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The Cambrian Period

Appearance of metazoans with mineralized skeletons, “explosion” in biotic diversity and disparity, infaunalization of the substrate, occurrence of metazoan Konservat Fossil-lagerstätten, establishment of most invertebrate phyla, strong faunal provincialism, dominance of trilobites, generally warm climate but with possibleglacial-interglacial cycles in the later part, opening of the Iapetus Ocean,

Light pollution forces a change in dung beetle orientation behavior

Increasing global light pollution1,2 threatens the night-time darkness to which most animals are adapted. Light pollution can have detrimental effects on behavior,3–5 including by disrupting the journeys of migratory birds,5,6 sand hoppers,7–9 and moths.10 This is particularly concerning, since many night-active species rely on compass information in the sky, including the moon,11,12 the skylight

Negotiating Covid-19 in The Media : Autoethnographic Reflections on Sweden and International Reporting

This chapter discusses broadly the challenges and opportunities for anthropologically engaging with the news media during a pandemic. It explores the Swedish experience, describing how the country was portrayed as reckless and irresponsible and the ways in which Swedish culture was used and misused to explain its handling of the pandemic. Anthropologists rely on news sources, to “set the scene,” t

Fast-track programs in total hip and knee replacement at swedish hospitals—influence on 2-year risk of revision and mortality

Purpose: We aimed to study the influence of fast-track care programs in total hip and total knee replacements (THR and TKR) at Swedish hospitals on the risk of revision and mortality within 2 years after the operation. Methods: Data were collected from the Swedish Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Registers (SHAR and SKAR), including 67,913 THR and 59,268 TKR operations from 2011 to 2015 on patients with

Preparing for the next crisis: Lessons from the successful Swedish fiscal framework

Ever since the international financial crisis of 2007/08, Sweden stands out as a country with a prudent and sustainable national debt policy. Debt rises during recessions and crises only to fall back during times of growth. A low debt level before a major crisis allows Sweden to increase its public debt and support the economy during a crisis without risking a fiscal crisis. The strength of the Sw

A unified platform to manage, share, and archive morphological and functional data in insect neuroscience

Insect neuroscience generates vast amounts of highly diverse data, of which only a small fraction are findable, accessible and reusable. To promote an open data culture, we have therefore developed the InsectBrainDatabase (IBdb), a free online platform for insect neuroanatomical and functional data. The IBdb facilitates biological insight by enabling effective cross-species comparisons, by linking

Enhanced orbital anisotropy through the proximity to a SrTi O3 layer in the perovskite iridate superlattices

We have used angle-dependent soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) at the O K edge and first-principles calculations to investigate the electronic structures of iridate-based superlattices (SrIrO3)m/(SrTiO3) (m=1, 2, 3, and ∞). We focus on the pre-edge Ir 5d t2g-O 2p orbital hybridization feature in the XAS spectra. By varying the measurement geometry relative to the incident photon polarizatio

Severe Congenital Thrombocytopenia Characterized by Decreased Platelet Sialylation and Moderate Complement Activation Caused by Novel Compound Heterozygous Variants in GNE

Background: Hereditary thrombocytopenias constitute a genetically heterogeneouscause of increased bleeding. We report a case of a 17-year-old boy suffering fromsevere macrothrombocytopenia throughout his life. Whole genome sequencing revealed the presence of two compound heterozygous variants in GNE encoding the enzyme UDP-N-acetyl-glucosamine-2-epimerase/N-acetylmannosamine kinase, crucial for si

Separation of coal-tar constituents from soil particles in a two-liquid-phase slurry system

An evaluation has been made of the capability of rapeseed oil to dissolve polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) crystals in a biphasic system and of its capability to extract PAHs from polluted soil in a two-liquid-phase (TLP) slurry system. Up to 220 g l(-1) of the crystalline hydrocarbons could be dissolved in the organic phase, indicating oil/water-partitioning coefficients of 10(5). When soil


The overall pattern of deglaciation of the southern part of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet has been considered established, although details of the chronology and ice sheet dynamics are less well known. Even less is known for the south Swedish Upland because the area was deglaciated mostly by stagnation. Within this area lies the conspicuous Vimmerby moraine, for which we have used the terrestrial cos

Combined flow cytometry and confocal laser scanning microscopy for evaluation of BR96 antibody cancer cell targeting and internalization.

Background: Monoclonal antibodies (mAb) are important tools in the management of tumor disease, and the discovery of antibodies with both specific cancer cell targeting and capacity to enter the cells by internalization are critical to improve the therapeutic efficacy. Method: Antibody cancer cell targeting and internalization properties of fluoroscein-conjugated mAb made against Lewis Y (BR96) we

Osteoclast-derived serum tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b in Albers-Schonberg disease (type II autosomal dominant osteopetrosis)

BACKGROUND: Albers-Schonberg disease, or autosomal dominant osteopetrosis type II (ADO2), is caused by ineffective osteoclastic bone resorption resulting from mutations in the chloride channel 7 (ClCN7) gene. Individuals with ADO2 have increased numbers of large ineffective osteoclasts in addition to increased serum total tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRACP) activity. METHODS: We investigat

The medium is the message: The media history of the press

This paper argues for the relevance of the media history of the press. Using a broad and open media concept, this perspective should be understood as the study of the construction and communication of the self-images and ideology of the press. Rather than describing the complex of problems as images that are ‘spread’ through one channel (newspapers) by one actor (the press), it should be seen as a

Thermo-mechanically coupled model of diffusionless phase transformation in austenitic steel

Abstract in UndeterminedA constitutive model of thermo-mechanically coupled finite strain plasticity considering martensitic phase transformation is presented. The model is formulated within a thermodynamic framework, giving a physically sound format where the thermodynamic mechanical and chemical forces that drive the phase transformation are conveniently identifiable. The phase fraction is treat