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Draken, dödsmaskinen och Tjocka Bertha. Första världskrigets vapen i svensk veckopress
Mina medicinska bilder
Medicin, sett som ett epistemologiskt system, har delat upp kunskapen om människan och hennes sjukdomar i ett allt större antal mindre delar. Detta har visat sig vara både ett effektivt och nödvändigt sätt att skapa och använda kunskap. Det är givetvis bå
Extracting from V2
Effect of Barium Sulfate Contrast Medium on Rheology and Sensory Texture Attributes in a Model Food.
Background: The swallowing process can be visualized using videoradiography, by mixing food with contrast medium, e.g., barium sulfate (BaSO(4)), making it radiopaque. The sensory properties of foods may be affected by adding this medium. Purpose: To evaluate if and to what extent sensory and rheological characteristics of mango puree were altered by adding barium sulfate to the food. Material and
Pharmacological characterization of postjunctional alpha-adrenoceptors in isolated human omental arteries and veins.
Crystallization and X-ray diffraction analysis of a novel surface-adhesin protein: protein E from Haemophilus influenzae.
Protein E (PE) is a ubiquitous multifunctional surface protein of Haemophilus spp. and other bacterial pathogens of the Pasteurellaceae family. H. influenzae utilizes PE for attachment to respiratory epithelial cells. In addition, PE interacts directly with plasminogen and the extracellular matrix (ECM) components vitronectin and laminin. Vitronectin is a complement regulator that inhibits the for
The Gender Equal Father? (Welfare) Politics of Masculinity in Sweden, 1960-2010
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Unraveling navigational strategies in migratory insects.
Long-distance migration is a strategy some animals use to survive a seasonally changing environment. To reach favorable grounds, migratory animals have evolved sophisticated navigational mechanisms that rely on a map and compasses. In migratory insects, the existence of a map sense (sense of position) remains poorly understood, but recent work has provided new insights into the mechanisms some com
Karl Ragnar GIerow – En diktens ämbetsman
Optimering av miljövinster vid odling av energigrödor
Recipientkontrollprogram Skillebyån - Resultat från mätningar 2006 - 07
Sedan år 2003 har kontinuerlig provtagning skett i Skillebyån inom ramen för recipientkontrollprogrammet Skillebyån som bedrivs av Stiftelsen Biodynamiska Forskningsinstitutet med stöd från Södertälje kommun, miljökontoret. Resultaten bekräftar tidigare undersökningsresultat och indikerar en fortsatt hög närsaltbelastning i ån. Resultaten baseras på mätning av vattenföring och närsalthalterna i ån
Global energy security: past, present future
Producentansvar för bilar: En analys av effektivitet och samhällsekonomiska konsekvenser
Underlag till utredningen för översyn av producentansvaret (M 2000:01) på uppdrag av BIL Sweden
Studies of human endogenous retroviruses and of the TGF-beta signaling pathway
The human genome, in common with all mammalian genomes, carries a high load of inheritable retroviral sequences. We have identified and characterized a novel family of these endogenous retroviruses and have named this family HERV-F as based on the primer binding sites of three members. The HERV-Fs are C-type endogenous retroviruses that have unique gag, pol and env regions that are, based on phylo
Consistency analysis of torque measurements performed on a PMSM using dynamic testing
Various applications need an electric machine that can provide a wide range of torque over a broad range of rotation speed and temperature. Dynamic testing, where the machine acceleration is compared to the deceleration slope, allows to scan through a wide scope of operation points with insignificant temperature rise. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to analyse the consistency of the rapid exp
The effect of individual words' information status on accentuation
Exploring Future Challenges for Haptic, Audio and Visual Interfaces for Mobile Maps and Location Based Services
In this article we give an overview of some challenges in how to make geospatial information more useable and accessible. We also suggest a roadmap for dealing with these challenges – and introduce a new EU project HaptiMap.
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Description of how to analyse, discuss and conclude in a bachelorproject