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Your search for "*" yielded 533588 hits

Hieracium (Asteraceae) of sub-alpine Dalarna, Sweden, revisited: decline in species richness attributable to both forestry and overgrowth

The Hieracium flora of westernmost Dalarna, comprising the southern fringe of the Scandes alps (central Scandinavia), is extremely rich in species. The area is dominated by species-poor coniferous sub-alpine and taiga forest, but within this matrix there are small and isolated sites with high species richness of both Hieracium and other plants. Both steep mountain slopes with outcrops of base-rich

Studies in the Melica ciliata-complex: 1. Distribution of allozyme variation within and among individuals, populations and geographic regions

Allozyme variation in 83 European populations of the Melica ciliata/transsilvanica species complex has been investigated. In spite of a diploid chromosome number, most loci were duplicated and patterns of within-population variation were not explainable unless apomixis or uncommon patterns of chromosomal segregation were assumed. Allelic richness and genetic diversity were very high but most of th

ABCB6 (MTABC3) excluded as the causative gene for the growth retardation syndrome with aminoaciduria, cholestasis, iron overload, and lactacidosis

GRACILE syndrome (growth retardation, aminoaciduria, cholestasis, iron overload, lactacidosis, and early death; OMIM 603358) is a rare metabolic disorder with autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. So far it has been diagnosed only in patients with Finnish ancestors. The GRACILE locus has been positioned to a restricted region of chromosome 2q33-37, but the causative gene remains to be identifie

Percent ventricular pacing with managed ventricular pacing mode in standard pacemaker population

Aims Unnecessary right ventricular pacing has deleterious effects and becomes more significant when cumulative percent ventricular pacing (Cum%VP) exceeds 40% of time. The Managed Ventricular Pacing (MVP) mode has been shown to significantly reduce the percent ventricular pacing compared to the DDD/R mode. This study assessed the percent of ventricular pacing in a standard pacemaker population pro

Outcome after endovascular therapy of ruptured intracranial aneurysms: morbidity and impact of rebleeding

We evaluated midterm functional outcome after endovascular occlusion of aneurysms in patients with subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) and determined the incidence of late rebleeding as an additional prognostic parameter. We treated 79 consecutive patients with SAH from an intracranial aneurysm admitted from a neurological intensive care unit by the endovascular route between 1993 and 1997 and 52 survi

The influence of external nitrogen on carbon allocation to Glomus intraradices in monoxenic arbuscular mycorrhiza

The influence of external nitrogen (N) on carbon (C) allocation and processes related to phosphorus (P) metabolism were studied in monoxenic arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) cultures of Daucus carota. Fungal hyphae of Glomus intraradices proliferated from colonized roots growing on solid medium into C-free liquid minimal medium with two different N and P levels. Furthermore, we exposed the colonized roo

Would prostate cancer detected by screening with prostate-specific antigen develop into clinical cancer if left undiagnosed? A comparison of two population-based studies in Sweden

OBJECTIVE: To assess the risk of over-diagnosing and over-treating prostate cancer if population-based screening with serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is instituted. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From a serum bank stored in 1980, PSA was analysed in 658 men with no previously known prostate cancer from a well-defined cohort from Goteborg, Sweden (men born in 1913); the incidence of clinical prostate

Modeling through drying of tissue-effect of pore size distribution on drying characteristics

A general model for through drying of tissue was developed based on the equations of continuity in combination with correlations for heat and mass transfer. The model incorporates different geometric descriptions together with corresponding heat and mass transfer correlations for flow through cylindrical conduits and flow through packed beds of cylindrical fibers. At low intensities, i.e., at low

Fire resistance of self-compacting concrete, SCC

This article outlines laboratory and full-scale studies on fire resistance of SCC. For this purpose 40 pre-stressed columns and 140 cylinders of concrete were subjected to compressive loading at high temperature. The SCC included water-binder ratios, w/b, between 0.40 and 0.70 and large amount limestone powder. Comparison was done with vibrated concrete, VC, with the same w/b. Mix proportions were

Association between Pregnancy Loss and Urinary Phthalate Levels around the Time of Conception

BACKGROUND: Animal studies indicate that some phthalate metabolites may harm female reproductive function. OBJECTIVES: We assessed the associations between exposure to phthalate metabolites and pregnancy loss. METHODS: Using a previously established cohort of couples planning their first pregnancy, we analyzed four primary and two oxidized secondary phthalate metabolites in urine samples collected

A variant in the KCNQ1 gene predicts future type 2 diabetes and mediates impaired insulin secretion.

Objective- Two independent genome wide association studies for type 2 diabetes in Japanese have recently identified common variants in the KCNQ1 gene to be strongly associated with type 2 diabetes. Here we studied whether a common variant in KCNQ1 would influence BMI, insulin secretion and action and predict future type 2 diabetes in subjects from Sweden and Finland. Research design and methods- R

Pressure-induced protein unfolding in the ternary system AOT-octane-water is different from that in bulk water

In a cellular environment, the presence of macromolecular cosolutes and membrane interfaces can influence the folding-unfolding behavior of proteins. Here we report on the pressure stability of alpha-chymotrypsin in the ternary system bis(2-ethylhexyl)sodium sulfosuccinate-octane-water using FTIR spectroscopy. The ternary system forms anionic reverse micelles which mimic cellular conditions. We fi

Effects of drivers' age and push button locations on visual time off road, steering wheel deviation and safety perception

The study examined the effects of manual control locations on two groups of randomly selected young and old drivers in relation to visual time off road, steering wheel deviation and safety perception. Measures of visual time off road, steering wheel deviations and safety perception were performed with young and old drivers during real traffic. The results showed an effect of both driver's age and

The complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of the greater Indian rhinoceros, Rhinoceros unicornis, and the phylogenetic relationship among Carnivora, Perissodactyla and Artiodactyla (plus Cetacea)

The sequence (16,829 nt) of the complete mitochondrial genome of the greater Indian rhinoceros, Rhinoceros unicornis, was determined. Like other perissodactyls studied (horse and donkey) the rhinoceros demonstrates length variation (heteroplasmy) associated with different numbers of repetitive motifs in the control region. The 16,829-nt variety of the molecule includes 36 identical control region

Pharmacodynamics of amoxicillin/clavulanic acid against Haemophilus influenzae in an in vitro kinetic model: a comparison of different dosage regimens including a pharmacokinetically enhanced formulation

OBJECTIVE: To study the pharmacodynamics of amoxicillin/clavulanic acid against different strains of Haemophilus influenzae in an in vitro kinetic model. The concentrations used corresponded to human serum levels obtained after 875 mg amoxicillin/clavulanic acid given b.i.d., 500/125 mg amoxicillin/clavulanic acid given t.i.d. and those obtained with a pharmacokinetically enhanced formulation cont

Modeling climate conditions required for glacier formation in cirques of the Rassepautasjtjakka massif, northern Sweden

Timing of cirque formation and the climate necessary to initiate glaciation are fundamental to the understanding of the landscape of the northern Scandinavian mountains. Empty cirques in the Rassepautasjtjakka massif are located near a glaciated area and thus appear near the glaciation limit. In order to investigate the climate conditions necessary for glacier formation in the cirques, we applied

Epileptogenesis induced by rapidly recurring seizures in genetically fast- but not slow-kindling rats

A brief period of rapidly recurring hippocampal seizures can lead to the progressive development of a permanent increase of seizure susceptibility over several weeks, so-called 'delayed kindling'. We have analyzed seizure parameters critical for the induction of delayed kindling in two strains of rats characterized by fast and slow rates of traditional kindling, respectively. Forty seizures were p