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Friction and Friction Compensation in the Furuta Pendulum

Inverted pendulums are very well suited to investigate friction phenomena and friction compensation because the effects of friction are so clearly noticeable. This paper analyses the effect of friction on the Furuta pendulum. It is shown that friction in the arm drive may cause limit cycles. The limit cycles are well predicted by common friction models. It is also shown that the amplitudes of the

Advances and Applications of Antibody Arrays - Proteomic Profiling of Pancreatic Disease

Popular Abstract in Swedish Antikroppar är proteiner som ingår i kroppens immunförsvar, där de fungerar som bindare för att neutralisera patogena mikroorganismer eller ämnen som infekterat kroppen. Vid en infektion börjar immunceller producera antikroppar genom att på ett smart sätt sätta ihop olika gener. Varje enskild immuncell använder en viss kombination av gener och producerar därmed antikropRecombinant antibody microarrays have advanced into indispensable tools for large-scale, high-throughput multiplexed serum proteomics. This thesis, based upon five original papers, deals with the development of an in-house designed antibody microarray platform, and its applications for serum profiling of pancreatic disease. Pancreatic cancer is the 4th deadliest cancer, with a 5-year survival rat

Biblical Chaos Dragons – and Indo-European Ones

One of the instances that have often been suggested as a possible link between Indo-European and biblical traditions and thought constructs is that of the battle against the dragon or sea monster – a special instance of the Chaoskampf motif. Suggestions in this direction have been put forth by Nicolas Wyatt and by Ajoy Kumar Lahiri, who have argued that Semitic traditions concerning the divine bat

Caste and Democratic Decentralisation in Rural Tamil Nadu

One of the most significant political changes over the past 25 years in Tamil Nadu, as elsewhere in India, is the implementation of a statutory status for a local elected government in accordance with the 73rd and 74th amendments to the Constitution passed by the Indian Parliament in 1993. The performance of the new system in Tamil Nadu is rather average and not very vibrant. Nevertheless, it has

Dynamic Multipath Estimation by Sequential Monte Carlo Methods

: A sequential Bayesian estimation algorithm for multipath mitigation is presented, with an underlying movement model that is especially designed for dynamic channel scenarios. In order to facilitate efficient integration into receiver tracking loops it builds upon complexity reduction concepts that previously have been applied within Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimators. To demonstrate its capabili