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Interactive Structural Analysis for the Conceptual Design Phase

The importance of structural demands is usually overlooked in the conceptual design phase. Architects commonly conceive the geometry of a structure without much involvement of an engineer or with regards to structural demands. This is in part because a lack of tools available to engineers in this phase. The common paradigm for structural analysis software interface badly with the iterative and cha

Relativitet och förståelse En studie om kommunikationsmönster kring metakognitiva lärandeprocesser i ensembleundervisning på gymnasiet

Denna studie undersöker kommunikationsmönster mellan elever och lärare på gymnasiet inom ramen för ensembleundervisning. Syftet med studien är att ge exempel på metakognitiva lärandeprocesser i musikundervisning, belysa vilka kommunikationsmönster (diskurser) som skapas och hur de skapas i dessa processer. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna utgår från socialkonstruktionism, symbolisk interaktionism o

Synthesis of sialic acid analoges for investigation of antagonistic activity against bacterial sialic acid transporters

Sialic acids are monosaccharides commonly located towards the end of the glycans in the human cell membrane. Therefore, sialic acids are in direct contact with the surroundings of the cell and are important antigens involved in the identification of human cells for the immune system. Some pathogenic bacteria have developed mechanisms for absorbing this sugar, and can use it to glycosylate their li

Universalism vs Women's Rights: A critical discussion on gender-specific human rights regulation

When founding the modern human rights protection, the UN did to a great extent have focus on protecting men and men’s rights, even though one of the core principles of human rights is their universality. Over the past few decades work has been done to include women’s perspectives in the human rights protection. The UN has chosen a dual strategy, where women’s rights are both protected in gender-sp

Idrott i socialt utredningsarbete - hur då? Socialsekreterares förhållningssätt till ungdomars idrottande

Sports has been shown to have great potential on influencing youths social, physical and psychological development. But there has been a smaller interest for the developmental aspects of sports for socially vulnerable youths. In social services investigative work with youths there seem to be opportunities for social workers to look in to aspects of sports potential for socially vulnerable youth. T

Prefixkunskap kontra ordkunskap : är det möjligt att spåra ett samband mellan förståelsen för ordets uppbyggnad och förståelsen för själva ordet?

Denna uppsats har som sitt primära syfte att undersöka om det i praktiken finns ett samband mellan kunskap om olika prefix och allmän ordkunskap. I andrahand syftar uppsatsen till att ta reda på vilka skillnader det finns i prefixkunskap och ordkunskapsförståelse mellan förstaspråksanvändare och andraspråksanvändare. För att göra detta har elever på gymnasiet, som läser någon av svenskkurserna SVE

En jämförelse av algoritmer och resultat för flödesberäkning i QGIS/GRASS och ArcGIS

Efterfrågan på nybyggnation och behovet av infrastruktursatsningar är en ständig och stor uppgift som kommuner och andra myndigheter arbetar med. Stora krav ställs på att samhällsplaneringen ska ske utifrån ett långsiktigt hållbart perspektiv. Att intensiva och omfattande regn har blivit allt vanligare på senare tid resulterar i att samhällsplaneringen måste anpassas därefter, och flödesanalyser oThe government and municipalities of Sweden are responsible for the huge task of meeting the need of constructional and infrastructural investments. While planning and managing the land they are required to do so with long term perspectives. As intense and voluminous downpours have become common lately, the city planning and land management have to be adapted to this, which leads to flow analyses

Rainfall Runoff Modeling in Kävlinge River Basin with HEC-HMS: Hydrologic Response to the Climate of the Future

This Master's thesis work was carried out at Lund University’s Faculty of Engineering in conjunction with Sydvatten AB, Southern Sweden's drinking water provider and their research division Sweden Water Research. The purpose of the study was to gain an understanding of the runoff response in the Kävlinge River Basin and study the increased runoff that is expected to occur due to climate ch

Understanding the functions of the ASEAN Way in Great Power Management: The Co-constitution between Social Structure and Agency in International Society of States in East Asia

This thesis aimed to capture a deeper understanding of the functions and roles of the long standing norms of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) characterized as the ASEAN Way codified in an ASEAN-led multilateral institution, the East Asia Summit (EAS). Based on a comparative case study between the US and China, and using a theoretical thematic analysis, this thesis addressed what

Is Sharing Caring?

