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Your search for "*" yielded 531675 hits

Arktis, en plats för både soft och hard power?

The Arctic is a changing place where the melting of the ice creates new opportunities and shipping lanes, such as Northern Sea Route and possibility for raw material extraction. However, this prospects can also be a road to conflict. Russia and China are very active in the area with both soft and hard power, where China has focused on values, research and cooperation and Russia puts efforts on its

Ett gott ledarskap – viktigast på Första Ubåtsflottiljen

The First Submarine Flotilla is expanding. Four submarines are to become five and a new, larger signal intelligence ship is to replace the current one. At the same time many employees are on the verge of retiring and new ones in need of training arrives. It is therefore of utmost importance that the existing staff want to remain in their workplace. The purpose of this study was, through a survey b

Har mellanmänsklig tillit påverkan på människors hemberedskap?

In a recent survey made on behalf of The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency it shows that 37 per cent of the Swedish population meet the governmental recommendations about civilian readiness during a societal emergency. In a different survey about interpersonal trust the results show that approximately 40 per cent of the people in Sweden do not feel high levels of trust towards others. This st

Small but mighty: Learning outcomes and impacts of microplastic focused citizen science

Microplastics are a present and future threat to the sustainability of coastal socio-economic systems. Current solutions and management could be improved by developing citizen science programs to foster community engagement and knowledge generation. However, research is limited on the actual learning outcomes and impacts of citizen science. To help close this gap, this research builds upon existin

Particle identification in the low-GeV/c regime using Octafluoropropane (R-218) as Cherenkov radiator

Particle identification with threshold Cherenkov detectors, using a moderately pressurized radiating gas with an adequate refractive index, is one of the most common techniques employed in high-energy physics. However, available gases with relatively high refractive indices, that simultaneously preserve their gaseous phase at room temperature and moderate pressures, are rare. Until recently, R-12

Hållbarhet, en kostnad eller en möjlighet? En kvantitativ studie om relationen mellan riskjusterad avkastning och hållbarhet hos de fem största GICS sektorerna inom euroområdet

Relationen mellan hållbarhet och riskjusterad avkastning har intresserat akademiker och investerare länge. Denna uppsats ämnar dels att studera hurvida investerare kan använda hållbarhetsinformation för att öka den riskjusterade avkastningen inom olika sektorer, dels att undersöka om skillnader går att observera sektorer emellan. Vi undersöker de fem största GICS-sektorerna inom euroområdet: Healt

Understanding Areas of Parallelograms Through Virtual Geometrical Representations : A Pilot Study

Do virtual representations, intended for teaching and learning, afford different constraints and affordances compared to their physical twins, and may this lead to different ways of interaction and understanding? In this line of inquiry, and with the perspective on learning as an extended activity, where learning can be mediated through the interaction with artefacts, the present study has transla

Interaction between vitamin D deficiency and COVID-19

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) poses an enormous challenge to health care systems throughout the world, but it doesn’t affect every individual to the same extent. There is great variability in disease outcomes. Therefore, identifying the main prognostic risk factors is of paramount importance. These include increased age, skin pigmentation, obesity, pre-existing illness, and vitamin D deficie

Civilplikten åter aktuell?

Civil conscription was a way to supply personnel for the civilian part of Swedish total defence. In 2010, the Swedish government chose to replace civil conscription with voluntary service. However in 2023, 13 years after the decision, it seems as reactivation is underway as the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) has been tasked to prepare for the activation of civil conscription for municipa

Survival of the Un-Fittest? A Study of Social Media-Based New Crisis Initiatives in the COVID 19 Pandemic

Focusing on Sweden in the COVID 19 pandemic, this paper explores theorganizational/communicational practices of new crisis initiatives, defined as informal,emergent, and loosely coordinated interactions between individuals and/or organizations using social media to engage in crisis relief efforts. By manually tracing crisis relief efforts on Facebook in the spring of 2020 and the fall of 2021, we

The verification of wildland–urban interface fire evacuation models

This paper introduces a protocol for the verification of multi-physics wildfire evacuation models, including a set of tests used to ensure that the conceptual modelling representation of each modelling layer is accurately implemented, as well as the interactions between different modelling layers and sub-models (wildfire spread, pedestrian movement, traffic evacuation, and trigger buffers). This w

Outpatient vs inpatient induction of labor with oral misoprostol : A retrospective study

Introduction: Induction of labor is one of the most common obstetrical procedures today, with a successively rising rate. With a limited number of hospital beds, the option of starting induction at home has gained increasing attention. The primary aim of this study was to compare the proportion of women achieving vaginal delivery and the duration of hospital stay before delivery in induction of la

Particle production, transport, and identification in the regime of 1-7 GeV/c

The recently constructed H4-VLE beam line, a tertiary extension branch of the existing H4 beam line in the CERN North Area, was commissioned in October 2018. The beam line was designed with the purpose of providing very low energy (VLE) hadrons and positrons to the NP-04 experiment, in the momentum range of 1-7 GeV/c. The production of these low-energy particles is achieved with a mixed hadron (pi

Storage period optimization of a viscous nasal spray suspension

The number of people suffering from the unpleasant symptoms of allergic rhinitis is increasing due to environmental and other factors. This not only makes life difficult for the individual but also places a heavy burden on society, which is why treatment is needed. Rhinocort® is a nasal spray suspension manufactured by McNeil AB to reduce the severity of symptoms, and like all medicines, must und

NPOs and private governance forms for football clubs : towards a blended model

Purpose: This study explores the relationship between governance model – private organisations vs non-profit organisations (NPOs) – and performance in football clubs. Design/methodology/approach: The study is a comparative case study of two football clubs with different governance models: Malmö FF, which is an NPO, and Bologna FC, which is a privately owned club. Findings: The results show that bo

Carbon Leakage and the EU Emissions Trading System

This essay investigates carbon leakage in connection to the EU Emissions Trading System. That is, the act of companies moving their emissions from the EU to areas with laxer environmental standards, in order to avoid compliance costs associated with the implementation of emissions trading. The investigated time period is between 2005-2020. A regression model was created, regressing total country e