möjligheter att fostra, påverka och utbilda diskuterades regelbundet. Men i vilka sammanhang användes dessa begrepp och hur omsattes de i praktiken? I Efterkr

National Early Warning Score (NEWS) : A survey of registered nurses´ perceptions, experiences and barriers

AIMS & OBJECTIVES: Describe Registered Nurses (RN) perceptions and experiences of and barriers for using the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) in relation to their work experience and medical affiliation.BACKGROUND: Indications of inconsistencies in adherence to the NEWS has emerged.DESIGN: Web-based questionnaire study.METHODS: The questionnaire was sent to 3,165 RNs working in somatic hosp

Shortest two disjoint paths in polynomial time

Given an undirected graph and two pairs of vertices (si, ti) for i ϵ{ 1, 2} we show that there is a polynomial time Monte Carlo algorithm that finds disjoint paths of smallest total length joining si and ti for i ϵ{1, 2}, respectively, or concludes that there most likely are no such paths at all. Our algorithm applies to both the vertex- and edge-disjoint versions of the problem. Our algorithm is

Depression Severity, but Not Cognitive Impairment or Frailty, is Associated with Disability in Late-Life Depression

Objectives: Assess the relationship of cognitive impairment to disability, accounting for depression severity and frailty, among older adults with late-life depression (LLD). Methods: Data were analyzed from 78 community-dwelling older adults with LLD and without dementia (age M = 71.9; SD = 6.1). Cognitive functioning was assessed using a comprehensive neuropsychological battery. Depression sever

Dizziness and localized pain are often concurrent in patients with balance or psychological disorders

Background and aims Symptoms of dizziness and pain are both common complaints and the two symptoms often seem to coincide. When symptoms appear concomitant for sustained periods of time the symptoms might maintain and even exacerbate each other, sometimes leading to psychological distress. In order to evaluate such comorbidity we studied patients referred to a vestibular unit and to a psychiatric

Behind copper prices: a historical perspective 1850 - 1950

Commodity prices and their secular trends are at the core of many different development theories, particularly relevant for the Latin American region, like the Prebisch-Singer hypothesis, the natural resource curse theory or the somehow malthusian scarcity prediction. In this article we review the international copper price indices available in the literature and we compare them with a new data se