Syfte: Studien ämnar öka förståelsen för kunskapsöverföring, närmare exakt överföring eller transformation av så kallad tyst kunskap till explicit kunskap. Metod: Studien är en kvalitativ fallstudie som antar ett hermeneutiskt angreppssätt med ett tolkande perspektiv. Metoden kan närmast beskrivas som abduktiv med starka induktiva inslag. Empirin är insamlad genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. T

Offer, förövare och den mänskliga essensen: Kulturella perspektiv på folkmord

This essay will explore which social and cultural mechanisms that legitimatize a group of people to commit genocide by discussing the terms “victimization” and “de-humanization”. The essay starts with a research on the term “genocide”, specifically which groups that are, or are not, protected under the Genocide Convention and moves on to Stuart Kaufmans “symbolic politics theory” to discuss how po

Why Qing China has failed its industrialisation and modernisation in the late 19th century?

Abstract: China’s development today no doubt has had the country placed in the centre of the stage. However, the past turns out to be the opposite if we look back. While the other major countries stepped into the industrial era it seems like China was still napping with its daydreams. In this paper we dig deeply into the political, economic and social aspects of the country at the time and we thin

Erkännandets pris - om betydelsen av fattigdom i före detta kriminellas livsberättelser

The purpose of this study was to understand the relationship between poverty and crime, and what role poverty plays in relation to traditional crime from the perspective of ex-criminals. Eight semi-structured life story interviews were conducted in the southern county of Skane, with recently desisted and rehabilitated men. The age span was broad, ranging from 32 to 63 years of age. All interviewee

Slagg - en koldioxidsänka? En studie av karbonatisering i slagg från förbränning av hushålls- och industriavfall

Från förbränning av industri- och hushållsavfall erhålls bland annat restprodukten slagg, vilket är bottenaskan från förbränningen. Varje år skapas stora volymer både i Sverige och i övriga Europa. Den naturliga processen karbonatisering, vilken involverar en reaktion mellan luftens koldioxid och kalcium i materialet, startar då slagg efter förbränning kommer i kontakt med luft. Karbonatiseringen From incineration of industrial- and household waste bottom ash is generated. A large volume of bottom ash is generated yearly in both Sweden and Europe. The natural carbonation process, which involves a reaction between carbon dioxide and calcium in the material, is initiated when the bottom ash reaches contact with air. The carbonation binds carbon dioxide to the bottom ash, decreases the pH and

Moder Svea fjättrad : En narrativ analys av Sverigedemokraternas politik med fokus på historiekultur och historiebruk

Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera hur Sverigedemokraterna använder historia för att förmedla en berättelse om Sveriges historia som ger riktlinjer för nutiden. Frågorna jag ställer handlar om hur deras berättelse är uppbyggd, vilka deras syften är och varför historia är viktigt för deras politik. Jag undersöker också om det finns ändringar i deras berättelse över tid. Jag har analyserat inThe subject of this thesis is derived from the scientific problem of the encounter between history and politics. The aim is to analyse the Sweden Democrats' use of history which manifests itself in their political rhetoric. Specifically, the importance of their interest in history in their struggle to attain dominance over the interpretation and arrangement of Swedish history as a whole. My pr

Providing clean water to rural communities: Cases from Mexico

Despite the international efforts, clean water provision to all remains a task to be solved around the world. As this challenge accentuates in rural areas, this thesis contributes to the body of knowledge of clean water provision in to rural communities, focusing on seven cases from Guanajuato and Oaxaca in Mexico. The complex system set in place to guarantee the human right to access, safe, suffi

Nature-based solutions in urban contexts: A case study of Malmö, Sweden

Nature-based solutions (NBS) offer the potential to sustainably address environmental problems in an urban context, with environmental, social, and economic benefits. As a relatively new concept, NBS is poorly defined in the literature and there is great need for more empirical information about implementation and impacts. This case study of the city of Malmö, Sweden, attempts to understand the st

Investigating effects of L1 influence and phrase type on L2 processing of contextualized phraseological units – A self-paced reading experiment

This essay investigates the online L2 processing of restricted collocations and figurative idioms. Earlier research has shown there to be a difference in how these word combinations are processed depending on a variety of factors. In this study a self-paced reading experiment is administered to 15 second language learners of English (L1 Swedish) where their reading time is measured by DMDX softwar

Modelling of a solar dryer for food preservation in developing countries

Food insecurity has proven to be a significant problem in many developing countries, which in some cases occurs due to the lack of adequate methods of preserving foods for longer periods of time. Solar drying of foods could be a feasible method for preserving foods in developing countries. To maintain a good product quality, the design of the solar dryer used needs to be considered. A faulty desig