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SSD: New Challenges for Digital Forensics

ICT changes continuously and we are used to look at IT in a slightly dif-ferent way every year. Things are developed and manufactured to be smaller and faster but few changes are truly technologically revolutionary. Some changes creep up on us as they arrive under cover of previously known technology. Solid State Disks (SSD) is such a technology. The use of SSD is simple enough and for many purpos

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This book chapter is an introduction to the work of Judith Butler and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick.

Development and evaluation of an independent system for absorbed dose calculations in radiotherapy

Popular Abstract in Swedish Strålbehandling av cancerpatienter sker idag med avancerad teknik och utrustning. Förberedelserna inför behandlingen är omfattande och kräver medverkan av flera olika personalkategorier och övervakning via datoriserade verifikationssystem. I varje led i förberedelsekedjan finns en potentiell risk för avvikelser, vilka kan vara både systematiska eller tillfälliga i sin nThe aim of this work was to develop, implement and evaluate an independent system with which to calculate the absorbed dose, delivered by high-energy X-ray beams, to the prescription point and the depth of dose maximum. The introduction of such a system in the clinical routine may help ensure high-quality treatment and avoidance of errors which may jeopardise the clinical outcome of the treatment

Load Management in Residential Buildings: Considering Techno-Economical and Environmental Aspects

Load problems in electricity markets occur both on the supply and demand side and can have technical, economic and even political causes. Commonly, such problems have been solved by expanding production and/or distribution capacity, importing electricity or by load management. Load management is a techno-economic measure for harmonizing the relations between supply and demand sides, optimizing pow

Prospects of caching in a distributed digital library

Many independent publishers are today offering digital libraries with fulltext archives. In an attempt to provide a single user-interface to a large set of archives, DTVs Article Database Service, offers a consolidatedinterface to a geographically distributed set of archives. While this approach offers a tremendous functional advantage to a user, the delays caused by the network and queuing delays


Vad är ett ord? Hur många ordklasser finns det egentligen? Finns det några begränsningar på vilka nybildningar som kan göras? Hur lär sig ett barn hur orden ser ut i det egna modersmålet? Ovanstående frågor är några av de som Ord försöker ge svar på. Boken är en modern ordbildningslära som kombinerar klassisk ordbildningsteori med de senaste rönen inom grammatisk forskning. Ett brett spektrum av

Witnessing the Unbearable. Alma Johansson and the Massacres of the Armenians 1915

In 1915, Swedish missionary Alma Johansson witnessed the Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire. She then worked at an Armenian orphanage. When the children became victims of the killings it was important for her to report the outrages to diplomats and to write about her experiences. Johansson also continued to work with Armenian refugees. The chapter focuses on a civil female actor in a war zon

Some Aspects of Wear and Structural Dynamics

The topic of this thesis is dynamics and wear of structures. In the six appended papers different aspects of wear and dynamics of a model system are studied. The considered system consists of a long slender rod with unilateral supports, subject to harmonic and stochastic excitation. The rod is held at one end with stiff springs preventing translation and rotation and constrained by loose sup

Success Factors for a Supplier

The environment in which companies operate is constantly changing thereby changing the parameters determining whether they are to be successful in business. One of the strategies that have been popular in ensuring profitability for companies is outsourcing – traditionally done in order to lower cost. In past years the initiative for outsourcing has shifted from simple cost reductions to involving