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Head-initial postpositional phrases in North Sámi

Most adpositions in North Sámi are postpositions – they follow their complements in the surface order. Nouns, on the other hand, invariably precede their complements. Strikingly, when the nominal complement of a postposition has its own complement, the complement of the noun follows after the postposition, so that the nominal phrase ends up being discontinuous,split by the postposition. This is an

Cohort-specific imputation of gene expression improves prediction of warfarin dose for African Americans

Background: Genome-wide association studies are useful for discovering genotype-phenotype associations but are limited because they require large cohorts to identify a signal, which can be population-specific. Mapping genetic variation to genes improves power and allows the effects of both protein-coding variation as well as variation in expression to be combined into "gene level" effects. Methods

Drying of biofuels from the forest—A review

The literature during 2000–2016 about drying of biofuels from the forest has been reviewed. Biofuels constitute a low-cost energy resource that is likely to continue to increase and the dryers for such products should be simple, robust, and easy to operate. In 1970s and 1980s, rotary dryers and flash dryers were the most common types, and in 1990s, superheated steam (SHS) dryers became common. Mai

COX-2 expression and effects of celecoxib in addition to standard chemotherapy in advanced non-small cell lung cancer

Aim: Inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is proposed as a treatment option in several cancer types. However, in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), phase III trials have failed to demonstrate a benefit of adding COX-2 inhibitors to standard chemotherapy. The aim of this study was to analyze COX-2 expression in tumor and stromal cells as predictive biomarker for COX-2 inhibition. Methods: In a m

Application of ozone in wastewater treatment : For mitigation of filamentous bulking sludge & reduction of pharmaceutical discharge

Wastewater treatment with activated sludge is the most common way of treating wastewater. The process relies on bacteria converting nutrients, BOD and COD into biomass, CO2 and N2. Even though the configuration of activated sludge processes and wastewater treatment plants varies there are common problems which are shared. Filamentous bulking sludge is one problem that is widespread and disturbs th

Mortality in patients with atrial fibrillation and common co-morbidities – a cohort study in primary care

Objective: To study the association between cardiovascular co-morbidities and mortality risk in primary care patients with atrial fibrillation. Methods: The study population included all adults (n = 12,283) ≥ 45 years diagnosed with AF at 75 primary care centres in Sweden between 2001 and 2007. The outcome was mortality (until 2010) and data were explored for co-morbidities using Cox regression wi

Advanced Introduction to Entrepreneurial Finance

This book synthesises and stretches our knowledge on entrepreneurial finance and will be invaluable for high level MBA students. It reviews the state-of-the-art and the context of entrepreneurial finance, before outlining the entrepreneur's perspective on the demand for capital, the financier's perspective on its supply and the future direction of research in the area.

Impact of PhD Supervising Setting : A Comprehensive Analysis based on "Japan Doctoral Human Resource Profiling, JD-Pro"

PhD training in academic labs offers the foundation for the production of frontier knowledge workers, indispensable for the modern knowledge-based society. Nonetheless, our understanding on PhD training has been insufficient due to limited access to the inside of academic labs. Furthermore, early careers of PhD graduates are often difficult to follow, which makes the evaluation of training outcome

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This paper analyses the hegemony of the growth paradigm through the example of its naturalisation in capitalist production and consumption relations. Applying a combination of theoretical elements from the Marxian tradition, the Regulation approach and Bourdieusian sociology, emphasis is placed on how the growth imperative is reflected in people’s minds and bodies. It becomes hegemonic because it

Constraining a terrestrial biosphere model with remotely sensed atmospheric carbon dioxide

We present two novel earth observation products derived from the BESD and EMMA XCO2 products which were respectively retrieved from SCIAMACHY and GOSAT observations within the GreenHouse Gas project of ESA's Climate Change Initiative (GHG-CCI). These products are inferred by a Carbon Cycle Data Assimilation System (CCDAS) and consist of net and gross biosphere-atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide o

Verifiering av struktur och fuktmekaniska beräkningsverktyg : Tillämpning på reaktorinneslutningars betongkonstruktioner, Vercors Fas 1

Électricité de France har utanför Paris byggt en 1/3 skalmodell av en reaktorinneslutning motsvarande en fransk fullskalereaktor modell P4. Anläggningen möjliggör studier av hur åldringsprocesser påverkar förspända reaktorinneslutningar. Syftet är att efter de 7 år som ett övergripande forskningsprojektet vid på anläggningen pågår, uppnå påverkan motsvarande den åldring som en fullskalereaktor har

Long-term safety and survival outcomes from the Scandinavian Breast Group 2004-1 randomized phase II trial of tailored dose-dense adjuvant chemotherapy for early breast cancer

Purpose: Although adjuvant polychemotherapy improves outcomes for early breast cancer, the significant variability in terms of pharmacokinetics results in differences in efficacy and both short and long-term toxicities. Retrospective studies support the use of dose tailoring according to the hematologic nadirs. Methods: The SBG 2004-1 trial was a randomized feasibility phase II study which assesse

Polyamine concentration is increased in thoracic ascending aorta of patients with bicuspid aortic valve

Polyamines are cationic molecules synthesized via a highly regulated pathway, obtained from the diet or produced by the gut microbiota. They are involved in general molecular and cellular phenomena that play a role also in vascular disease. Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is a congenital malformation associated to a greater risk of thoracic ascending aorta (TAA) aneurysm, whose pathogenesis is not yet