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Your search for "*" yielded 532169 hits
Traffic conflicts analyses for 2+1 road sections
The additional passing lanes and 2+1 roads improve significant road safety. Studies indicate sections with additional passing lanes (relief or alternately), which may cause reduction in the number of accidents by 50%. However, how geometric design affects the safety performance of such sections is not in depth investigated. Previous studies are carried out with two approaches, i.e. the most often,
Sensitivity of a Greenland ice sheet model to atmospheric forcing fields
Predicting the climate for the future and how it will impact ice sheet evolution requires coupling ice sheet models with climate models. However, before we attempt to develop a realistic coupled setup, we propose, in this study, to first analyse the impact of a model simulated climate on an ice sheet. We undertake this exercise for a set of regional and global climate models. Modelled near surface
Incidence and progression of carotid artery stenosis in elderly men : Thirteen-year follow-up of the population cohort 'Men born in 1914'
'Men born in 1914' is a population-based cohort study of the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease. Twenty-five percent of the men had moderate or severe (> 30%) carotid artery stenosis (CAS) at 68 years of age. The objective of this study was to study the incidence and progression of disease from 68 to 81 years of age in relation to major risk factors for atherosclerotic disease. Five hundred me
Generation of new enzyme inhibitors using imprinted binding sites : The anti-idiotypic approach, a step toward the next generation of molecular imprinting
Exome sequencing of 20,791 cases of type 2 diabetes and 24,440 controls
Protein-coding genetic variants that strongly affect disease risk can yield relevant clues to disease pathogenesis. Here we report exome-sequencing analyses of 20,791 individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and 24,440 non-diabetic control participants from 5 ancestries. We identify gene-level associations of rare variants (with minor allele frequencies of less than 0.5%) in 4 genes at exome-wide si
Standards of Review in International Tribunals for the Law of the Sea
A 9-Year Follow-Up of Women and Men Reporting Pain: Results from The Swedish National Study Of Aging And Care - Blekinge
Background and aim: Pain is common in older adults, but its relationship with ageing is unclear. The aim was toinvestigate pain among adults aged 72 years and older by means of a population-based sample followed for aperiod of nine years.Methods: The Swedish National study on Aging and Care (SNAC) is conducted at four research centres. AtSNAC-Blekinge (B), 609 (60.6%) women and 396 (39.4%) men wer
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Tolkning av försäkringsavtal
What about the non-legal facts : Revising Allen and Pardo’s analytical distinction between law and fact
This paper deals with the distinction between law and fact. In the article ‘The myth of the law-fact distinction’ (Allen and Pardo, 2003a), Ronald Allen and Michael Pardo argue that there is no ontological, epistemological or analytical distinction between law and fact. Instead, they claim that the distinction ought to be understood pragmatically, by considering whether the judge or jury is in the
Combining CCN Activation and Hygroscopic Growth of Anthropogenic SOA Particles
Three-year follow-up of visual outcome and quality of life in patients with age-related macular degeneration
Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the visual outcome and self-reported vision-targeted health status in patients treated with intravitreal ranibizumab for wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Methods: A total of 51 eyes from 50 patients aged 76 ± 7 years, with wet AMD not previously treated, were included in this prospective study. Best corrected visual acuity was examin
The role of OCT-A in retinal disease management
Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCT-A) is a non-invasive, non-dye-based imaging modality that has the potential to enhance our understanding of retinal diseases. While this rapidly advancing imaging modality offers great potential, there is a need for community-wide understanding of the range of technologies and methods for interpreting the images, as well as a need to enhance understand
Vård och underhåll av eternittak
Can Salvator Mundi and Zlatan make Built Cultural Heritage resilient?
Can Salvator Mundi and Zlatan make Built Cultural Heritage resilient? The new role of built cultural heritage (BCH), as an economic asset for development strategies and the widened definition as a concept-, explains today’s affluence of sites. These can only be guaranteed with sufficient heritage funding. Financers’ inducement to fund depends on that heritage’s current value estimation and only hi
Patofysiologi och epidemiologi
Disappearance of esophageal carcinoma after stenting combined with endoscopic laser therapy
A 92-year-old man with dysphagia secondary to squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus was palliated repeatedly with endoscopic laser therapy and insertion of esophageal stents. During the treatment period of 32 months, the patient could be fed perorally while ingrowth of tumor, development of new stenoses at the edges of the stents, and breakage of one stent were encountered. A tracheoesophageal
Detection of hepatic metastases in colorectal cancer : A prospective study of laboratory and imaging methods
Objective: To assess and compare the accuracy of imaging methods (ultrasonography (US), computed tomography (CT), angiography, arterially enhanced CT with computed tomographic arterial portography (CTA)), biochemical analyses, and surgical assessment during the operation, in detecting the presence or absence of hepatic metastases in patients with colorectal cancer. Design: Open study. Setting: Uni