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Yrkesutbildning för morgondagens arbetsliv?

Det politiska intresset för yrkesutbildning och framförallt för gymnasial lärlingsutbildning fortsätter att vara högt framförallt för att kunna bekämpa ungdomsarbetslösheten genom en bättre övergång skola-arbetsliv. Den gymnasiala yrkesutbildningen har genomgått flera förändringar. Sedan hösten 2013 diskuterar regeringen om ett systemskifte, lärlingsutbildningen bör läggas upp på samma sätt som I

Less is more - Some cautions regarding mindless use of ICT in emergency management

Emergency management practice can be supported by ICT in many ways, and numerous ICT-based systems are available that offer support in the different phases of emergency management. Yet, many such systems do not provide as much support to emergency management as expected or wished for. In some situations they may even compromise emergency management performance, due to suboptimal adaptation to the

Allmänhetens uppfattning om globala risker

När man analyserar uppfattningen om globala miljörisker genom att bygga på undersökningar kring allmänhetens rankningar av risker står man inför flera typer av tolkningsproblem, vilket den genomförda analysen visar. Även om man använder väl definierade kvantitativa metoder så återstår metodologiska problem, såsom Galtons problem kring mikro- och makroanalyser, tolkningsproblem kring representativi

The Trouble with Stars : Vernacular versus Global Stardom in Two Forms of European Popular Culture

Transnational stardom, in the sense that particular star actors constitute a genuine draw for audiences in other European countries than that of the film’s origin, appears an increasingly rare thing within the continent’s cinema. In short, a transnational star system is wanting. Had it existed, more attractive films would most undoubtedly be a reality. Furthermore, with such a system in place film

Genetic mapping at 3-kilobase resolution reveals inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor 3 as a risk factor for type 1 diabetes in Sweden.

We mapped the genetic influences for type 1 diabetes (T1D), using 2,360 single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers in the 4.4-Mb human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) locus and the adjacent 493 kb centromeric to the MHC, initially in a survey of 363 Swedish T1D cases and controls. We confirmed prior studies showing association with T1D in the MHC, most significantly near HLA-DR/DQ. In the

Control and Design of Computing Systems: What to Model and How

The application of feedback control to computing systems is a promising research area, but has to date been hindered by the almost unanimously perceived complexity in creating control-oriented system models. Computing systems are in fact considered very hard to describe with dynamic models allowing for simple and powerful control design tools, so that complex ones need bringing in to the detriment

Bioelectronic Nanosensor Devices for Environmental and Biomedical Analysis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Idag kan vi mäta mycket låga halter av gifter i t. ex. dricksvatten och livsmedel, bland annat genom utvecklingen av nanosensorer. Sensorerna kan också använda's medicinskt, t. ex för att väsentligt underlätta livet för diabetiker. Idag drabba's diabetespatienter ofta av nedsatt känsel i fingrarna på grund av dagliga nålstick. Med hjälp av de nya sensorerna kan vi nu mäA new type of Bioelectronic Nanosensor Device with potential applications in medicine,biotechnology and environmental analysis was designed. The nanosensor is based on RISFET (Regional Ion Sensitive Field Effect Transistor) technology. The design of the nanosensor involves use of a set of nano-sized electrodes on the surface of a silicon chip, giving the chip the ability to sense extremely low con

Metamorphism and Geochronology of the High Pressure Granulite and Upper Amphibolite Facies Rocks from the Southwest Swedish Granulite Region

The present thesis presents pressure-temperature and geochronological data from the high-grade mafic rocks from the Southwest Swedish Granulite Region, which forms part of the southwestern Baltic Shield. The region is characterized by variably deformed and migmatized granitic to intermediate gneisses, metabasites and charnockites metamorphosed in granulite and upper amphibolite facies. The peak m

Preschoolers' peer competence : Developmental perspectives on prosocial behavior, aggression, and social cognition

Popular Abstract in SwedishDenna doktorsavhandling har studerat förskolebarns kamratkompetens och speciellt uppmärksammat tre aspekter som är av central betydelse för barns samspel med kamrater; prosocialt beteende, aggressivt beteende och social kognition. Prosocialt beteende är handlingar som på något sätt gynnar en annan person (t ex hjälpa, trösta och dela med sig). Trots att prosocialt beteenThis doctoral thesis explored three broad aspects of preschoolers’ social competence: prosocial behavior, aggression, and social cognition. The longitudinal study followed forty-four children (initially 22-40 months), who were observed in natural peer interactions at their daycare centers during a two-month period in each of three con-secutive years. In addition, social-cognitive data were gathere

Organ till salu

After four years in the Swedish health care queues the kidney patient Sam bought a new kidney in Pakistan. But where did the new organ come from? And where the donor really voluntary? "Organs for sale" is a frightening journey through the organ trade murky world. Ethnologist Susanne Lundin is traveling around the world and witnesses the black organ market. She portrays crime syndicate in South Afr

Nano-Schottky Contacts Realized by Bottom-up Technique

Properties of nanostructures realized by bottom-up techniques are often different from their bulk counterparts.(1) Here we present a study of a nano-Schottky contact formed at the interface between a gold catalytic particle and an epitaxially grown GaxIn1-xAs/InAs nanowire. Selective electrical connections formed to the catalytic particle on one side and to the In As segment on the other side allo