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En Tiger På Tröskeln! - Kina i Supermaktsrollen

I studiens primära del försöker vi närma oss supermakten och klassificeringen av den samma i termer av resurser och ´role theory´. På en lägre abstraktionsgrad är vi intresserade av fallet Kina och att utreda i vilken mån supermaktsbegreppet kan appliceras på staten. I en andra del argumenterar vi för ett unilateralt agerande utifrån Kinas givna position i det internationella systemet. Detta gör

Exploring Human Experience

This essay argues that since human experience consists inseparably of mind, body and the material world, and that if were are to better understand the lives of people in the past we need to recognize that we cannot separate material culture, social process and life-tasks from the experiences of the people who carried them out. Personal experience of a thing can never produce an understanding of th

The Process of Europeanization A Study of the European Effects on Polish Domestic Structures

The countries of the European Union are in an ongoing phase of integration. The influences on individual states domestic structures are unquestionable and the governing prerequisites have changed significantly. Poland, a relatively new member state is in the middle of the process and so this study analyses the effects of Europeanization on polishes domestic structures. The study examines four pub-

Tibetan migration to India - Why, when, how and with what consequences?

When China occupied Tibet in 1950 in order to "liberate" Tibet from its "economic backwardness" of feudal and religious traditions, the effects were devastating. Tibetans were dispatched to labour camps, monks and nuns were executed or imprisoned, thousands of monasteries and temples were destroyed and communist propaganda was forced upon the Tibetan people. Tens of thousands f

Evaluation of using fine grain size Polonite® as sorbent for retaining phosphorus from wastewater.

To avoid eutrofication and excessive algal bloms it is necessary to reduce the phosphorus contents in wastewater. Previous wastewater treatment systems often have a good process for phosphorus reduction but in general not the ability to recycle the material and phosphorus for further utilisation after its use in wastewater treatment. Polonite® is a material with large content of calciumoxide wh

Frank McCourt's Angela's Ashes: A Picture of an Irish Childhood

This essay examines how Frank McCourt pictures a catholic upbringing in Ireland during the 1930's and 1940's in his novel Angela's Ashes. It also discusses if this picture is realistic or not. In order to do this, McCourt's description of Ireland will be put in a historical and cultural context and be compared with actual facts. Special attention will be paid to Catholicism and its

Den medeltida stadshamnen : Om strandområdets topografi och funktion i tre Öresundsstäder

This essay focuses on the function and development of city harbors during the middle ages in the Scanian part of Öresund. The purpose of the survey is to take a closer look at topography, development and activities on the shores in three coastal cities along the west coast of Scania. The cities that has been part of the survey are: Skanör ? Falsterbo, Malmoe and Landskrona, three cities that follo

Maktens ideologi? - En studie av Samuel Huntingtons verk "The Clash of Civilizations and the remaking of world order" utifrån Antonio Gramscis hegemoniteori

Samuel Huntingtons bok ?The clash of civilizations and the remaking of world order? har vållat en omfattande debatt alltsedan den publicerades 1996. Efter terrorattackerna mot USA den elfte september 2001 har Huntingtons tes att det förekommer ett globalt civilisationskrig fått tjäna som ett rättfärdigande av USA:s attacker och ockupationer av Afghanistan samt Irak. Följande studies syfte är att

Voicing Opposition: Challenging Outlooks in the Stand-Up Comedy of Bill Hicks

In this study I examine the way stand-up comedian Bill Hicks challenges authority and conventional ideas by re-interpreting signs and offering other ways of explaining social phenomena. The use of comedy for purposes of education and protest is central in the analysis of how the meaning of signs is challenged. Theoretically based in a post-structuralist tradition, and drawing on Discourse Theory,

Co-operation ? on What Grounds? An Assessment of the Democracy Work within the African Union (AU) and the New Partnership for Africa´s Development (NEPAD)

The study field of the thesis is regional integration in Africa. The focus is set on the African Union (AU) and its main programme for promoting democracy on the continent, the New Partnership for Africa´s Development (NEPAD). By applying two theories, one on democratization through regional organizations and the other on hidden agendas within them, the thesis makes an assessment on the work for d

Transitional Justice - Lustration, Truth-Revealing and Reconciliation in the Political Transitions of the Czech Republic, South Africa and Northern Ireland

During the last decades there has been an ever-increasing amount of democratic transitions taking place all over the world. In connection to this phenomenon, transitional justice has developed as a subfield in post-conflict peacebuilding, dealing with the judicial aspect of transitions. In applying theoretical constituents of transitional justice, this study examines the concepts of lustration (i.

Implementeringsproblem i säkerhetsarbetet

Municipal safety work is an issue frequently discussed. The new legislation about accident prevention obeys the Swedish municipality to present an action program for accident prevention. In Borlänge municipality there has been no sanctioned proposal for a program. This report presents the problems found and gives proposals for improvements in the future safety work. The guiding words should be una


Asymmetric information and risk are two main problems in credit markets. These problems are even higher in developing credit markets. Formal financial sectors in developing countries are still growing and are reluctant to provide credit to poor. Micro credit is considered as an effective strategy to overcome this problem and to give poor opportunities to access financial services. Therefore the

Integration av systematiskt brandskyddsarbete med ISO 14001

As a result of the Civil Protection Act, there is an imperative for Systematic Fire Preventive Measures, SFPM. SFPM can be divided in two parts: organisational preventive measures, and documentation of fire preventive measures. The manner in which SFPM is to be conducted is similar to that of the environmental management system ISO 14001. This report provides suggestions how to integrate SFPM with

Könet som en omöjlighet: en studie av etiska kvaliteter i feministiska mäns berättande

How do men who define themselves as feminists create and maintain an identity as men? In this qualitative study four men involved in feminist organizations were interviewed about their views on women, men, sex and feminism. Theories of language, psychoanalysis and ethics were utilized to further our understanding of the material these men produce in their effort to define themselves. Our object of

Att säkra farmor - En komparativ fallstudie av kvalitet och kvalitetssäkringsarbete inom äldreomsorgen

The care for the elderly in the municipalities has recently seen the need for a formalized system for quality assurance. Under increasing demands for monetary efficiency while bound by law to retain acceptable standards in health care, there is need for efficient and at the same time quality-assured management. The municipalities often solve this puzzle by introducing systems and standards influen

Kvinnligt eller manligt - En studie av könsbedömningsmetodernas utveckling för humant material

This study focuses on the development of methods for sexual determination of human skeletal remains, mainly between the years 1981 to 2007. By comparing an older analysis from 1983 (Persson and Persson) with my own on the same material, a difference of 40% was shown, which indicates that the methods has changed through time, and that these should not be used for newer conclusions about a populatio

WOMEN'S FASHION MAGAZINES IN JAPAN : Women vs. Women's Fashion Magazines in Relation to Self-image Creation and Consumption

This study examines how Japanese women have been portrayed in women's fashion magazines and tests how women's fashion magazines have affected female readers? self-image creations and consumption behaviour. To this end, five copies magazines were selected for visual analysis to analyze the portrayals of Japanese women in the magazines from a gender perspective. In addition, interviews were

Non-Traditional Security Issue and International Conflict : A case study of Indonesian Migrant Labor in Malaysia

The relation between Indonesia and Malaysia has seen several tensions since 1960s onwards. Since 2002 it self, there were several issues related to Indonesian migrant labor in Malaysia that has strained bilateral relations. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the extent to which the Indonesian migrant labor issue has affected relation with Malaysia as the receiving country. The findings of t