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Robustly-optimal rate one-half binary convolutional codes

Three optimality criteria for convolutional codes are considered in this correspondence: namely, free distance, minimum distance, and distance profile. Here we report the results of computer searches for rate one-half binary convolutional codes that are "robustly optimal" in the sense of being optimal for one criterion and optimal or near-optimal for the other two criteria. Comparisons with previo

Calpain-10 expression is elevated in pancreatic islets from patients with type 2 diabetes.

BACKGROUND: Calpain-10 was the first gene to be identified influencing the risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D) by positioning cloning. Studies in beta-cell lines and rodent islets suggest that calpain-10 may act as a regulator of insulin secretion. However, its role in human pancreatic islets remains unclear. The aim of this study was to examine if calpain-10 expression is altered in islets from patient

Lifetime measurements in LaII and LaIII using time-resolved laser spectroscopy

Lifetime determinations for eleven levels in La II and two levels in La III have been performed using time-resolved laser spectroscopy. Free La+ and La++ ions were produced in a laser-induced plasma and selective excitation was obtained with narrow-bandwidth, 1 ns duration tunable laser pulses. Lifetime values were evaluated from the time-resolved fluorescence signals recorded by a fast detection

Application of Laser Techniques in Combustion Environments of Relevance for Gas Turbine Studies

Popular Abstract in Swedish Oberoende av vilket bränsle som används ger förbränning upphov till utsläpp av miljöfarliga gaser, såsom kväveoxider, svaveldioxider, kolmonoxid och oförbrända kolväten. Dessa ämnen bidrar till försurning, smog, växthuseffekten och kan skada ozonlagret. Även koldioxid kan anses som en miljöfarlig gas då den bidrar till den globala uppvärmningen. För att få en bättre förIn the work presented in this thesis, different laser-based techniques were employed for measurements in different combustion devices. Laser-based techniques enable non-intrusive and in-situ measurements to be carried out, in which high spatial and temporal resolution can be obtained. Different parameters related to combustion research can be visualized, such as species concentrations, temperature

IgA Structure Variations Associate with Immune Stimulations and IgA Mesangial Deposition.

IgA1 mesangial deposition is the hallmark of IgA nephropathy and Henoch-Schönlein purpura, the onset of which often follows infections. Deposited IgA has been reported as polymeric, J chain associated, and often, hypogalactosylated but with no information concerning the influence of the IgA repertoire or the link between immune stimuli and IgA structure. We explored these issues in the α1KI mouse

Case managers for frail older people: a randomised controlled pilot study.

Scand J Caring Sci; 2010 Case managers for frail older people; a randomised controlled pilot study Aim: The aim was to test sampling and explore sample characteristics in a pilot study using a case management intervention for older people with functional dependency and repeated contact with the healthcare services as well as to investigate the effects of the intervention on perceived health and de

Uromodulin gene variant is associated with type 2 diabetic nephropathy.

AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: About 35% of individuals with type 2 diabetes develop persistent albuminuria, lose renal function, and are at increased risk for microvascular complications like diabetic nephropathy. Recent genome-wide association studies have identified the uromodulin locus (UMOD), encoding the most common protein in human urine to be associated with hypertension and also with chronic kidney dis

Buserelin treatment to rats causes enteric neurodegeneration with moderate effects on CRF-immunoreactive neurons and Enterobacteriaceae in colon, and in acetylcholine-mediated permeability in ileum.

The gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analog buserelin causes enteric neuronal loss. Acute stress or injection of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) affects motility, secretion, and barrier function of the gastrointestinal tract. The aim of the study was to characterize the CRF immunoreactivity in enteric neurons after buserelin treatment, and to evaluate possible effects of enteric neuropat

Cystatin C, a marker for successful aging and glomerular filtration rate, is not influenced by inflammation.

Abstract Background. The plasma level of cystatin C is a better marker than plasma creatinine for successful aging. It has been assumed that the advantage of cystatin C is not only due to it being a better marker for glomerular filtration rate (GFR) than creatinine, but also because an inflammatory state of a patient induces a raised cystatin C level. However, the observations of an association be

Svenskans aktionsarter : en analys med särskild inriktning på förhållandet mellan aktionsarten och presensformens temporala referens.

I uppsatsen jämförs nio olika aktionsartsmodeller och föreslås därefter en modell för svenskans aktionsarter. Modellen kopplas till språkliga kriterier och testas mot ett autentiskt material. Uppsatsen ger en grundlig genomgång av internationella och inhemska aspekt- och aktionsartsmodeller samt diskuterar en rad av ämnets teoretiska kärnfrågor. Samtidigt ges en samlad genomgång av de språkliga da