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Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance : state of the art
This short review summarizes recent and projected advances in Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry instrumentation and applications, ranging from petroleomics to proteomics. More details are available from the cited primary literature and topical reviews.
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Lessons learnt at ICA2001. IWA Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation.
This paper gives an introduction as well as some general experiences and conclusions from the 1st IWA Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation (ICA2001), June 3-7, 2001, Malmö, Sweden. The highlights from the different sessions of the conference are summarised and some challenges for the coming years, with regard to ICA within the field of wastewater treatment, are also discussed.
Fler lärare är inte lösningen
Befrielsekamp i Guds namn : Hamas, en palestinsk religiös och politisk rörelse
Vertical gradients and seasonal variation in stem CO2 efflux within a Norway spruce stand
Stem CO2 efflux is known to vary seasonally and vertically along tree stems. However, annual tree- and stand-scale efflux estimates are commonly based on measurements made only a few times a year, during daytime and at breast height. In this study, the effect of these simplifying assumptions on annual efflux estimates and their influence on the estimates of the importance of stems in stand-scale c
Effect of an Ionizer on Sub-Micron Particles in Indoor Air
Review of Food in Nineteenth-Century Denmark
Tissue Diagnostics Using Laser-induced Fluorescence Techniques
Att göra nationalencyklopedin tillgänglig för funktionshindrade
Family caregivers experiences of formal care when caring for persons with dementia through the process of the disease.
Family caregivers' experiences of formal care when caring for persons with dementia through the process of the disease is sparsely investigated.
Kohandel lade grunden för den svenska modellen
'Hairy' cells: where are the roots of this leukemia?
Public care among older non-Nordic immigrants in Sweden in comparison with Nordic born controls
Temadag: Betydelsen av migration och kulturmoten for befolkningens vard och halsa.
Bild och text i Astrid Lindgrens värld
Sven Lindberg har fått sin revansch (intervju)
Involving children in non-therapeutic research: on the development argument.
Non-therapeutic research on children raises ethical concerns. Such research is not only conducted on individuals who are incapable of providing informed consent. It also typically involves some degree of risk or discomfort, without prospects of medically benefiting the participating children. Therefore, these children seem to be instrumentalized. Some ethicists, however, have tried to sidestep thi
Review of Christopher L. Carter, The Great Sermon Tradition as a Fiscal Framework in 1 Corinthians: Towards a Pauline Theology of Material Possessions
Tissue temperature control using a water-cooled applicator: Implications for transurethral laser-induced thermotherapy of benign prostatic hyperplasia
A prototype to a water-cooled applicator to be used in transurethral laser-induced thermotherapy of benign prostatic hyperplasia was developed. The flexible applicator was made of Teflon(TM) tubes except for the distal outer part which was made of glass, providing a transparent medium for laser radiation and enabling efficient cooling of the surrounding tissue. For heating, laser light from a Nd:Y