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Historia för gymnasiet. [B-kursen], Matens historia
A signal model adapted ESPRIT algorithm for joint estimation of spatial and temporal parameters in vibrational analysis of cylinders
This paper deals with the joint estimation of spatial mode shapes and temporal frequencies from transient vibrations measured by a uniform circular array of sensors encircling a cross-section of a cylinder. The geometry allows each 2D mode to be interpreted as two real planar waves impinging from mirrored directions with respect to the broadside of a uniform linear array. Algorithms for joint esti
Människan och omgivningen. Ramprogram för omgivningspsykologisk forskning
Volgo-Uralia: SHRIMP evidence of strong Palaeoproterozoic reworking of the Archaean crust
Infection, Dyslipidemia, and Early Atherosclerosis: Interaction and Causation
Utbildningskonton. Ett alternativt förslag.
Economic and Political Transformation in Laos
Miljömedicinsk bedömning av den fysiska miljön i förskolor i Trelleborg
From Husserl to Ihde and Beyond - Some Evolutionary Lines in Contemporary Philosophy of Technology
My paper is the introduction to my next book in the series 'The humanist as Engineer'. In my work, I have been deeply influenced by Don Ihde and his postphenomenological approach to the philosophy of technology. As Ihde’s postphenomenology, my approach is historical and differs strongly from the 'pure' phenomenological approach in spite of being connected with it through many common references. In
Sulfonated and phosphonated aromatic ionomers as proton-exchange membranes for fuel cells
Coordination through Status
Education into the future – Human factors courses with a systems perspective
For ergonomics/human factors solutions to be beneficial for society and its members it is vital to apply a systems level perspective. Students who will be the future engineers, designers, and managers of socio-technical systems need to gain an understanding of how ergonomics/human factors can be integrated in the design of workplaces, organisations, products, and services. This paper gives example
Different Strokes for Different Folks. Possible Reasons for Variation in Quality of Knapping
The article describes the results of a survey of contemporary flintknappers. the aim of the survey was to investigate whether it was possible to identify inherent qualities in knappers which would indicate that some individuals possess an inherent ability or talent for knapping. Control over such individuals would provide a means of enhancing one's status through well-made knapped objects. It is a
"Universitetet är en jäkla gammal och seg organisation". Doktoranders röster om karriärmöjligheter inom akademin
I boken redogörs för resultatet av ett jämställdhetsprojekt på en forskarutbildning vid universitetet i Lund. Tolv gästprofessorer – alla kvinnor – arbetade med doktorander i sociologi, socialantropologi, rättssociologi och medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap. I seminarier och individuella samtal diskuterades frågor kring avhandlingsarbete, artikelskrivande och universitetsvärldens genusstrukturer.
Balance of Integrated Production-Inventory Systems
Executive summary
Contribution of pseudogenes to sequence diversity.
Pseudogenes are very common in the genomes of a wide range of organisms and, although they were originally considered as genetic junk, now several functions have been attributed to them. One important function of pseudogenes, as discussed in this chapter, is to provide material for genetic diversity. This is most prominent in the case of immunological recognition molecules such as immunoglobulins
On blindness, centrepieces and and complementarity in gentrification theory
Ultrasonic energy for cutting, coagulating, and dissecting.
With a new surgical instrument, a haemostatic dissecting tool driven by ultrasonic energy, different surgical procedures is described within the neck, the chest, and abdomen both for open and laparo- and thoracoscopic procedures. Also orthopedic procedures are described. I also wrote the chapter 5: Esophageal resection with the Ultracision blade and shears.