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En boksamlare på Läckö

The Swedish statesman and great art and book collector, count Tessin placed for a short time in the 1750s-60s parts of his library at Leckö Castle in Västergötland, Sweden, given him as fief. The essay analyzes the character of this collection.

Adult education,lifelong learning, community outreach and ICT in Sweden

Adult education in Sweden is extensive, based on a long tradition and range from higher education to non-formal popular education. Swedish adult education is highly decentralised and autonomous. As a general principle, adult education is free of charge for the learners and financed by the public budget. The Swedish perspectives takes it’s starting point from the initiatives of OECD, the European C

Digital pictures as cognitive assistance

Pictures taken with digital cameras have become an alternative and a complement to symbols in communication for persons with cognitive disabilities. We have started a discussion forum on digital pictures on the internet. The postings from the discussion forum were analyzed to see what kind of use of digital pictures that professionals and parents are interested in. To validate the results, an e-

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Abstract in Romanian Un om al cetăţii şi al recluziunii, interesat să ştie ce se întâmplă în lume, fără să-şi piardă nici un moment contactul cu fiinţa supremă de la care purced toate câte sunt, Valeriu Anania i-a oferit exegetului prilejul de a studia traseul unui destin excepţional. Bibliografia operei, referinţele despre autor, aparatul critic relevă pasiunea cu care cercetătorul s-a aplecat înThe present study Valeriu Anania : A Monographic Study represents a first systematised attempt to depict the most relevant aspects of the intellectual Bartolomeu Valeriu Anania’s personality. We shall mainly focus on his position as a writer, but, complementarily, on that of theologian as well. We structured our thesis formally according to the criteria of a monographic study, following, in distin

Hållbar samhällsutveckling i Blekinge. Nutid och framtid.

Region Blekinge delar det mönster för befolkningsutveckling som gäller för många regioner i landet när det gäller befolkningens utveckling. En kommun, Karlskrona, har haft en balanserad befolkningsutveckling och under senare år har antalet invånare ökat. De övriga kommunerna har i varierande grad haft en negativ befolkningsutveckling. Grunden till dessa förändringar ligger i förändringar inom näri


Phototoxicity occurs when a substance is toxic only under the action of light, and can, depending on the mechanism of toxic action, be divided into type I and type II phototoxicity. Other types are sometimes recongnized, and sometimes toxicity occurs through more than one mechanism. Plants often use phototoxins for their defense. They may be harmful to man, but also exploited for medical treatment

Improving Wi-Fi based Indoor Positioning using Particle Filter based on Signal Strength

Indoor positioning is recognized as one of the upcoming major applications which can be used in wide variety of applications such as indoor navigation and enterprise asset tracking. The significance of localization in indoor environments have made the use of Wi-Fi based indoor positioning so that it can utilize available current wireless infrastructure and perform positioning very easily. In this

Analysis of Electrocardiograms Using Artificial Neural Networks.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hjärtsjukdom är idag en vanlig åkomma i de flesta industriländer. En stor arsenal av utrednings- och diagnosinstrument finns tillgängliga. Ett av de mest använda och lättillgängliga är undersökning med elektrokardiogram (EKG). De flesta EKG-apparater är idag datoriserade och innehåller program för tolkning av EKG-kurvorna. Programmens tolkning är ofta bra, bättre än denMost conventional ECG interpretation programs use decision tree logic for interpretation of the ECG. The performance is generally good but can be improved. Artificial neural networks represent a new computer method, which has proved to be of value in pattern recognition and classification tasks. The purpose of the studies in this thesis was to improve the analysis/interpretation of the 12-lead EC