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RNA sequencing-based single sample predictors of molecular subtype and risk of recurrence for clinical assessment of early-stage breast cancer
BackgroundMultigene expression assays for molecular subtypes and biomarkers can aid clinical management of early invasive breast cancer. Based on RNA-sequencing we aimed to develop single-sample predictor (SSP) models for conventional clinical markers, molecular intrinsic subtype and risk of recurrence (ROR).MethodsA uniformly accrued breast cancer cohort of 7743 patients with RNA-sequencing data
The democratic potential of politically and socially oriented CSOs : The case of North Macedonia
The chapter investigates the democratic potential of politically and socially oriented civil society organizations (CSOs) to engage citizens and articulate citizens’ interests in the policymaking process in North Macedonia. To do so, the chapter reports on the responses of CSOs to a survey which sought information on the extent to which organizations involve members in organizational activities an
Dendrokronologisk och vedanatomisk analys av ett trähjul i en mosse i Äsphult socken i Skåne
Otillgänglig tillgänglighet : En rättssociologisk kartläggning av normer inom strategisk fysisk planering i Skåne
Rapporten, som författats vid Rättssociologiska institutionen på Lunds universitet på uppdrag av Region Skåne, syftar till att nå kunskap om hur tillgänglighetsarbete praktiseras inom strategisk fysisk planering i Skåne, utifrån ett rättssociologiskt normperspektiv. I ljuset av Håkan Hydéns normmodell (2002) – som beskriver att en norm förutsätter kunskap, möjlighet och vilja för att omsättas i ha
Nulla Poena Sine Lege Parlamentaria? Democratic Legitimacy and European Penal Law
Introduction: Questioning the Democratic Legitimacy of European Penal Law In Western political systems it is elemental that legislation must have a democratic source in order to be legitimate. Above all, democratic legitimacy is regarded as important with reference to penal legislation, since penal power is paradigmatically the most intrusive form of political power. Therefore, it is generally ack
Shaping the future of European epilepsy research : Final meeting report from EPICLUSTER
Collaboration is essential to the conduct of basic, applied and clinical research and its translation into the technologies and treatments urgently needed to improve the lives of people living with brain diseases and the health professionals who care for them. EPICLUSTER was formed in 2019 by the European Brain Research Area (EBRA) to support the coordination of epilepsy research in Europe. A key
Utilising phase diagram to understand barley starch microsphere preparation in an aqueous two-phase system
In this work, a waxy barley starch-PEG aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) phase diagram was constructed, and starch microsphere preparation was explored at different phase diagram positions. The aim was to investigate starch-PEG ATPS phase behaviour and relate this to starch crystallisation and microsphere formation. The hypothesis was that phase diagram position would influence the starch microspher
Dendrokronologisk analys av fastigheten Rådmannen 6, Kalmar
Vedanatomisk analys av trästycke i brunn, RAÄ 258, A 1608, Veddinge, Halland
Vedanatomisk analys samt urval för C14 analys från en möjlig mesolitisk boplats i Morlanda 67, Orust kommun
Dendrokronologisk analys av två olikåldriga bjälklag i Gammelgarn kastal på Gotland
Vedanatomisk analys av en sadeldetalj
Physical Demands of Tennis Across the Different Court Surfaces, Performance Levels and Sexes: A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis
BackgroundTennis is a multidirectional high-intensity intermittent sport for male and female individuals played across multiple surfaces. Although several studies have attempted to characterise the physical demands of tennis, a meta-analysis is still lacking.ObjectiveWe aimed to describe and synthesise the physical demands of tennis across the different court surfaces, performance levels and sexes
Soft Power
This chapter examines the National Security Strategy and the repositioning of public diplomacy as a tool of national security and prosperity. This includes William Hague’s plans to make the FCO the best diplomatic institution in the world, as well as the series of structural reforms that positioned GREAT as the new oversight board for public diplomacy. It includes a case study of the soft power st
Targeted National Promotion
This chapter examines the change of government in 2010 and the impact of austerity savings. It demonstrates the ways in which limited funding and the opportunities afforded by high-profile events such as the Pope’s visit to the UK, the Royal Wedding and the 2012 Olympics shaped an environment conducive to the creation of the GREAT branding campaign. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the w
Barn i migrationsprocessen
I den här rapporten beskriver vi hur rättstillämpningen, såsom de n framkommer i 100 av Migrationsverkets beslut, 17 av myndighetens akter samt 20 tjänstemäns intervjusvar, stämmer överens med de rättigheter asylsökande barn har enligt barnkonventionen och de tilläggsprotokoll till konventionen som Sverige har ratificerat. Frågeställning en utgår från det uppdrag vi fick av barnrättighetsutredningI den här rapporten beskriver vi hur rättstillämpningen, såsom de n framkommer i 100 av Migrationsverkets beslut, 17 av myndighetens akter samt 20 tjänstemäns intervjusvar, stämmer överens med de rättigheter asylsökande barn har enligt barnkonventionen och de tilläggsprotokoll till konventionen som Sverige har ratificerat. Frågeställning en utgår från det uppdrag vi fick av barnrättighetsutredning
Study of the Interfacial Oxidation of InP Quantum Dots Synthesized from Tris(dimethylamino)phosphine
InP quantum dots (QDs) are the most competitive in terms of environmentally friendly QDs. However, the synthesis of InP QDs requires breakthroughs in low-cost and safe phosphorus precursors such as tri(dimethylamino)phosphine [(DMA)3P]. It is found that even if the oxygen is completely avoided, there are still oxidation state defects at the core/shell interface of InP QDs. Herein, the record-break