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Sarah Coakley - A Symposium

The papers of the Sarah Coakley Symposium held at the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies, Lund University, on April 15th 2009 are published here. After an introduction to the symposium by the editor, the key note adress of Sarah Coakley follows: "Is there a Future for Gender and Theology? On Gender, Contemplation and the Systematic Task". Papers on the theology of Sarah Coakley are given by

Porous Silicon -an enzyme coupling matrix for micromachined reactors

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen beskriver forskningen kring miniatyriserade enzymreaktorer - nyckelkomponenter i system för diabetsövervakning. Målet är att systemet kontinuerligt och under flera dagar skall kunna mäta glukosstatus hos bäraren. Provtagningstekniken för systemet är mikrodialys; en prob instucken i bukfettvävnaden ger ett prov som innehåller glukos. Analysen av detta prov sThe development of a miniaturised silicon wafer integrated enzyme reactor is described. The reactor was micromachined by anisotropic wet etching of (110) silicon. The enzyme glucose oxidase (GOx) was coupled to the reactor surface with standard methods of immobilising enzyme to silica. The glucose turn-over rate was monitored following a colourimetric assay. The advantage, in terms of high surface

Improvements of task performance in daily life after acquired brain injury using commonly available everyday technology.

Purpose. To investigate how individualised occupation-based interventions with commonly available everyday technology (ET) can compensate for perceived difficulties with daily life tasks after an aquired brain injury (ABI) and improve satisfaction with occupational performance. Method. This intervention study was designed as a multiple case study according to Yin. Ten men and women with an ABI (tr

Vad är rätt? Juridiska och etiska frågor i Certecs vardag

Vardagsarbetet på Certec tangerar ofta etiska och juridiska spörsmål. Detta är mer av godo än av ondo. Det är viktigt för en verksamhet, som bedrivs nära människor, att det etiska samtalet hålls levande, och att frågor ständigt väcks kring vad som kanske rent av är reglerat i lag. Funderingarna och samtalen handlar inte bara om vad som kan vara olagligt eller oetiskt att göra – minst lika ofta gäl

Molecular correlates for maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and type 1 fibers.

Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and the amount of type 1 fibers are interrelated but the underlying unifying molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. To explore these mechanisms we related gene expression profiles in skeletal muscle biopsies of 43 age-matched men from published datasets with VO2max and amount of type 1 fibers and replicated some of the findings in muscle biopsies from 154 young

Cost analysis of smart antenna systems deployment

3G networks and services are being launched all over the world. The basic investments on equipment have already been made according to preliminary traffic forecasts. However, if the mobile data traffic acquires "Internet-like" proportions, network capacity shortage will become a reality in densely populated areas, such as city centers and business parks. In that case, smart antennas may be the sol

The relationship between reading comprehension, working memory and language in children with cochlear implants

Working memory, language, and reading comprehension are strongly associated in children with severe and profound hearing impairment treated by cochlear implants (CI). In this study we explore this relationship in sixteen Swedish children with CI. We found that over 60% of the children with CI performed at the level of their hearing peers in a reading comprehension test. Demographic factors were no

aroma - An R object-oriented microarray analysis environment

We have implemented a self-contained package for DNA microarray analysis in R. The package is named aroma and is formerly known as com.braju.sma. The purpose of the package is to provide end-users with easy access to the latest statistical tools and methods, to provide other statisticians with a structured platform to develop and test new analysis methods, and to make our methods available to an a

Soft x-ray ionization and fragmentation of n- and iso-propanol

Threshold electron and total ion yield spectra are presented for the near C and O 1s edge photoexcitation of n- and iso-propanol. To our knowledge these are the first such data for iso-propanol, and represent the first direct measurement of the core ionization energies of these molecules by threshold photoelectron spectroscopy. In particular, the C 1s energies for n-propanol are found to be lower

Bevare oss för det brittiska utvärderingseländet

SVENSKA universitetsledningar tenderar numera att prioritera lärosätets intäkter högre än allt annat, inklusive klassiska akademiska ideal som bildning och fri forskning. Därför fruktar vi att ett genomförande av Jan Björklunds planer kommer att leda till samma slags vansinne i Sverige som vi nu ser i Storbritannien.

The global burden of stroke and need for a continuum of care.

Until 4 decades ago, the rates of stroke in low- and middle-income countries were considerably lower than those in more economically robust countries. In the intervening years, however, the rates of stroke in places such as southern India and rural South Africa have approximately doubled, whereas stroke rates in more economically developed nations have decreased. What is far more striking is that