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Evidence for a rapid sea-level rise at 7600 years ago

Dating the transgression and subsequent regression in marginal basins of the southeastern Swedish Baltic Sea provides a new perspective of global ice-volume changes and the isostatic adjustment of the mantle after the retreat of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet from this area. Superimposed upon a smooth pattern of local sea-level rise, acceleration occurred ca. 7600 calibrated (cal) yr B.P., evidenced a

Extended pelvic lymphadenectomy for prostate cancer: Will the previously reported benefits be reproduced in hospitals with lower surgical volumes?

Objective. In the European Association of Urology guidelines on prostate cancer an extended pelvic lymphadenectomy (ePLND) is now recommended, instead of a dissection limited to the obturator fossae (lPLND). This recommendation relies on studies reporting that metastatic disease is identified twice as often with ePLND as with lPLND, with only moderately increased complications. However, these stud

Att utgå från frågor och situationer i förskolans vardag: Vilket naturvetenskapligt innehåll kan det leda till?

Identifying and building on children’s questions and everyday situations is often discussed as a basis for science learning in preschool. With a starting point in such questions and situations, children should be given the opportunity to investigate and search for answers. What questions and situations do preschool teachers identify as possible bases for science learning? What science content is p

Tiggeriförbud kan inte minska fattigdom

Att utgå från att fattigdomen kan minska om tiggeri förbjuds är ett logiskt felslut. Det enda sakliga argumentet för ett förbud i Cecilia Magnussons debattartikel den 13/8 är att det skulle råda bot på det obehag det innebär för allmänheten att se armodet. Det vore ärligare att ange detta som skäl, skriver etikdoktoranden Jerker Karlsson.