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"To be seen" - older adults and their relatives' care experiences given by a geriatric mobile team (GerMoT)

BACKGROUND: The proportion of older people in the population has increased globally and has thus become a challenge in health and social care. There is good evidence that care based on comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) is superior to the usual care found in acute hospital settings; however, the evidence is scarcer in community-dwelling older people. This study is a secondary outcome of a ra

TIGER : The gene expression regulatory variation landscape of human pancreatic islets

Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) identified hundreds of signals associated with type 2 diabetes (T2D). To gain insight into their underlying molecular mechanisms, we have created the translational human pancreatic islet genotype tissue-expression resource (TIGER), aggregating >500 human islet genomic datasets from five cohorts in the Horizon 2020 consortium T2DSystems. We impute genotypes u

Mapping institutional interventions to mitigate suicides : A study of causes and prevention

Suicide is an extreme, tragic act and an important subject for social inquiry. It is the rising public health issue prevalent in the Himalayan range of Pakistan. The young and educated population is more prone to suicide instead of using this prime phase of age productively. Unfortunately, the suicide problem remains unaddressed, the causes remain undefined, solutions are not in the works, and in

Patchy proteins, anions and the Hofmeister series

We investigate specific anion binding to a range of patchy protein models and use our results to probe protein-protein interactions for aqueous lysozyme solutions. Our molecular simulation studies show that the ion-protein interaction mechanism and strength largely depend on the nature of the interfacial amino acid residues. Via direct ion pairing, small anions interact with charged side-chains wh

20 Years of Nordic climate change crisis and tourism research : a review and future research agenda

Climate change poses an existential crisis for tourism and destinations. Nordic researchers have been at the forefront of research on climate change impacts, adaptation and mitigation. The review provides a brief account of some of the main themes in Nordic climate change research from a regional and international perspective and potential future research directions. Key themes identified include

Fast-tracking of single emitters in large volumes with nanometer precision

Multifocal plane microscopy allows for capturing images at different focal planes simultaneously. Using a proprietary prism which splits the emitted light into paths of different lengths, images at 8 different focal depths were obtained, covering a volume of 50x50x4 μm3. The position of single emitters was retrieved using a phasor-based approach across the different imaging planes, with better tha

Who chooses to enroll in a new national gambling self-exclusion system? A general population survey in Sweden

Background: Self-exclusion from gambling is a common method for prevention and harm reduction in hazardous gambling. However, few national self-exclusion programs, involving a large number of gambling operators and activities in a country, have been assessed scientifically. This study aimed to examine characteristics of individuals who chose to enroll in a recently introduced (January, 2019) natio

Effect of Steel-Reinforced Grout Confinement on Concrete Square and Cylindrical Columns

This paper presents an investigation on the compressive behavior of plain concrete columns confined with steel-reinforced grout (SRG) composites. The test parameters include size and crosssectional shape (square or circular) of the columns, and number of layers (one or two) and density (low or medium density) of the steel fiber sheet. Out of 46 specimens herein presented, 33 were confined with SRG

Effect of temperature on the association behavior in aqueous mixtures of an oppositely charged amphiphilic block copolymer and bile salt

The association in aqueous mixtures of a thermoresponsive cationic diblock copolymer composed of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) and poly(3-acrylamidopropyl)-trimethylammonium-chloride (PAMPTMA(+)) and the oppositely charged bile salt sodium deoxycholate (NaDC) is investigated at different compositions by light and X-ray scattering, calorimetry, and electrophoretic mobility measurements. Clou

Strategies for greening the economy in three Nordic countries

Green economy is a concept frequently used by governments and international institutions to promote sustainable transformations of the economy. In this study, we explore how the transition towards a green economy is being conceptualised in policy terms in the three Nordic countries Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Comparing these cases, we analyse strategic policy documents on green growth, circular e

Anorectal malformations – surgical aspects and transition

Background: Anorectal malformations (ARM) occur in 1/5000 live births (1.2–1.6:1 male:female). Associated malformations are common, influencing, together with ARM-subtype complexity, long-term outcome, follow-up and need of transitional care. Reconstructive surgery, the posterior sagittal anorectoplasty (PSARP), is performed in infancy, either as a single-stage or multi-stage procedure with a colo

Dosimetric and preparation procedures for irradiating biological models with pulsed electron beam at ultra-high dose-rate

Purpose: Preclinical studies using a new treatment modality called FLASH Radiotherapy (FLASH-RT) need a two-phase procedure to ensure minimal uncertainties in the delivered dose. The first phase requires a new investigation of the reference dosimetry lying outside the conventional metrology framework from national metrology institutes but necessary to obtain traceability, repeatability, and stabil

Ultra-high-dose-rate FLASH and Conventional-Dose-Rate Irradiation Differentially Affect Human Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and Normal Hematopoiesis

Purpose: Ultra-high-dose-rate FLASH radiation therapy has been shown to minimize side effects of irradiation in various organs while keeping antitumor efficacy. This property, called the FLASH effect, has caused enthusiasm in the radiation oncology community because it opens opportunities for safe dose escalation and improved radiation therapy outcome. Here, we investigated the impact of ultra-hig

In the eyes of the beholder: On innovation metrics : A study on innovation metrics in changing strategic contexts

Innovation är en kraft som står bakom förändringen i vår vardag. Till exempel att prata med någon på andra sidan jordklotet med en mobil eller beställa dina matvaror eller skor på din smarta mobil. Det var otänkbart för mindre än 40 år sedan. Vi vill naturligtvis att innovationer i vårt samhälle ska fortsätta förbättra våra liv. Men innovationsverksamhet och att generera nya produkter, tjänster, aInnovation measurement and metrics have fascinated scholars from several disciplines over the last decade. Allthese diverse contributions, however, have resulted in a current state of knowledge that is signified by largenumbers of articles without clear integration and synthesis. Therefore, this thesis aims to increase thetheoretical, empirical, and practical understanding of innovation measuremen

Aquaglyceroporins and orthodox aquaporins in human adipocytes

Aquaporins play a crucial role in water homeostasis in the human body, and recently the physiological importance of aquaporins as glycerol channels have been demonstrated. The aquaglyceroporins (AQP3, AQP7, AQP9 and AQP10) represent key glycerol channels, enabling glycerol flux across the membranes of cells. Adipocytes are the major source of glycerol and during lipolysis, glycerol is released to