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Sociala rörelser för hållbarhet på den svensk-samiska landsbygden : Om vikten av ekologiska perspektiv för koalitionsbyggande inom civilsamhället
Vilka faktorer beskriver patienter med paniksyndrom som hjälpsamma i psykoterapi? En kvalitativ studie om Panic Control Treatment och Panic-Focused Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.
Följande studie syftade att undersöka vilka faktorer som patienter med paniksyndrom med eller utan agorafobi (PS/A) beskriver som hjälpsamma i Panic Control Treatment (PCT) och Panic-Focused Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (PFPP). PCT och PFPP har i RCT-studier visat sig ha god behandlingseffekt vid PS/A. I denna studie användes en kritisk realistisk tematisk analys för att besvara studiens frågeställThe present study examined which factors patients with panic disorder with or without agoraphobia (PD/A) describe as helpful in Panic Control Treatment (PCT) and Panic-Focused Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (PFPP). RCT-studies have indicated that PCT and PFPP are effective treatments for PD/A. This study applied a critical realistic thematic analysis to answer the research question. The 32 participan
Kvinnors upplevelser av inducerad förlossning
Bakgrund: Andelen förlossningar som induceras har fördubblats mellan 2019 och 2020. En förklaring till att induktioner har ökat beror på att man i flera regioner ändrat rutinerna för igångsättning för att minska risken för intrauterin fosterdöd. Studier visar att kvinnor som blir igångsatta tenderar att känna mer oro och vara mindre nöjda med sin vård jämfört med kvinnor som kommer igång spontant
Hua Li. Chinese Science Fiction during the Post-Mao Cultural Thaw
What should we do as intellectual activists? : a comment on the ethico-political in knowledge production
This research comment makes an argument on the need to develop epistemic communities of belonging. These are spaces facilitating conversations about and enabling transformative ethico-political research. A research practice that can invoke attentiveness, responsibility, curiosity, and awareness to the field we study. Rather than answering what we should do as intellectual activists to maintain eth
Response of the carotid artery longitudinal motion to submaximal physical activity in healthy humans-Marked changes already at low workload
The longitudinal motion of the arterial wall, that is, the displacement of the arterial wall along the artery, parallel to blood flow, is still largely unexplored. The magnitude and nature of putative changes in longitudinal motion of the arterial wall in response to physical activity in humans remain unknown. The aim of this study was therefore to study the longitudinal motion of the carotid arte
Is IT good enough: An analysis of Swedish universities information security
Previous research in information security research has pointed out the importance of aware employees, while practitioners have focused on technical safety measures, this while the geopolitical situation has rapidly changed. In this paper the public Swedish institutions of higher education are investigated to gain a more complete picture of the potential pitfalls that exist in Swedish government ag
Lane-Deviation Penalty for Autonomous Avoidance Maneuvers
A formulation of an offline motion-planning method for avoidance maneuvers based on a lane-deviation penalty function is proposed,which aims to decrease the risk of a collision by minimizing the time when a vehicle is outside of its own driving lane in the case ofavoidance maneuvers. The penalty function is based on a logistic function. The method is illustrated by computing optimal maneuversfor a
Segmentation and Merging of Autonomous At-the-Limit Maneuvers for Ground Vehicles
To decrease the complexity of motion-planning optimizations, a segmentation and merging strategy for maneuvers is proposed. Maneuvers that are at-the-limit of friction are of special interest since they appear in many critical situations. The segmentation pointsare used to set constraints for several smaller optimizations for parts of the full maneuver, which later are merged and compared withopti
Slip-Angle Feedback Control for Autonomous Safety-Critical Maneuvers At-the-Limit of Friction
From the basis of optimal control, a closed-loop controller for autonomous vehicle maneuvers at-the-limit of friction is developed.The controller exploits that the optimal solution tends to be close to the friction limit of the tires.This observation allows for simplifications that enable the use of a proportional feedback control in the control loop,which provides a smooth trajectory promising fo
Rättssäkerheten i andrummet : en intervju om asylintervjun ur ett god man-perspektiv
När asylsökande barn och unga söker skydd i Sverige utan sina föräldrar tillsätts lekmän som gode män av kommunens överförmyndarnämnd. Uppdraget som god man utgår ifrån föräldrabalken och barnkonventionen: man ska vara ”erfaren, rättrådig och i övrigt lämplig för uppdraget” (11 kap.?12 och 13 §§ föräldrabalken). Mer än så krävs även särskild lämplighet för att arbeta med barn i en utsatt situation
Cyber Warfare in Ukraine and Beyond – Jus in Bello and Its Application to Wartime Cyber Operations
Internationell humanitär rätt, även kallad jus in bello, utgör de lagar som reglerar parters uppförande under en väpnad konflikt. Under de senaste decennierna har framväxten av cyberrymden som en domän för krigföring gett upphov till diskussioner om tillämpningen av internationell humanitär rätt vid krigstida cyberoperationer. Folkrättens tillämplighet i cyberrymden har konsekvent blivit bekräftadInternational Humanitarian Law (IHL), also referred to as jus in bello, constitutes the laws regulating the conduct of parties engaged in an armed conflict. Over the past few decades, the emergence of cyberspace as a domain of war has given rise to discussions on the application of IHL to wartime cyber operations. Despite the consistent reiteration of the application of international law to cybers
Classical Music has a Diversity Problem
A recent profusion of statistics on classical music repertoire, performers, and education from across several countries have produced quantitative evidence confirming that it is primarily a musical tradition where white, middle class European cis-males succeed. This chapter examines how improving the inclusivity and equality of classical music conflicts with its beliefs in meritocracy and high mus
Water sorption in wood cell walls–data exploration of the influential physicochemical characteristics
The material properties of wood are intimately tied to the amount of moisture contained in the wood cell walls. The moisture content depends on the environmental conditions, i.e. temperature and relative humidity, but also on material characteristics of the wood itself. The exact mechanisms governing moisture equilibrium between wood cell walls and environmental conditions remain obscure, likely b
"Man hamnade i en annan värld" : Solidaritetskulturer i Kommunalstrejken 2003
New Town to New World : Planning Enlightenment Edinburgh’s Unequal Progress
Fantasin som försvann : Om borttappade ideal i läsfrämjande insatser för barn och unga i Sverige 1980–2020
I artikeln studeras vilken betydelse fantasi har i läsfrämjande insatser för barn och unga i Sverige 1980–2020. Artikeln tar sin utgångspunkt i den överraskande upptäckten att fantasi saknas som motiv för läsning i statliga dokument om läsfrämjande från 2010-talet. I en bred kronologisk och kontextuell analys spåras därför eventuella förändringar i synen på fantasi under fyra decennier. Källmateri
Postmigratory autoethnography : a complicit aesthetic exploration of migrant home-making
Evaluation of warehouse utilization using simulation techniques in a Control Tower environment
Alfa Laval believes Supply Chain Control towers have the potential to harvest the power of digitalization in industrial manufacturing supply chains more efficiently than the alternative of applying those same digital technologies in a context without a control tower. One of the most common supply chain control tower applications is in the inventory management field. In this area, it is relevant to